Dream Interpretation. Bird in a cage: what is dreaming of?

Night visions of a person can be very ambiguous. If the dreamer sees an unusual image, this does not mean that he should not be deciphered. You need to make an effort to understand what exactly the subconscious wanted to tell you. What does the bird in the cage symbolize? A dream interpretation will help you find the answer to this question.

Bird cage

What did you see today in night dreams? A bird in a cage in a dream dreams of those people who are constantly trying to keep everything under control. They like to independently manage all matters and reckon only with their own opinions. Such an attitude towards others can annoy their loved ones. The subconscious mind warns that it is time to think about whether you keep all your relatives in a cage and if you want to lead all areas of your life. The desire to keep everything under control cannot be called meritorious. A person who cannot relax, suffers from nervous tension and, as a result, can wait for a nervous breakdown.

caged dream book

But there is another interpretation of night dreams, in which a bird in a cage appears. The dream interpretation tells the dreamer to pay attention to his soul mate. The person has recently become too attached to you, and it starts to scare you. A man built a cage for himself and wants to live under your care. Think about whether you agree to take responsibility for another person. And if not, then do not entertain him with false hopes.

Predator birds

Have you woken up with a pleasant feeling in your soul? What do birds of prey in a cage mean by a dream book? Such a dream can be interpreted as a victory over enemies. The dreamer managed to drive his rivals and competitors into a cage and deprive them of the opportunity to harm themselves. Warners should take advantage of the situation and undertake serious changes that they have long wanted to implement. Now the road is clear, and no one will bother you. So the time for change is perfect. The dreamer should think in which area of ​​his life he was temporarily able to tame his rivals. If this is a personal life, then you need to quickly win the heart of a loved one. And if your subconscious mind hints at the working sphere of life, then you need to take responsibility for the implementation of a complex project. After successful completion of the work you will receive a promotion or a good material reward.

bird in a cage

Dreamer in a cage

How does the dream book of birds in the cage interpret if the dreamer was locked together with the winged creatures? It is necessary to pay attention to those birds that surrounded man. If these were predatory birds, then disasters can not be avoided. At work or in your personal life, you will meet rivals who can significantly tear their nerves. And if you do not show perseverance, then your further happiness will be in question. The subconscious mind tells a person that it is necessary to mobilize all his forces and prepare for a decisive attack against enemies, which will take place in the near future.

bird in a cage

If a person was locked with birds of paradise, then trouble should be expected during the holidays. The subconscious mind warns the dreamer that beautiful dreams of a pleasant pastime will not become a reality. What can happen? A person has health problems, and if he doesn’t get involved in setting up his body in time, then the dreamer will go to the hospital.


You can not decipher your night dreams? Open the dream book. Three birds in a cage, which had bright colors and spoke loudly among themselves, will portend silly acts that you will happen to do in the future. Remember that images sent by the subconscious are a warning of danger, not a direct prediction of the future.

The dreamer always has a chance to make a difference if he does something in time. Having seen parrots in the night dreams, a person should be wary. Stupid birds say that a person decided on some desperate act. A person should think about her desires and recent decisions. If there really is something unreasonable among them, then abandon the planned enterprise. The subconscious mind says that in the case of a successful act you will long regret that you did not stop in time. In order not to remind yourself of great stupidity all your life, you need to think carefully about your every action.

Let the birds out of the cage

Did you see a bird in a cage? Miller’s dream interpretation interprets the night dreams in which you saw the feathered creatures locked up, and then released them as a pleasant life event that will happen in the near future. The person has long wanted something, but could not find a way to fulfill her desire. In the near future, fate will provide a person with a chance to make dreams come true. The dreamer needs to be more attentive to the signs of fate so as not to miss a good chance. Stop fantasizing and start living in the present. So you can improve your own observation and concentration.

dream book three birds in a cage

If a lady releases beautiful birds from her cage in a dream, it means that several pretty fans will appear in her life soon. With whom of them to start a relationship, and with whom just to flirt, the girl must decide for herself. Do not be afraid to make the wrong choice. The subconscious mind says that even if you make a mistake in a person, you will get an unforgettable life experience that will be useful to you in the future.

Dead bird

Can't understand the weird night look? Scroll through the dream book. Why is a bird in a cage dreaming ? Such a dream portends a betrayal of a best friend. The person should think which of the close people can play a cruel joke and why the person will decide on such an ignoble act. Perhaps you crossed the road for a person or made a villainy that you have safely forgotten about. If you intentionally harmed a person, then wait for the reckoning for your deeds. Well, if you didn’t do anything bad to the person? A friend can harm you out of envy. If everything in your life is good and in appearance it looks like a fairy tale, then it is not surprising that many will envy your existence. You need to restrict access to your personal life. Do not talk about your affairs, and do not share the details of your success. People should not know what you eat, how you live and who you sleep with. This information should be important exclusively to you. No need to make it public domain.

Winged bird

bird in the cage meaning sleep

What did you do in your night dreams? Did you happen to see birds in a cage in a dream? The dream interpretation of dreams about feathered beauties with broken wings, as a serious life shock in reality. It will be difficult for a person to believe in something or to accept something. You must be careful about all the information that surrounds you. If someone will tell you about something that is difficult for you to believe, prick up your ears, make sure that the person you are talking to is really honest with you. For example, a similar dream for married girls can mean betrayal of a loved one. If a lady refuses to accept the fact of infidelity of her soulmate, it will not be easier for anyone. Sometimes it is difficult to accept betrayal and understand the reason that prompted a loved one to make meanness. You need to believe in everything that happens, draw conclusions from the current situation and move on. Do not engage in self-deception, he obviously will not help you.

Catch a bird and put in a cage

see in a dream

Why is a bird in a cage dreaming? In a dream, catching a feathered creature and putting it in a cage is a great luck in reality. Well-deserved happiness will finally come to a person. A person will be able to establish the necessary connections with influential personalities. If a businessman has such a dream, then in the near future he will find a way to expand his enterprise or to realize one of the projects that have been invented for a long time. If the dream was a young girl's dream, then in the near future the lady can wait for the appearance of a handsome prince on the horizon, who can fulfill even the most daring desires of her companion. For people who have been sick for a long time, a bird caught and planted in a cage portends a speedy recovery. A person will only need to understand the dream correctly and on time in order to accelerate his recovery. Walk more in the fresh air and spend less time on negative thoughts, then your well-being will quickly improve.

White bird

the meaning of sleep

In the night dreams did you see a white bird in a cage? The meaning of sleep will not be most enjoyable. The dreamer will soon face a restriction of his freedom. The inability to make decisions on your own will annoy a person. In what area of ​​life should such restrictions be expected? The subconscious mind tells the dreamer to think about his work and personal life. If a girl’s husband has recently been behaving somehow strange, then it’s worth waiting for trouble on his part. Jealousy can wake up in a man, and he will forbid his missus to go out without his personal escort. If the dreamer remembered the problems at work, it means that in the near future the boss will become a despot. He will demand full and unquestioning submission from employees. He will be pleased to play toy soldiers with living people. It’s not worth enduring such an attitude. Either change jobs or raise a rebellion against a tyrannical boss.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4089/

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