Performance "Egoists": reviews of the audience

In the theatrical environment it is not often that if a production is taken with a bang, it becomes successful for the whole season. The performance “Egoists” with V. Kotlyarsky, V. Feklenko and A. Bobrov is a vivid example of this. The artists went on a tour of the cities of the country to present this funny comedy. What came of this - let's try to figure it out.

performance egoists reviews

Wallow in problems

“Egoists” is not an original production, but a story based on a play by Mika Mulluaho. Especially for the theatrical version of “Panic,” Moscow authors adapted, and Harold Strelkov acted as the director.

What are the “Egoists” talking about? The play (photo attached) tells about three men who have known each other since childhood. They know each other so well that they seem to be unable to miss important events in the life of their comrades. When one of the heroes solves the problems, the rest immediately connect. But the common cause does not bring results - instead of a happy ending, friends discover that they are mired in even greater worries ...

Fashion trends reveal souls

The idea to adapt a play of such content arose after the release of the feature films “What Men Talk About” and “What Girls Are Silent About”. Definitely talking about experiences has become fashionable! The characters of the production, it was decided to make representatives of the stronger half. Why? Because men can carry problems through irony, selfishness, laughter, sport, and even tears. So versatile was the performance “Egoists”, the reviews of which confirm that weaknesses are not alien to men either!

performance egoists with kotlyarsky reviews

Characteristics of the main characters

The protagonists of the “Egoists” are represented by images in which every second resident of our country will be reflected. These are successful, confident in themselves and tomorrow, held in the profession of a man who is slightly “over thirty”. Love drama changes the concept of life: ideas are doubted, and principles are revised. I would like to think that we are irreplaceable! But is it really so?

The combination of opposing characters, united by a single friendship, distinguishes the play "Egoists" with Kotlyarsky. The reviews of those who watched the production are reduced to the opinion that the three friends did not accidentally think about their own lives. Looking at a famous TV presenter, a favorite of women and a fan of expensive cars, you understand that his impeccability is nothing more than an artificially created opinion, and a fashion designer who suddenly became a guru in the field of psychology is so worried about problems that he just stays at home for a long time.

What is mutual assistance? Where will the heroes find a way out of this situation, pulling to the bottom? There is only one effective way - the desire to speak out along with the ability to listen, and the ability to forgive and understand will be an excellent deliverance from guilt.

performance egoists with kotlyarsky

Traveling in Russia

On many pages on social networks, the organizers of the play posted a tour schedule. For several months, the production traveled to different parts of the country. Where tickets were bought poorly or the minimum number of spectators was not gained, the performance had to be canceled. Fans of the leading roles asked those who had already watched it to express their opinions. The vast majority were all positive.

What did you remember the performance of “Egoists”? Reviews from the audience were unanimous. This is a very strong emotional setting, where the actors, along with the characters, reincarnate before our eyes. We are talking about changes in mood when three friends know the price of a real relationship. In this regard, all the artists performed remarkably, fully revealing the character of the heroes.

Meet the actors

For his acting, Vladislav Kotlyarsky has played in more than 60 films. Moreover, he treats negative images positively. Most viewers remember him on the television series “Capercaillie” and “Karpov”. And now, given the wild popularity of “Egoists”, they know how good a theater actor is.

performance egoists actors

Kotlyarsky, according to the audience, occupies a leading position in the production. Now it’s hard to imagine someone else, and few people know that at first Vladislav did not want to agree to the role. He was too busy in television projects. However, he agreed to the play “Egoists”.

Actors Alexander Bobrov and Vladimir Feklenko - the stars are quite young, but managed to loudly declare themselves. Their tandem turned out to be bright - they are natives of different countries (Russia and Ukraine), and each of them brought color and charisma to their character. They perceive Vladislav as a senior comrade. They have known him for a long time, they played in the series together.

The performance “Egoists” with Kotlyarsky, Bobrov and Feklenko is a story that makes you think about your own life. Despite the ease of perception, the presence of humor and comic scenes, it does not carry an entertainment orientation. In a successful way, frightening authenticity and tear-causing drama were combined in it. According to those who watched the performance, it is equally designed for women and men, capable of breaking through the feelings of anyone.

Ways to fight

The middle-aged crisis is the main “dish”, which the viewer offers the performance “Egoists” with Kotlyarsky. The reviews boil down to the fact that the main actors managed to show this very crisis. Moreover, find the reason why you should continue to live, albeit with altered stereotypes.

According to the actors themselves, the midlife crisis inherent in both sexes actually exists. So, Vladislav Kotlyarsky outlived him, heading off to work. Other artists, on the contrary, admit that this period, despite their “young” age, was given to them harder. Alexander Bobrov felt a change in everything, even in the desire to quit smoking. Vladimir Feklenko is inclined to conclude that the crisis promotes a reassessment of values, makes us look at things differently, while optimism disappears, which is bad for representatives of the stronger half. “Egoists” is just about how to instill the lost faith and strength into the protagonist.

egoists performance photo

Life values: love and friendship

What is the performance of “Egoists” dedicated to? The audience’s reviews call the main message of the performance - understanding yourself through the actions you do. The tragedy is added by the heroes' awareness of the fact that half their lives have already been lived. Subconsciously begins the analysis of the committed and not yet done acts. The narration takes place on the verge of a nervous breakdown, which takes away a huge amount of forces from the main actors.

Musical component

“Egoists” have absorbed several genres. Perhaps such a successful combination makes the performance stay afloat for a long time. During the production, the actors take up guitars more than once, sing and dance. For the audience, this is a kind of relaxation that removes the shade of drama. And also one more opportunity to make sure that talented artists are talented in everything.

Heroes are experiencing a midlife crisis. But thanks to the musical component, the play “Egoists” helped to reveal your favorite artists from an unprecedented angle. Reviews from the audience speak of a masterful transformation that they did not expect. They did not think that the stern Karpov would dance a laughing samba, and the naive Agapov would perform rock taking for his soul.

performance egoists with kotlyarsky photo

A simple story about the complexities of life

Summing up, we can say with confidence that the performance, which is sold out in Russian cities, is a great opportunity to look at yourself from the outside. This is a story about how our life is filled with recreated little things taken by mistake as a basis. Do not be afraid to change something!

The performance “Egoists” with Kotlyarsky (a photo of the performance from different cities is attached) makes the audience a stunning impression, making their way under the skin, leaving an aftertaste for a long time. In their reviews, they talk about an excellent acting ensemble, shocked by a multifaceted talent. And a complex author’s idea, with which the production as a whole coped. “Egoists” is a performance with a meaning that will not leave anyone indifferent!


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