Indoor trees

Each of us wants to live and work in a beautiful, comfortable environment, to breathe in fresh, oxygen-enriched air and to be in unity with nature. Domestic plants, such as indoor trees, can help us with this.


Since ancient times, people have decorated their homes with a variety of plants, which helped them to feel the summer warmth and recharge with positive energy on long winter evenings. In their home they gladly planted indoor trees and flowers. Our grandmothers grew ficus, palm trees, myrtle, lemons, took care of them and cherished them in every way. In Soviet times, ficus was an invariable attribute of any institution. They decorated the foyer of theaters and cinemas, and in all cafes and restaurants there were flowerpots with palm trees, ficus and lemon trees.

Types of indoor trees

Today you can choose any indoor tree to your liking. Eyes run up from the diversity of species of these plants. This coffee tree, feijoa, dieffenbachia and oleanders, dracaena and monstera, hibiscus and abutilon. You can choose flowering and evergreen, as well as fruiting. Moreover, it is necessary to take the choice of a tree very seriously, so that you would be comfortable being near it.

Bonsai tree

The indoor bonsai tree is in great demand . This is a miniature plant designed specifically for homes. Bonsai art originated in China before our era and gained worldwide fame and love. In this style, you can grow any tree (maple, pine, juniper, etc.). Before acquiring such a plant, be sure to learn how to properly care for it.

Houseplant Care

Depending on the species, indoor trees require special, but always thorough care. Some are more sun-loving, others, on the contrary, prefer the shadow. Transplant these plants only into a special substrate necessary for this variety, spray and water only with standing water. The more attention you pay to your plants, the more they will delight you.

Where to place the trees?

There are no difficulties in this matter, since any room can be suitable for indoor plants. True, with respect to capricious trees, it is better to consult a specialist. Indoor trees will feel good both in the apartment and in the office. The main thing is to try to avoid drafts and not to place them near batteries and heating devices. If you find a comfortable place for them, they will always look fresh and well-groomed.

Money Tree

In many homes of our fellow citizens there are a large number of indoor flowers. Money tree occupies an important place among them. All sorts of miraculous properties are attributed to him. It is believed that the fat woman attracts money, and how strong and fleshy its leaves are, so good financial situation is provided for you. It’s hard to say whether this is so or not, but if your money tree is healthy and well-groomed, then your mood will be excellent, and you can earn enough money to increase the well-being of your family.


Crassula belongs to succulents and was brought to us from Madagascar or equatorial Africa. Despite its southern origin, it perfectly took root in our northern latitudes.

Money Tree Care

Due to its moisture-saturated leaves, the fat woman tolerates heat very well and does not require regular watering. In summer, you can water it twice a week (you can even one), and from September to February, once every two months is enough. Such unpretentiousness few indoor flowers can brag. Money tree does not like spraying. Wipe the leaves regularly and it will feel good. Try to keep the fat woman in a cool room, she does not like heat. Proper care of the money tree will serve your material well-being and improve the energy of your home.


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