Hortensia Bretschneider: description of varieties, planting, features of watering and lighting, photo

Looking at these flowers, you feel in a special way, immersed in an atmosphere of lightness and airiness. The fluffy bouquet of bright Brenshneider hydrangeas will become a real decoration of the living room or dining table, located in its center. Just imagine how unsurpassed decoration of the courtyard bushes with voluminous “caps” of variegated inflorescences planted along garden paths will serve. If you grow flowers, look after them and put all your love into them, then read this article and your favorites will have one more flower bush.

Hydretia bretschneider reviews

Hydrangea Botanical Certificate

The plant belongs to the Hortense family. Often these are bushy plants, although in nature there are species akin to vines. During the flowering period, a magnificent crown is formed from small flowers collected in round inflorescences, without aroma. Many varieties of hydrangea are grown, in a wide variety of shades, sometimes even those that amaze the imagination.

The species diversity of flowering bushes

Thinking about decorating a landscape composition with one or more hydrangea bushes, pay attention to the features of these plants, which they have a lot of. Having studied the characteristics of the most attracted varieties, you can choose the option that is best suited for your garden.

An aspect of flower care will also be important, which depending on the species may differ in some details. For example, when talking about tree-like or large-leaved hydrangea, one should not forget about the need to prepare for wintering and specific pruning, while Brenshneider hydrangea does not need to be prepared for cold weather, being the most winter-hardy of all members of the family.

Hydrangea arborescens - hydrangea tree

The most beautiful varieties of tree hydrangeas include:

  • Invisible Spirit with pink flowers.
  • Sterilis - abundantly flowering bushes with white petals.
  • Anabel, Grandiflora, characterized by large white inflorescences. When choosing bushes, you should be careful, since panicle hydrangeas have the same varieties of varieties.

Hydrangea paniculata - panicled hydrangea

Gardeners loved the following panicle hydrangea varieties:

  • Grandiflora.
  • Quishu.
  • Vanilla Freyz.
  • Tardiva.
    Bretschneider Hydrangea Description

Hydrangea macrophylla - large-leaved hydrangea

More recently, gardeners have discovered several new varieties with interesting flowering:

  1. Endless Summer with blue flowers in an acidic environment and lilac petals in neutral.
  2. Renata Steinger with rich blue inflorescences.
  3. Expression and Romance with terry texture petals.

Ornamental trees and shrubs: Bretschneider hydrangea, paniculate, oak-leaved, each is interesting in its own way. You can choose any of the types you like and decide on a variety that will become a real decoration of the yard.

Hydrangea ground cover bretschneider

Hydrangea bretschneideri - Bretschneider hydrangea: description

H. heteromalla Bretschneideri - compact bushes with a wide decorative crown of rounded shape, growing up to 300 cm in height. The flowering period begins in July and lasts until August. The flowers are small, collected in umbrellas with a diameter of about 15 cm. The middle flowers (bisexual) in the umbrellas fall early, the marginal (barren) ones with large dazzling white sepals, delight long flowering. Interestingly, over the entire flowering period, the petals change their color, smoothly transitioning from bright white to a purple-reddish hue. After flowering, fruits are formed. The leaves are large, up to 12 cm long, ovoid, dark green. On the front side, the leaf blades are smooth, on the wrong side - pubescent. Shoots are erect. An interesting feature of shoots is lignification with the approach of winter. Suitable for seed propagation. See below what Bretschneider’s hydrangea looks like in the photo.

Hydrangea Bretschneider photo

In culture, this species is little known, although it is grown in many botanical gardens. The native edges of the plant are the highlands of China. This is one of the best varieties of hardy hardy plants adapted to the conditions of our climate.

In another way, Bretschneider's hydrangea is called ragged. This plant is often used to form the standard form, for which it is most popular among gardeners and flower growers, it is actively used in landscape design.

Himalayan hydrangea, or Bretschneider, is recognized as an independent subspecies of mottled hydrangea.

Hydrangea ground cover bretschneider purple queen

Bretschneider hydrangea's place in landscape design

Hydrangea is one of the most beautiful and successful cultures for decorating the landscape design of the site. Flowering shrubs belonging to this family are found everywhere throughout Russia, regardless of the climatic zone. Landscape compositions, supplemented with hydrangeas, immediately become livelier and more airy, and the autumn garden immediately blooms, filling with bright colors of variegated inflorescences.

Bretschneider Hydrangea is a universal garden plant. In relation to park design, this plant is characterized by a considerable number of advantages that make the plant so popular. Among the qualities of hydrangeas that gardeners and landscape designers evaluate are the following:

  1. Long, plentiful and bright blossoming.
  2. Frost resistance property.
  3. An abundance of sizes and shapes.
  4. Unpretentiousness in leaving and cultivation.
  5. Durability.
    Bretschneider Hydrangea

All these features give specialists in the field of landscape design the opportunity to organize the space of a personal area not only concisely, but also beautifully. You yourself can try to make your summer cottage beautiful by using some tips and planting hydrangea bushes in a certain pattern that will not leave anyone indifferent. It is quite possible to recreate such beauty without spending a lot of money on it, which you so often have to give for the services of landscape designers.

Hydrangea Reviews

It is interesting that gardeners celebrate such a popularity of the variety due to its distinctive features, for example, winter hardiness. This makes it preferable in choosing, if necessary, arranging a landscape composition on the site.

You yourself can read reviews of Bretschneider hydrangea and make sure that this is an extraordinary variety of ornamental plants, widely used due to its beauty and attractiveness.

Many of the gardeners and gardeners in their reviews say that no plant can be compared with hydrangea in charm and pickiness.

Features of planting bushes

Landing is done in early spring or in the fall. Given the peculiarities of the region’s climate, in cold conditions it is better to give preference to spring planting, so that the plant passes the acclimatization period faster and takes root without problems. Also, resorting to this move, you will save your plant, for example, the variety “purple queen” of hydrangea of ​​ground cover Bretschneider from the stressful first wintering, as happens with those varieties of plants that were planted in the autumn season.

So, in order to plant a plant, you will need to dig a hole with an approximate size of 30x30x30 cm, add fertilizers with a mineral or organic composition, a little sand and turf soil mixed together. After that add peat.

Before placing the seedling in the hole, the root processes are slightly shortened, the root neck is not deepened.

The planted bush of ground cover hydrangea of ​​Bretschneider is abundantly watered and mulched using peat or humus.

When spring planting, gardeners recommend shortening annual shoots by 3-4 buds.

The soil for planting should be acidic and well moistened. Therefore, if it is supposed to land in an open area, it is better to take care of this in advance.

Lighting Features

Bretschneider's hydrangea can grow both in the sun and in partial shade. Depending on the variety, the lighting requirements are adjusted, but in general they remain the same. This is a flowering plant, which means that light and an abundance of sunshine are important to it.

Features of hydrangea irrigation

Water is the source of life. Naturally, like any other plant, hydrangeas need water and moisture. The second, by the way, bushes and trees of this kind of plant are not tolerated very well, therefore, after each serving of a portion of water, it is worth taking care of mulching the soil around the trunk of the plant.

For irrigation use soft rain water. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this plant does not tolerate lime, and 2-3 buckets of water per week due to the characteristics of the bushes will be enough for proper irrigation.

Hydretia bretschneider reviews

Now, having familiarized yourself with the description of Bretschneider’s hydrangea, studied its features and got acquainted with the species diversity of this genus in general, you can choose a beautiful bush or a tall lush flowering tree for your site that will adorn and delight the eyes of not only the owners, but also the guests, and simply passersby.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4038/

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