Yogurt diet: healthy and very tasty

The diet on yogurt is very popular: in most cases it is easily tolerated, and its result is noticeable to the naked eye. An important point: it involves the use of natural yogurt, without sugar, flavors and flavors - otherwise there will be no effect. This extremely healthy product contains calcium and potassium, B vitamins and vitamin A, animal proteins and fats. However, the main value of yogurt lies in the bacteria that cause the fermentation of milk - Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus, which promote the digestion of food and support the normal intestinal microflora. Yogurt, which has undergone heat treatment, with a long shelf life, does not carry any beneficial properties and is just a milk drink.

Yogurt diet exists in several ways. The first of them, the toughest, involves daily consumption of apples, in addition to 500 ml of yogurt, (5-6 pieces of medium size). These products are divided into 3-4 doses - depending on how easily you cope with food restrictions. If you find it difficult to withstand large breaks between meals, it is better to eat more often. Such a diet, yogurt with the use of apples, can be observed for three to five days. The daily diet contains only 700 calories, so for a given period it is quite possible to get rid of two or three kilograms of weight. During the diet you can drink only green tea or water.

A more gentle diet option is designed for ten days. Thanks to a diverse diet, sticking to it is quite easy - despite the fact that it is from the category of low-calorie ones. Such a yogurt diet involves the use of meat products, as well as fruits and vegetables. A day is allowed to eat 100 grams of lean chicken or turkey poultry - usually at lunch, with vegetable salad or stew. Vegetables can be eaten in unlimited quantities, but not all of them are allowed. Among the allowed are cucumbers and tomatoes, sweet peppers, zucchini and eggplant, green beans, radish or radish.

You can fill salads with lemon juice, aromatic herbs or vegetable oil. Dressing can be done with yogurt, which in the amount of 125 grams is present in each meal. For this, you can, for example, grind the garlic with salt and stir the resulting gruel in yogurt. Another option: add mustard and salt to the yogurt and beat it a little. These mixes help to diversify the menu. You should not just get carried away with salt: a yogurt diet involves minimizing its use.

As for fruits and berries, they are allowed to eat daily up to half a kilogram. You can make a fruit salad from them , dressing it with yogurt, or you can make a healthy drink - smoothie - from these products. Unlike regular milkshakes, juice is not added to it, but puree from whole fruits or berries. They are preliminarily crushed in a blender, then yogurt, a teaspoon of honey are added and everything is stirred. Sugar during the yogurt diet is undesirable.

Meat should be boiled, baked or steamed: fried foods are not allowed. Another important point: Dr. Zeik's yogurt diet provides for the daily use of natural juices - half a glass before each meal (there should be four in total). It is advisable that they be freshly made personally from fruits and vegetables. In addition to them, you can drink weak tea and mineral water.

Those who need to lose weight within two weeks are shown just such a yogurt diet: reviews say that it is well tolerated, without stress. You can adhere to it no more than the specified period, then you should take a break for at least 3-4 months. Estimated weight loss during this time will be about five kilograms.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4069/

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