Why do I dream of documents? Dream Interpretation. Sleep decryption

If you see documents, you should definitely look into the dream book. Because only he is able to help understand what such a plot means. Better yet, get acquainted with several dream books at once. In one of them there is definitely an interpretation for a specific dream.

According to Miller

This dream book says that the image of any documents personifies losses and disputes. For a married woman, such a vision means suppressing her natural gaiety.

A girl who is not in a relationship, this dream warns that soon she will be imprisoned in unpleasant fetters that degrade her dignity and pride.

Did you see the process of signing a document? For any person, this vision is a forerunner of a lawsuit. To solve it, you need the services of a good lawyer. If the dreamer does not have any such problems, then still such a dream does not bode well.

dream book find documents

According to Freud

In this dream book, documents are also perceived as a symbolic sign. Here are some interesting interpretations:

  • Any papers (including documents) symbolize feminine energy and essence.
  • If they were neatly folded and ordered, sleep should be perceived as the personification of a normal and healthy intimate life. For girls, this same vision means preserving innocence.
  • Documents scattered randomly are considered to be a symbol of promiscuous sex life and random, not bringing any good connections.
  • Burning papers for a girl are a reflection of her fear of sex or the beginning of a new relationship. If the documents burned to the ground, then this could not be avoided. For men and women who do not have such a problem, this vision portends an ardent passion and the beginning of a stormy romance.
  • Dirty, spoiled, and torn documents are a bad sign. This vision warns of the possibility of sexually transmitted or other diseases.

But if a person has dreamed that he was looking for important records in documents, but could not find them in any way, he should think about his relationship. This dream indicates instability in personal life.

dream book lose documents and money

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

This interpreter assures: any written document that appeared in a dream symbolizes legitimate doubts.

Does someone offer people paper? This means that in reality he should be more careful in relations with people. You do not need to trust anyone’s words unless they have confirmation.

If a person himself had to present documents to someone, it means that someone doubts this in him and his capabilities. Or, perhaps, he himself does not believe in his ability to carry out this or that business.

Dream Interpretation of Rasputin

Documents are considered an auspicious symbol promising prosperity and good luck. The main thing is that they do not have blank pages. Because it is to failures and failures.

Had a chance to get documents for someone? This means that the dreamer will soon have a strong interest in any person.

Did the person sign the documents? This suggests that in the near future he will unfairly relate to one of his friends, which he will later regret.

Loss of documents portends troubles that arise due to the dreamer's extravagance and negligence.

Did a man accidentally stain securities? Oddly enough, this suggests that he will soon find a way out of his delicate situation.

dream book lose documents

Dream interpretation of Pushkin

If you see old documents, it means that soon the sleeping person will find out about the opinion of the closest person regarding him. And it will bring a lot of grief.

Corrections and blots in documents portend sharp criticism of others. Writing in papers, on the contrary, promises pleasant and long memories of the past in the company of old friends.

If a person hid documents, this suggests that he prefers to avoid discussing an urgent problem, which, in fact, requires an urgent solution.

The process of preparing documents portends the red tape associated with everyday problems.

Interpreter from A to Z

This is what this dream book says: documents are not considered a forerunner of something good. If, for example, a person carried them to the authorities for signature, it means that in reality he will have to go towards some kind of exhortations. He will yield in what he would like to do in a completely different way.

Did you happen to sign documents yourself? The dream book assures - soon a person will be brought to some business as a witness. Although in reality he has absolutely nothing to do with him.

An absurd vision is in which a person assured some trifling document at a notary public. It portends getting into an unpleasant situation.

The alleged marriage certificate portends the appearance in a person's life of humiliating obligations.

Did the dreamer lose his documents in a dream and could not find them? This indicates his inability to find a way out of difficult situations. If this fact is true, then it is recommended to start asking for advice from knowledgeable people. Their recommendations may be helpful.

dream book bag with documents

Dream Interpreter Melnikova

Has a man lost his passport? So, soon the enemies will decide to unsettle him and significantly spoil his life. Did you manage to return your passport? This suggests that in reality the dreamer will be able to provide decent resistance to ill-wishers and enemies.

Losing papers on a car or a driver’s license usually means giving up traveling for a long time. But if you stole a bag of documents and money, the dream book recommends stocking up on strength and spirit. Soon there will be a whole series of decisive events that will affect his life.

Only one vision is good - one in which a person has a need to collect a package of documents. This dream portends a great pleasant surprise. Soon, fate will throw his man.

Esoteric dream book

Did you see a large pile of sloppy paper lying? This is to receive new profitable offers, career growth, as well as to the appearance in the life of useful friends and loyal comrades.

Lying in an even pile of paper they say that a person will be able to figure out his neglected affairs and, finally, "put everything on the shelves." By the way, this concerns not only work.

Seen securities, a deed of gift or even a testament? Such a dream promises significant profits and career growth. A person can be sure - very soon he will receive a worthy reward for his work.

Had to find the documents? Dream Interpretation recommends remembering what they were. Fake papers indicate that someone is hiding a secret from a person. But soon he will know everything. By the way, this dream may also indicate self-deception. A person should understand himself in order to find true happiness.

A good sign is a vision in which he noticed a student ID, certificate or passport. This dream promises a successful trip, study in a prestigious place, gaining profit or promising work.

dream book documents to sign

Interpreter Hasse

Man managed to lose documents and money? The dream book recommends taking this as a warning sign. Perhaps he will get into an unpleasant situation. If this happens, you should seek help from a person who can help figure it out.

The loss of a briefcase or folder with important papers indicates the inherent vanity of the dreamer, which he is advised to get rid of. You need to think about authority, not about profit, and then he will achieve the desired result.

But if documents were stolen from a person, the dream book recommends being wary. He clearly has rivals who want to take his place. But as they say, warned - means armed. Everything is in the hands of the sleeper.

A vision bag was stolen in a vision? Dream Interpretation recommends recalling whether they returned it. If so, then this is a good sign. A person does not even have to do anything - the attackers themselves will understand that it is not worth fighting with him.

If the dreamer tore some documents into small particles, then it was time for him to rest. He is too tired of business. A short pause will do good.

Universal interpreter

In this dream book you can also find interesting interpretations, and here are some of them:

  • Did you find an important document in your dream ? This is for profit in reality.
  • Has someone handed a person a license? To the emergence of new good comrades in life.
  • What does it mean to sign documents? The dream book says that it is to fame and fame.
  • Had a dawning check? If the documentation turned out to be in order, then this is for discounts, privileges and some minor, but pleasant events.
  • Did the person receive a letter of appreciation, a letter of appreciation or something like that in a vision? This is for the emergence of excellent prospects.
  • Was the document filled in illegible handwriting? This is a confusing matter. It is better to understand it together with knowledgeable, experienced people.

However, if a person dreams too often of visions in which documents are present, then he needs to pay attention to his life. Perhaps he is working too long and too long. Is it time to take a short vacation?

dream book stole documents

21st Century Interpreter

It is recommended to look into this dream book. Documents in it are perceived as a positive sign. This image is a harbinger of success in business and increase wealth. But, again, it all depends on the many nuances of vision. Here are some other interpretations offered:

  • The process of folding documents into neat piles promises useless clarification of relationships and disputes.
  • A vain search for important papers indicates the instability of the dreamer's position in society.
  • If a person searched for documents for a long time and eventually found them, this is a good sign. His position in society is stable, but you can not relax. Otherwise, competitors, rivals, and simply the creators take advantage of this.
  • Did you see the official documentation? It bodes trouble at work or in business.
  • Notarized papers portend obstacles and serious problems.
  • The process of signing an act is a precursor of profit.
  • If a person saw how he was awarded a certificate, it means that he will be lucky in all endeavors. He has good prospects for the future - do not miss them. By the way, if the dreamer examined the certificate with interest, then he made the right decision regarding his future life path.
  • A dream diploma promises new acquaintances and finding useful connections.

Dream Interpretation Longo

This interpreter offers the following interpretations of visions:

  • Had a contract in a dream? This is a reconciliation with enemies or competitors. But, if not all contract clauses satisfied the dreamer, it means that he will have difficult obligations to fulfill.
  • Had a receipt? A dream interpretation of this type of document is interpreted as a portent of material help. But if a person did not just see her, but fumbled in his hands - this is to the fact that his new business will not be unprofitable, but unprofitable. Did someone give him a receipt? This does promise a forthcoming quarrel.
  • The accustomed licensing process portends the achievement of the goal, prosperity and success.
  • If a person received an invoice for the goods, this means that in real life he will do something important for his career. Did he write it out himself? This plot suggests that in the future, success depends only on his abilities and desire.
  • Had to get a patent? A dream interpretation of this type of document is perceived as the personification of sales hopes and dreams. But if a person worked on someone else’s patent, it means that in reality after hard and long work he will not get any positive results. Time, effort and resources will be spent, but the dreamer will be left with nothing.
dream book documents to sign what means

Dream Book

Finally, it’s worth a look in this book. This is what it says:

  • Did the person have to sign the documents? The dream book assures us that troubles are coming, and in them will be only the dreamer's own fault.
  • Obtaining any written permission in the vision for your request indicates that after a series of mistakes and setbacks, the person will finally smile at luck.
  • Did the dreamer get any evidence? This means that his business meetings and negotiations will not bring the results he was counting on. All because he does not have a clear plan.
  • Had a bag with documents? The dream book assures - all errors and setbacks are temporary. They should be taken as a source of experience, remembering about which a person will be able to achieve impressive results.
  • Did the dreamer manage to lose documents? The dream book warns - in the near future you need to be careful when making serious decisions. Especially if it is some kind of transaction or contract. He can get material benefits, but also tarnished reputation and loss of authority.

A good vision is one in which a person was presented with an expensive leather briefcase or a stylish organizer for documents. This means that friends will help him in difficult times, and therefore he can count on them at any time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4093/

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