Shooting in a dream - what would it mean?

Many people had to shoot in a dream. Not that someone forced, just such visions are not uncommon. Many, waking up, think: what is it for? Well, to get an answer to this question, it is worth looking for meaning in the dream book. Already he will definitely explain what it is to shoot in a dream.

shoot in a dream

According to an ancient dream book

So this book of interpretations can explain a lot. Shooting an old dream book in a dream is an interesting and ambiguous vision. If the dreamer aims at a specific enemy (and he knows this person in real life), then this is a sign sent from above. It is time for the sleeping man to pull himself together and defeat his ill-wisher. This vision suggests that soon a real fight will begin, but in reality it will not be physical. It is simply necessary to think over everything and begin to take unexpected literate steps, which the adversary can never expect. And it is advisable to do this as soon as possible.

If the dreamer did not just aim, but also shoot, this is to the fact that all his actions taken to solve a business or issue are actually correct. A person goes in the right direction, so stopping is not worth it. The dreamer will definitely have success.

shoot a man in a dream

To be a victim

If a person wakes up and can confidently say that someone wanted to shoot him in a dream, then this is not a good sign. Such a vision is interpreted positively only by Velesov’s Book of Interpretations, and only then if the person who wanted to shoot the dreamer missed. This is a dream for the good news that will come from afar.

But the “Wanderer’s Dream Book” claims that if a person saw someone trying to shoot him in a dream, then one must be more careful in real life. Most likely, someone is very closely watching the dreamer. Moreover, this surveillance is not in the good sense of the word. Someone with bad intentions is watching him in order to find out something personal and use it for their harmful purposes. But this is only in the case when the person aiming at the dreamer got. But if you missed, then this is good. This also means surveillance, but only in this case a person finds himself in the zone of attention of his other half. Or maybe some business partner has identified the dreamer as a person with whom you can make a win-win deal.

shoot a gun in a dream

Target shots

Shooting a shotgun in a dream at a target is an important event in life. It can be some serious event or a meeting. And how it ends will depend only on the actions of the person himself. But in a dream there may be a hint. If a person successfully hit a target, shot down all the bottles or what he was shooting at, then everything ended perfectly and without his efforts. But if the dreamer often missed by - you have to work hard.

A shot in the air means that soon a person will go on some trip or journey. If the dreamer has long dreamed of visiting some country or exotic place, then you can rejoice - soon his desire will come true.

And why dream of shooting in a dream in the dark? Astrologers say that this is also a sign from above. It means that it’s time for a person to stop acting at random, without setting any specific goals. And he himself hardly realizes what he wants. And in order not to waste his time in vain, he should have sorted himself out and begin to act in a specific direction.

shoot in a dream what does it mean

Weapon value

When interpreting sleep, it is also important to consider which weapon was fired from. A shotgun is considered a good sign. It promises an improvement in financial standing (a bonus, a rise in work, or an increase in salary are possible). To shoot from a bow - to the fact that soon a real friend will appear in the dreamer's life. He will always be able to support, listen, give useful advice. So there will be with whom to share your experiences.

The machine portends the benefits of the conceived business. But a rifle is an advice sent to a person. He himself probably does not notice how he offends and insults someone who does not deserve it. It is time to become kinder, more merciful and more just, otherwise it will not end in anything good.

Shoot a person in a dream

This is a vision that is very versatile. It is worth talking about him in more detail. One of the most interesting cases is when the dreamer had to shoot another person in the head in a dream. What does this vision mean ? That the dreamer makes meaningless attempts to influence the worldview and views of a loved one.

Firing a gun and never miss it - to a series of pleasant events and luck. But if a person shot at the one with whom he argued in a dream and violently sorted out relations, this is to the point that he should remain calm and calm. Anyway, in principle, astrologers advise to be more balanced people who dream of this.

why dream about shooting in a dream

Strange circumstances

It happens that a person sees how he shoots not from a machine gun, rifle and pistol, but from ... a crossbow. Unfortunately, such a vision does not bode well. Usually it is a dream to quarrel with loved ones and loved ones. Moreover, it is possible that the skirmish ends deplorably. If it happens between two lovers, then, most likely, everything will end with a separation. But firing from a machine without stopping is conflict. But they can usually be resolved, the main thing is to be more careful in communication and not to show aggression with a temper.

In general, there are a lot of interpretations. And if you had a vision that causes concern, then it is best to listen to the advice of dream books.


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