Diet Osama Hamdiy egg for effective weight loss

Initially, the Osama Hamdiy egg diet was not created for those who are trying to get rid of extra pounds for greater attractiveness, but for those who need to do this in connection with health problems. Therefore, you must adhere to such a diet as accurately as possible, as well as the appointment of a doctor.

Diet Osama Hamdiy Egg
Professor Osama Hamdiy's Egg Diet - Foundation History

The program, developed by American doctor Osama Hamdiy, is aimed at combating obesity, problems of the cardiovascular system and type 2 diabetes. This diet is primarily needed by obese people who need help. Statistics say that every year there are more and more well-fed people around the world.

Professor Osama Hamdiy's Egg Diet

The Osama Hamdiy egg diet is suitable for those whose weight exceeds one hundred kilograms. If such patients will strictly adhere to the Hamdy diet program, then their weight will begin to decline in a very short time. This diet is developed on the basis of chemical processes in the body, taking into account many of the requirements of life. In particular, we are talking about the use of protein, which enters our body with chicken eggs.

The diet of Osama Hamdiy egg must be observed exactly, since the slightest deviation from the rules or failure reduces its effectiveness. There are two possible options for a diet program from Hamdy: cottage cheese and egg. Both diets are well balanced, and the body with such a diet receives most of the substances he needs. In fact, the diet of Osama Hamdiy egg, reviews of which are the best, is aimed at accelerating the metabolism and normalizing the digestive tract.

The diet program is designed for one month. The menu of the egg and curd diet has its own differences and features. Curd diet is less common, but in terms of effectiveness, it differs little from the egg variant. Both types include the use of vegetables.

Osama Hamdi diet requirements:

1. A day you need to drink a large amount of liquid - 2-2.5 liters of water without gas.

2. Boil vegetables only in water, but it is allowed to add pepper, onion, salt or garlic to them.

3. Fats and oils during the diet are prohibited.

4. It is allowed to use soda or diet soda, but in small quantities. It is also allowed to drink coffee without cream and sugar and tea.

Diet Osama Hamdiy egg reviews

5. If hunger becomes intolerant, you can eat a cucumber, carrot or salad, but only 120 minutes after the main meal.

6. The daily routine should be followed as accurately as possible, as well as products. It is forbidden to interchange the morning, afternoon or evening diet.

7. If there is no indication in the dietary program regarding the quantity of the product, this means that it can be eaten without any restrictions.

8. If you deviate from the diet menu for one or several days , then you need to start all over again. There is no point in continuing from where you left off. Deviations from the program reduce its effectiveness.

9. An egg or cottage cheese diet should start on Monday, otherwise it will be difficult for you not to get confused in the menu.


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