Why dream of red tulips. Why yellow tulips dream

An interesting situation. You will begin to discuss dreams with acquaintances and come across the fact that the meaning of some images, for example, snow, is known to everyone, but no one has a clue about others. Tell me, why are tulips dreaming? No, not just flowers. People can still answer such a question, namely tremulous tulips? Do not know? Let's fill this gap.

what are tulips dreaming of

Start from the end

Usually, when guessing images that are seen in night wanderings on the astral plane, it is recommended to remember all the subtleties. Then the picture is collected together and analyzed. We, discussing what tulips dream of, first we will formulate the rules in accordance with which astral information should be perceived. Then, as usual, we turn to examples, relying on authoritative authors. The fact is that a tulip is a special flower. He, as they say, has his own character. From this it is worth starting our analytical “dance”. Look at the tulip. He is very gentle and short-lived. It is also important that the bulb gives rise to a single flower. From this circumstance, it has long been concluded that the tulip is an egoist. This must be taken into account when solving your dreams. Information about individualism is necessarily hidden in them, at best. It is also advisable to recall your mood when you are trying to understand what tulips are dreaming of. Anxiety or joy controlled your soul? Did you remember the admiration for the landscape or the dissatisfaction with the weather? These little things can completely change the meaning of interpretation. Now see for yourself.

what is the dream of the red tulip

Different perceptions of the way people

There is one more subtlety. Men and women should have a different approach to the question of “what tulips dream of”. This is a general rule. It is believed that this flower is a sign of arrogance and pride in a relationship. He advises a man to humble his arrogant nature. Due to intemperance or elementary lack of culture, he can push away true happiness from himself. Although in some cases a flower in the dreams of a proud knight suggests that all his arrogance and pride will soon shatter at the feet of an arrogant soother. That is, he will fall in love with a beautiful shell, neglecting the values ​​of the soul. A quivering tulip encourages such a man to be more thoughtful about the choice of an object of adoration. Very bad if the flower wilted. This is a sign of a broken heart. The reason for such an experience will be his own selfishness of a handsome man. There is no need to procrastinate. Tulips are dreaming - to know, the time has come to look deeper into your soul, overestimate what has accumulated there, throw out the unnecessary.

why do colorful tulips dream

The value of the image for a woman

What do the sages and interpreters of the daughter of Eve, who wants to understand why tulips dream? Multi-colored bouquets or lonely flowers have their own nuances, but are united by a common idea. This quivering plant speaks, and sometimes even shouts, about the beauty’s personal problems. Nearby there is or will soon appear a man unworthy of true self-giving, characterizing sincere and faithful love. This, so to speak, “gift” will capture her attention thanks to a bright wrapper and sweet speeches. Only the aftertaste will remain very unpleasant from him. That's what tulips dream about. At the same time, the yellow ones will suggest that disappointment can be smoothed out by a certain material receipt. This sunny color speaks of wealth. Therefore, it is necessary to try to transfer attention from the field of pink dreams to the work sphere. Then the dreamer will escape many tears and tribulations. Now we turn to a review of authoritative sources. They also have something to say about this.

why yellow tulips dream

Dream Wanga

Perhaps there is no such topic that the seer would not touch upon in conversations with people. Everything was open to her. She also knew the answer to the question: “What are tulips dreaming for?” Multi-colored, she prompted, people see on the threshold of a kaleidoscope of events. They will be very different, united by only one characteristic: each will leave its mark on the soul. That is, the field of flowers should be understood as a sign of a quick change of circumstances and impressions. If Vanga was asked what the red tulip was dreaming of , she always tried to find out exactly who dreamed it. For women, this image promises the beginning of menstruation, for girls - a boyfriend. But the man dissuades from military plans. The seer recommended the son of Adam after such a dream not to enter the struggle. Otherwise, he will suffer. The seer did not favor visions in which a man plucked a tulip. In this case, she warned against excessive chatter. “Then you will regret it,” she said. Wang considered the wilted flower a sign of the most terrible and impenetrable egoism of the one whom he dreamed.

why red tulips dream

Miller's Dream Book

This author is not inferior to Wang either in popularity or in the wisdom of his interpretations. At the same time, he saw flowers a little differently. For example, analyzing what a red tulip is dreaming of, this source speaks of good. People with close relationships are judged by joy and loyalty. In this source, the brightness of the flower is recognized as a sign of mutual love. But the white petals should puzzle the dreamer. They talk about the imminent period of sadness and loneliness. It is especially bad when you saw dew drops on a flower. Will definitely cry. And if such a tulip also grows in the wrong place, for example, among litter and trash, then there will be a reason for grief. The author analyzes in detail what yellow tulips dream of . They promise women separation, a girl, on the contrary, a rich admirer. However, he will be married (or a widower).

Freud's Dream Book

The analogies used in this source of interpretation are interesting. For example, it doesn’t understand what red tulips or other colors dream of. The author believes that coloring is not of particular importance. But the plot, on the contrary, says a lot. If the flowers were in the house, to know the selfishness of your spouse (another family member) can not be measured by any scale. It is deeper than the ocean, above Everest. It is necessary to accept or part with such a person. No offense at him. A bouquet of tulips is dreaming - soon there will be an occasion to overestimate their life priorities. Do not give up on him. It is the higher forces that push you onto a different, happier road.

what is the dream of a bouquet of tulips

Family dream book

This source, no less beloved by readers, also paid attention to this topic. It makes sense to study the course of reasoning placed in it. Revealing what a red tulip is dreaming of , he talks about the need to draw up or think over plans for a long period. That is, the scarlet flower should push a person to serious work. Another red tulip is a symbol of spirituality. You should not always focus on the "golden calf" in your life. Sometimes it is necessary to set aside the material and think about the soul. Otherwise, a person may find himself in such a situation that gold and diamonds will be useless to him. White tulips are dreaming - get ready for the chagrin of your loved one.

why do white tulips dream

East dream book

This interpreter in his own way refers to tulips in a dream. It is interesting in that it considers stories that are not included in the lists of other authors. So, there is information about what a wilted tulip dreams of. This is a very bad sign. A person expects a period of great and bitter losses. What they touch on is not told, but it is said that the soul will sink into the very abyss of black experiences. If you are given a bouquet of these flowers, then wait for the dirty trick from the side of a dear person. This mark is also not considered good. Planting bulbs of tulips or sorting them out is a nobility that you yourself will soon manifest. This image speaks of the wisdom of the dreamer. A lot of multi-colored tulips - to a fun, noisy company, an empty pastime. You will walk and have fun, missing something important in your life. If the bouquet is in a vase, get ready for betrayal. When the tulips are yellow, to know, envious people started an intrigue that they will surely succeed. The dreamer will have a reason to cry. But the grief did not drag on for a long time, if the flowers were beautiful and fresh. Black tulips speak of an extraordinary event, without revealing its essence. That is, whether a miracle enters the dreamer's life or whether an unexpected misfortune is unknown. But the event will be out of the ordinary. It is good when the sun shone brightly in this dream. Its rays usually smooth out all the bad that tulips in night visions can mean.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4084/

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