"Pentavitin" (vitamins): instructions, indications for use

The drug "Pentavitin" is a complex of vitamins that are necessary for a full human life. It includes vitamins of group B and nicotinic acid. This determines the beneficial effect of taking the drug.

Properties of Pentavitin tablets
pentavitin vitamins instruction

Vitamins (the instruction describes their most important properties) are necessary for the full functioning of the nervous system, the implementation of carbohydrate, fat, protein metabolism, and the production of neurotransmitters. All these properties have vitamin B6. Vitamin B1, which is present in the composition of the drug, is responsible for stimulating the transmission of neuromuscular impulses. "Pentavitin" - vitamins (reviews confirm their high efficiency), which contribute to the improvement of the liver and nervous system. This is facilitated by vitamin B12. It stimulates the production of nucleic acids, red blood cells, amino acids, improves brain function and increases the immunity of vitamin B9. Niacin regulates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, provides oxygen metabolism in tissues. Thanks to a carefully thought-out composition, Pentavitin is a vitamin (the instructions for use are always included in each package), which should be taken regularly to improve metabolism and maintain immunity.

pentavitin vitamins Price
What is the drug used for?

It is prescribed for deficiency of vitamins of group B. "Pentavitin" - vitamins (the instructions confirm this), used in complex therapy for various diseases of the nervous system, such as sciatica, neuritis, neuralgia.

Mode of application

Vitamins must be drunk three times a day for two to four tablets. To achieve the desired effect, the course should last at least a month. If necessary, it can be repeated, but only after consulting a doctor.

Side effects

pentavitin vitamins reviews

The drug "Pentavitin" - vitamins (the instructions must necessarily describe in detail all possible side effects), if not taken correctly, itching or hives may occur. In extremely rare cases, nausea and tachycardia are observed. The drug is not a drug. However, it must be taken according to the instructions or as directed by a doctor. Otherwise, an overdose may occur. An increased amount of vitamin B1 threatens with impaired liver and kidney function. Cramps and fever may occur. Excess vitamin B6 provokes circulatory disorders in the arms and legs. Vitamin B9 in large quantities can cause poor sleep, digestive upset, and irritability. Pulmonary edema, thrombosis, heart failure - a consequence of an overdose of vitamin B12. High doses of nicotinic acid cause angina pectoris and hyperglycemia.


The drug "Pentavitin" - vitamins (the price of them is quite affordable), which is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children. They are not assigned to people with sensitivity to components. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4094/

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