Stationary and hand blender: reviews and features of choice

The blender does not reach the food processor either in power or in functionality. However, in use, this device is much more convenient than its older brother.

blender reviews

All owners of food processors will say that this is a necessary thing on the farm, which will cut, beat, chop, and rub. However, there is one significant inconvenience: to wash the device, you should make a lot of effort to disassemble and reassemble the unit. In addition, various additional functions of the device are idle idle. Often there is no point in acquiring a complex device. What could be a replacement? Of course, a blender. The reviews of the hostesses about this device are very favorable.

How to choose a blender?

Reviews indicate that there are two main types of devices: stationary and submersible.

The first type is equipped with a stand and a bowl, knives are usually located at the bottom. Using this appliance, you can prepare sauces, fruit and vegetable formulations for children, mashed soups. A stationary blender, reviews of which allow us to judge it as an effective device, is able to mix the dough and crack the ice. However, the main purpose of the device is the manufacture of cocktails.

hand blender reviews
The bowl of the device is usually made in the form of a jug, has a spout with a small (like a samovar) tap.

When choosing, you must take into account the power parameters that a blender may have. Customer reviews indicate that the higher the value of this indicator, the more functional the device. Devices with a power of 500-700 watts can even cope with chopping raw vegetables and cracking ice. A weak device can only mix soft fruits, boiled vegetables, whisk cocktails.

Hand blender: reviews

People who use this device say they do not regret their choice. This hand-held device is available in an elongated shape, at the end of the device there are two-blade knives that produce mixing and grinding products. Using the apparatus, it is convenient to dissect small volumes of onions, herbs, garlic, nuts and other components of dishes.

how to choose a blender reviews
The degree of fineness and uniformity of products depends on the duration of the device. Also, the device will come to the aid of mixing sauces and mashed potatoes. The advantage of the device is its small size, and it can also be installed in any container where the ingredients for grinding are located.

When choosing a hand blender, reviews also advise you to pay attention to the number of speeds and power. At higher characteristics, the device is able to perform more operations with better quality. Some instruments can have up to fifteen speeds. To expand the functionality of the device allow various additional nozzles that are able to turn a technical device into a real multi-operation combine.

Blenders from various manufacturers are on the market. Leading positions are occupied by such brands as Bosch, Philips, Brown, Siemens. It is recommended to pay attention to them when buying a kitchen assistant.


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