Why does the LED lamp glow when the switch is off?

Why is the LED lamp on when the switch is off? This is a question that interests many users of modern LED lighting. Is it dangerous or not? What are the causes of this phenomenon? What are the best lamps for home use? We will try to give answers to these and other questions in the article.

What is it

LED (LED) is a conventional lamp, which consists of many semiconductor crystals and an optical system. This is a semiconductor device that converts electrical voltage into lighting. The spectrum of emitted light depends on the chemical composition of the semiconductor. The first such device appeared in 1968 and was very expensive, and the mass production of lamps was launched only in the 21st century . Their design resembles a mini-computer and includes a housing, LED, diffuser, radiator, driver, base. If the LED lamp lights when the switch is off, do not panic. There are several logical explanations for this phenomenon.

LED lamp lights when the switch is off


Why is the LED lamp on when the switch is off? It should be noted that the LED bulb is economical. It reduces electricity costs by almost six times. Long life is one of the features of the device: the lamp retains the ability to light for fifty thousand hours. It turns on immediately, without delay, like ordinary incandescent bulbs. The LED does not contain hazardous elements , such as mercury and other heavy metals, which would have a negative effect on human health. In addition, the device practically does not heat up during operation, since it does not radiate heat. White light does not irritate the human eye, even so bright.

why the LED lamp is on when the switch is off


What to do if the LED lamp lights up when the switch is off? Is this not dangerous ? The mysterious afterglow is not fraught with danger to humans. LED devices have many advantages:

  • Compared to ordinary lighting, they consume a small amount of energy (10 volts) to evenly illuminate even a large room;
  • do not emit ultraviolet light and do not damage the tissues of the human eye;
  • Do not heat the air;
  • long service life allows to save significantly (if the bulb shines for five hours daily, it will last for ten years);
  • environmentally friendly in comparison with energy-saving devices;
  • their case is durable, protected from strong shock and damage;
  • weigh a little;
  • warmed up in one second.

One of the reasons why the LED lamp is lit when the switch is off is the presence of such a function in the switch.

the LED lamp lights up when the switch is off, it is not dangerous


If the LED lamp is lit when the backlit switch is off, there may be a problem with the wiring. Despite the innovativeness, functionality and technical characteristics, such lamps still have disadvantages:

  • the main disadvantage is the high price of the device, compared with energy-saving and incandescent lamps;
  • many users are annoyed by the spectrum of LEDs, they are not used for reading books or painstaking work;
  • Due to the massive use of LED lighting, electricity prices may rise.

These small flaws do not overlap the significant advantages, which include energy savings, quality and safety.

LED lamp lights when the backlight is off


What to do if the LED lamp lights up when the switch is off? "RadioKot" - a forum dedicated to electronics, contains a lot of useful information on this topic. According to members of the forum, there can be several reasons for the weak light after turning off.

  1. Incorrect wiring.
  2. The switch has a neon backlight.
  3. The LED lamp turned out to be of poor quality.
  4. LED-lamp has additional options (slowly fading lamp).

LED lamps are designed in such a way that their main job is constant voltage. Inside the device there is a rectifier, to which current is supplied. Sometimes it happens that after turning off the lamp burns weakly or flickers. Problems with wiring, poor quality of the LEDs used are the main reasons for this phenomenon. If a resistor is used in the device, it supports the glow of the diodes. They accumulate electricity, so even after turning off the lamp emit a weak light.

This happens when the backlit switch is open. In this case, the current to the lamp comes from the switch itself. It does not affect the network load. The current performs the function of charging a capacitor. When charging reaches a certain level, a flash and off occurs. Thus, the process proceeds in a circle, and short blinks occur in the lamp or LED strips.

LED lamp lights when the switch is turned off

If you do not want to experience a blinking light during or after a trip, select the lamp correctly. Conscientious manufacturers on the packaging always indicate the instructions, which indicate the principle of operation of LED-lighting devices and recommendations for proper operation. It is undesirable to use LED lamps along with backlit keyboard switches, photocells, brightness controls, timers. All this interferes with the operation of the product and causes periodic flashing.

Unfortunately, lighting fixtures are often faked. When buying, try to carefully study the packaging in which the lamp is located. The cause of burning after turning off and also blinking is sometimes an incorrect installation. If this problem bothers you, try fixing it yourself. Check if the lamp is screwed in securely (when the power is off). Remember that the simultaneous use of switches with neon lights (they are needed to recognize their location) and LEDs is not recommended.

Environmental friendliness

Are the LEDs safe or not? Many believe that these lamps are dangerous to human health. If we compare them with energy-saving ones that contain mercury, we can say for sure: LED is the future. They are not only economical, but also environmentally friendly. Lamps preserve the integrity of the environment, because after disposal they do not emit heavy metals. Their design is such that the devices work without dangerous, harmful, toxic substances in the composition. Why is the LED lamp lit when the switch on the car is off? The reason may be incorrect wiring or incorrectly selected bulb.

why the LED lamp is on when the switch on the car is off

Dangerous or not

Why is the LED lamp on when the switch is off? The reasons are various, one of which is a malfunction of the device or its poor quality. If we compare LED lamps and traditional ones (fluorescent, mercury, metal halide, sodium) - the first are completely safe. Traditional modern lighting products contain up to 100 mg of mercury vapor. If they are damaged during transportation or after they have served their time, toxic substances enter the atmosphere. Mercury is dangerous not only for the environment, but also for humans in any of its states - liquid or gaseous.

why the LED lamp is on when the reason switch is off


Does the LED lamp light when the switch is off? It is recommended to replace the device with a new one if there are no problems with the wiring. Try not to neglect the operating rules of LED lamps, then they will work properly.

  1. Dismantling and installation of the device is carried out with the electricity turned off.
  2. Do not allow the LED lamp to come in contact with water.
  3. It is not recommended to use the lamp for street lighting if it is not protected from water and dust.
  4. Lamps cannot be used in devices with dimmer controls.
  5. If the LED is used in a circuit with a switch that has a neon backlight, in the off state the tab will glow dimly.
  6. Connecting the lamp to a voltage different from the rated voltage leads to a reduction in service life.
  7. Temperature changes in the lamp lead to its breakdown.
  8. LEDs can not be disposed of as there are no hazardous substances in the composition.
  9. The warranty for the lamps is three years from the date of purchase.

LED lighting can completely replace the traditional. Such bulbs are used in any lighting fixtures, interior, depending on the preferences of the person.


In the course of the article, we found out why the LED lamp glows when the switch is off. But to use it or not - everyone decides for himself. The objective disadvantage of LEDs is their high cost. The average price of lamps is two hundred rubles. The cost depends on the design of the device, its size and manufacturer. Over time, LEDs will become more accessible to the public.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4062/

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