Flower for home well-being: signs for attracting happiness, name, description with photos and tips for care

Flowers and plants bring comfort, warmth to the house, as well as decorate the interior. They can be used for air purification or just for beauty.

Usually everyone does. But who could have thought that flowers play an important role in human life? From their green stalks comes a certain invisible energy, which can significantly affect the life of the owner of the house.

If some flowers can attract luck, others, on the contrary, will entail misfortune. Therefore, you need to know which plant will serve as a source of positive energy and will make a person’s life better, and which will be the other way round.

Flowers for home well-being

Many in the house or apartment will probably have at least one plant in a pot. Someone just has it as an additional detail of the interior, but someone likes to have a small source of oxygen or take care of it.

But few people think that flowers can even change lives. For example, to bring something good into it, or vice versa. No one wants to suffer setbacks and bad luck due to the negative energy of an ordinary flower, so before choosing a home plant, you need to study the properties of each of them so as not to make a mistake and not bring misfortune to the house.

When choosing jewelry in the form of fresh flowers in your home, it is undoubtedly worth paying attention to what kind of energy a particular plant emits. Often, due to an elementary ignorance of its properties, people are prone to failures, bad luck and other not very pleasant phenomena.

This is because each plant gives off a certain energy. She is able to lure wealth into a house or leave residents of the house, as they say, penniless. Sometimes it happens that a person is not lucky in love, and all that remains for him is to take care of his beloved flower. So maybe the whole thing is in this very plant, and no one thinks.

What flowers to choose to attract happiness, love or wealth?

You can use the following options:

  1. Violet. This flower will bring to the house not only good luck, but also money, since the violet is a symbol of money wealth. But do not forget that only a plant will not bear fruit in money, for this you need to work and earn money, and already a flower will help to maintain income in the family.
  2. Anthurium. Such a copy with a very mysterious name is more suitable for males. It gives strength and also brings success not only in study or career, but also in personal life.
  3. Myrtle. Such a plant is suitable for a married couple, as it attracts positive energy, and also brings peace, harmony and love to the apartment.
  4. Aichrison. This unusual variety is famous for attracting love to the house. The plant even has a second name - "tree of love."

Flowers that bring bad luck

There are plants that produce negative, due to which, where they stand, troubles occur. Unfortunately, few people know that flowers can play a significant role in their life. This usually leads to the fact that people buy, plant or accept as a gift a plant that attracts misfortune to them.

In order not to repeat their mistakes, it is necessary to study the list of flowers that are harmful to home well-being and which are undesirable to keep in your home.


In another way, this plant is called the Chinese rose or the flower of death. The flower got such an eerie name thanks to the belief that it is a source of negative energy and supposedly takes away the vitality of a person, bringing him closer to death.

Hibiscus flower

Therefore, it is still better to abstain from this species. The beauty of the plant, unfortunately, is deceptive.


No need to be surprised. Despite the fact that the cactus is famous for its properties of absorbing harmful radiation from electronics, however, this has not yet been proven. And besides, the flower brings drunkenness and another addiction to the house.

Cactus flower

Also, such a plant should not be kept at home for girls who dream of meeting a betrothed. And all because it “crowds out” men and pushes them away from a single lady.


It is similar to the properties of a cactus in that it pushes men out of the house. And it doesn’t matter if the latter lived here before or not. According to legend, in the end he will leave the house in which there is this plant.

Proper flower care

Each plant requires individual care. That is, you should not just water all the flowers equally with an equal amount of water, because some require a small amount of liquid, others - on the contrary.

It is also worth considering that not all flowers "love" the light, it is better to fence them off. If the plant suddenly begins to dry out or becomes stained, then perhaps it is improperly looked after.

To know about caring for a particular species, you can read books on gardening, of which there are a great many. When buying a plant, you need to check with the florist how to handle it.

Feng Shui House Flowers

The Taoist practice of organizing Feng Shui space teaches you to choose the right place for building a house, arranging furniture and accessories in it. Putting everything in its place, you can easily attract good luck, love, fame, wealth, power - anything. The main thing is to follow some recommendations of this practice, and then everything will work out.

For example, the presence of indoor flowers for home well-being in Feng Shui is recommended. They attract positive qi energy. It is believed that if the flowers grow well, then the home has a lot of positive energy.

What flowers do Feng Shui bring prosperity to the house?

The Eastern practice of organizing space pays great attention not only to the variety of flower for an apartment, but also to its color, size and even the shape of the stems. In order to bring happiness and luck to the house along with the plant, it is worth choosing specimens whose stems grow upward. Like the stems, the positive aspects of human life will also tend to be higher.

In the case when the apartment does not have enough peace, quarrels and a lot of negativity constantly occur, it is better to choose flowers with rounded leaves. It is believed that such a plant entails peace. It is worth noting that feng shui implies not only the presence of fresh flowers in the house, even artificial ones can affect the atmosphere of the home and its owners.

Feng Shui Fresh Flowers

According to the released energy, indoor plants are divided into 2 types - female (Yin) and male (Yang). Distinguish the types of flowers will help shape their leaves. In the "male" they are more pointed. And female species, in turn, have a more rounded leaf shape.

Next, we consider what types of home flowers can be kept in a house for family happiness and prosperity, which of them are considered "female".


A flower for home well-being, a symbol of love and peace. Dracaena will create energy harmony in the house, bring peace and prosperity. But for this to happen, you need to arrange the flower correctly.

Dracaena flower

Dracaena, located in the eastern wing of the room, attracts well-being, and in the western - protects from negative energy.

According to legend, this plant protects its owner from evil spirits and misfortunes. It is recommended to start it specifically for women, because the energy released by a flower is more influential for women than men.


Also a flower for home well-being. Helps to resolve all differences between women.

Cyclamen flower

If suddenly the daughter-in-law often conflicts with her mother-in-law, then she just needs to purchase and plant the plant where she is more likely to meet her husband’s mother. For example, it can be a kitchen area or a living room.

Money Tree

According to signs, a flower for home well-being will bring success and enrichment. For such properties, the tree was called “money tree”. So that it is guaranteed to bring luck in money, feng shui experts advise taking a small sprout of a flower for home well-being (according to many signs) from wealthy people, in which case it will be initially charged with the energy of money.

Money Tree

If this is not possible, then you can simply purchase it at a flower shop, but it is important that the tree is young. After the purchase, it is better to transplant it into another pot. The shade of the tank also matters.

If a person wants to become more purposeful, have great success in his career, then a red pot is more suitable for him. If he just wants financial prosperity, then he needs to take the green one. Also, when transplanting, you can bury a coin in the ground of the flower, or better a few.


An unpretentious flower for home well-being and happiness, which eliminates all the negativity in the room and leaves only positive energy. If someone in the house was very unpleasant, then after he leaves the flower may even wither or dry out, trying to absorb all the bad things into itself.

Begonia flower

Thus, you can understand what a person is.


It should be purchased by single girls who want to meet their soul mate. It enhances the female energy of the hostess, due to which the latter becomes more attractive.

Spathiphyllum flower

Flowers for Men

Flowers intended for men can be planted by girls, it will not harm them. The difference between male and female plants is that the latter do not play a role in attracting good fortune for the strong half and vice versa.

Also, some plants are suitable for both sexes. For example, a money tree - it can be planted by everyone without exception.

From other colors:

  1. Asparagus. This flower should be located in the living room or any other common room. The plant creates a peaceful atmosphere and is able to absorb negative energy. Therefore, if there are a lot of disagreements and quarrels between households in the house, then you can buy an asparagus, which will smooth out all the troubles and contribute to the peace of the apartment.
  2. Ficus By its properties, it is more suitable for the home of a married couple, as it brings harmony and comfort, and also contributes to peace and love.
  3. Geranium. Such a flower is suitable for men who want to become more successful in their careers. Geranium helps streamline thoughts and clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts. Therefore, it is very suitable for those whose activities require concentration.
  4. Azalea. It has the same properties as geranium. Therefore, a man can plant both plants, since the most advantageous option is to combine them. As a result, the energy will double and will bring even more benefits to the owner.
  5. Bamboo. It will help the owner become more successful in all areas of his life, both in work and in relationships. Bamboo is considered a symbol of success, growth and development. Such a plant is suitable for any person who wants to become more successful.

But it must be remembered that indoor flowers for home well-being only contribute to a change in energy for better or worse, and the main one depends only on the person. That is, it is impossible to simply purchase and put a plant in the room so that everything will work out by itself at once, success and happiness will come.

Plants can change the atmosphere, but if the household is hostile towards each other and does not want to compromise, it is useless to look for the answer to the question: what flower can help for home well-being? Only a comprehensive solution to the resulting troubles can bring positive results.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4046/

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