How to pierce your ears at home? Tips & Tricks

It is no secret that ear jewelry was, is and will be popular all over the world. Today it is very difficult to meet a girl without earrings, and recently pierced ears do not look strange in guys. Many young mothers lead their daughters into the salon, hardly a year old (the age when you can pierce the ears of a child), and avid fashionistas buy new earrings for almost every outfit. Of course, today you can pierce your ears not only in the clinic, but also in special salons, hairdressers or ordinary beauty salons. It often happens that you canโ€™t go to one of the above institutions due to lack of time or money, and you really want to pierce your ears. How to be The answer is simple: you can pierce your ears yourself!

how to pierce your ears at home
How to pierce your ears at home?

You donโ€™t need too much strength, energy and adaptations. The most important thing is a great desire and strict adherence to the stages of ear piercing. However, one should not forget about the risk, because you can pierce it crookedly, infect it, and so on. If you still decide to act, we advise you to follow the recommendations below.

So, before you pierce your ears at home, make sure that you have everything you need, namely: a sewing needle (with a sufficiently large diameter), a gold earring, alcohol or other disinfectants, hydrogen peroxide and a piece of cotton wool.

When everything is ready, the fun begins. Surely piercing your ears at home, you will be a little scared. The most unpleasant thing is, of course, an injection. In fact, the injection does not bring very much pain, but if you are too sensitive, you can resort to improvised painkillers.

you can pierce your ears in summer
In order to anesthetize ear piercing, you will need something very cold from the freezer. It can be an apple or potato, which spent several hours in the freezer, or ordinary ice. It is necessary to apply cold on both sides of the earlobe and hold until you stop feeling it. Essentially, you are freezing your ear. When it is numb, you can pierce your ears! In summer, anesthesia is faster.

To begin with, you need to put the earring in alcohol or other disinfectant, which was at hand. In the same alcohol, you need to disinfect the needle. A point is marked on the ear with a pen, after which you need to make a needle injection into it. It is very important to ensure that the needle goes straight, otherwise there may be problems with putting on the earring. If everything went smoothly, an earring is inserted immediately after the puncture. The lobe (already with decoration) is again rubbed with alcohol and peroxide. That's all!

when you can pierce the ears of a child
Get ready for the fact that the ear can fester in the first days, but this is not a reason for panic. But how to pierce your ears at home so as to minimize the consequences? If such a problem occurs, the lobe is rubbed with alcohol twice daily. It is also necessary to rotate the earring from time to time so that it does not grow. If it suddenly happened that the ear was swollen, inflamed, and this condition lasts five or more days, consult a doctor.

In fact, everything is not as scary as it seems. If everything is done correctly and clearly, the result will not be worse than in the salon in which professionals work. Now the question of how to pierce your ears at home is left behind, you just need to gather strength and do it! Good luck


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