Japanese diet: reviews, results, products, menu

What people just do not go to, trying to lose weight! They forbid themselves sweets, go in for sports, drink a lot of water, "sit" on a wide variety of diets. In our time, you can find several dozen. In this truly endless list, there is one that is associated with the Land of the Rising Sun. What is her menu? What is the essence of the Japanese diet?

How did the Japanese diet come about?

It is logical to assume that since she has such a name, she was invented in Japan. However, not all so simple. There is no exact information about the place where they developed the Japanese diet. According to some sources, it was invented by Europeans, inspired by the example of Japanese life (the basic rule of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun is to strictly follow the rules of nutrition). Other information says that the authorship of the diet belongs to Japanese doctors from a specialized clinic. Be that as it may, the original Japanese diet is very simple, clearly structured and aimed at a specific result.

Japanese products

Of all the diets that exist in the world, according to reviews, the Japanese diet is one of the most effective. With its help, in two weeks you can lose up to eight kilograms. True, and it must be adhered to strictly. Due to its rigor, it is allowed to comply with it no more than once every several years. According to the assurances of the experts who developed the diet, the results after it are saved for several years, if after the end of the forced fasting you don’t have much to eat.

What's in it Japanese

Many are interested in whether the name of the diet means that it will contain sushi, seafood, something from the delicious cuisine of the Land of the Rising Sun? The answer is negative. Neither seafood, nor rice, nor sushi can be found in this diet. Of the foods that the Japanese eat, only fish, eggs, and green tea are present. Not too exquisite dishes! And then what about this Japanese diet? Her endurance, rigidity, moderation. It is these qualities that are inherent in the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun.

I would like to warn that the Japanese diet is salt-free. All dishes in it do not contain any spices. Perhaps this may seem like a drawback to some, but in fact it is an absolute advantage - everything that is required to prepare dishes from this diet can be easily purchased even in a stall around the corner. It is important that in a diet the risk of a sudden allergy is virtually eliminated.

Reviews of the Japanese diet claim that it opens the veil of secrecy over the secret of the eternal youth of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun. It's all about proper and balanced nutrition, as well as the use of a small amount of calories and carbohydrates. That is why there are so few of them on the menu of this diet. Serving size is also important - it is relatively small. The basis of the diet is the exclusion from the diet of all that is harmful, that is, chocolate, soda, sweets. The products of the Japanese diet are just that: only healthy food.


Of course, like any diet, there are contraindications. Japanese is strictly prohibited for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Also, it is not recommended for people suffering from chronic gastritis, ulcers and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially during an exacerbation of ailments. In no case should you adhere to a similar diet for those who have kidney, liver, or heart diseases.

The Japanese diet involves drinking coffee, so people who have problems with pressure should think carefully about whether to start this fasting. Everyone else can "sit down" on a Japanese diet, but after a detailed consultation with a specialist. Health must be above all.

Side effects

"Sitting" on any diet, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will not have the expected result in terms of weight loss, but will show any side effects. Japanese is no exception. Undesirable effects can occur, since the composition and amount of food consumed is very severely limited. If you suddenly began to be bothered by headaches, if severe weakness, lethargy, aches in the bones and in the whole body appeared, you need to urgently leave the diet (how to do it right, described below) and go to a doctor's consultation.

What as a result

As mentioned above, in two weeks of using the Japanese diet, it is permissible to lose eight kilograms (or slightly less). The results of the Japanese diet are not only getting rid of extra pounds, but also an excellent cleansing of the body of all kinds of toxins, as well as accelerating metabolic processes. After all, it takes a lot of effort and energy to digest protein, which is present in the diet in large quantities.

Japanese diet pros and cons

There is a diet, in principle, very similar to the Japanese. It is called chemical. It is used to treat obesity in people with diabetes. It also has a lot of protein and few carbohydrates, but the portion size is not limited (unlike the Japanese), and the duration is designed for a much longer period than two weeks. It is impossible to maintain a Japanese diet for more than fourteen days, even dangerous to health. But this time is enough to see and feel a significant result.


The results of the Japanese diet are good, but we should not forget about the disadvantages of this type of food. The most important thing is the lack of the proper amount of vitamins and minerals for two whole weeks. Calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, folic acid and other beneficial substances come far from the right amount. This fact, as well as an unbalanced combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, are often the cause of skin peeling, brittle nails, hair loss, and a decrease in immunity. In addition, the Japanese diet for weight loss involves large breaks between meals and does not allow snacks, which is quite difficult to withstand.

Basic Rules

The most important point of the Japanese diet is a plentiful drink. Drinking regime must be strictly observed! However, swallowing any liquid that comes into contact with your eyes should also not be. It is allowed to drink pure non-carbonated water in any quantities, the main thing is that it is at room temperature. This, firstly, will ensure the removal of toxins from the body, and secondly, it will create a feeling of fullness, fullness in the stomach, because you will want to eat. It is recommended to start every morning with a glass of water. The correct menu of the Japanese diet includes the consumption of coffee (although the Japanese themselves do not drink it) and green tea, since these drinks contain useful antioxidants. Coffee is almost the basis of the diet, but it can be replaced with green tea if desired.

Black coffee in the japanese diet

Another important factor in the diet - a strict adherence to diet. You can’t add products at your discretion from the menu, change the number of servings, rearrange the menus of different days. Only adhering to a precisely established schedule, you can get the desired effect.

It’s difficult to eat without salt, because everything seems fresh and tasteless. However, lemon juice can be used in small amounts. Also, everything sweet and starchy, as well as any alcohol, is strictly prohibited.

In recipes of dishes of the Japanese diet zucchini is provided. In the event that someone does not eat it or it is difficult to find a vegetable for sale (off season, for example), you can replace it with beets, carrots, pumpkins or parsnip root. Any of these foods can be baked in the oven using foil.


Any fasting should be prepared, otherwise you will have a very hard time. Preliminary work with the body before the Japanese diet involves both moral and physical efforts.

The right Japanese diet menu

A few days before the start, it is advisable to give up sweets. If it is difficult to immediately stop eating five chocolates per day, you can gradually reduce the amount of sweets consumed. From flour and harmful (hamburgers, chips, crackers) is also recommended to abstain. A good training of the body before forced starvation will be to reduce the usual portion size. Every day, you can slightly reduce the amount of food in the plate so that the stomach gets used to staying a little empty after a meal. Without preparation, the body will experience extreme stress, so you need to help to avoid it.

On the eve of the first day of the diet, it is advisable to eat something light for dinner, for example, a vegetable salad with olive oil. You need to take food no later than three hours before bedtime. And experts recommend buying Chinese chopsticks and try to eat with their help. Firstly, it will somewhat distract from the feeling of hunger, and secondly, it will help to create an appropriate attitude.

What products are allowed

As a rule, people who "go on a diet" prefer to purchase all the necessary products in advance, so that later they do not run around the shops every day, but already have everything at hand. The Japanese diet provides for the following: beef, chicken, fish, eggs, fresh cabbage, carrots, zucchini, any fruits (apples and lemons must be among them), green tea, natural good coffee, tomato juice, kefir. For refueling, you will need sunflower and olive oil. All of the above products are good in that they can be used to lose weight relatively painlessly, but at the same time not to feel especially deprived. Helping to withstand 14 days in a diet can consume many foods raw. This applies to carrots, zucchini, cabbage, fruits. Raw food lingers in the stomach a little longer than boiled and stewed, which creates the illusion of satiety.

Japanese diet variations

It must be remembered that the original Japanese diet is designed for two weeks. Moreover, it should be preceded by a weekly training period. Exit from the diet is designed for a month. Thus, in total, the entire "weight loss procedure" takes about two months.

There is a variant of the Japanese diet, not for fourteen, but only for seven days. This is not to say that it is less effective; rather, it is more sparing. But much to lose weight on such starvation does not work.

Dishes for a week

The daily Japanese diet menu includes almost daily coffee consumption. It must be drunk in the morning instead of breakfast. Only on the fifth day of the coffee diet can you diversify with grated carrots, and on Sunday replace it with green tea. The main thing to remember is the number of grams in a salad, no matter what it consists of, always equals one hundred and fifty, and any hot dish has a size of fifty grams more.

Fruits in Japanese Diet

Hot dishes in the Japanese diet are lean boiled beef and fish, which can be either baked in foil or cooked. It is recommended to eat meat for dinner on the second and fourth day with a glass of kefir, as well as for lunch on the last day of the diet. Once (on Saturday) in the lunch diet there is boiled chicken. Fish should be cooked in the evenings on the first, second and fifth days of the diet. Friday generally turns out to be a real fish day, since this product is included not only in the dinner menu, but also in the lunch menu. On the third day, you should have dinner with two apples of any color, on the sixth - carrot salad with sunflower oil and two eggs. Sunday dinner involves the use of salad from the menu of any previous day.

As for salads, they are also present in the diet daily:

  • On Monday, cabbage and carrot for lunch and only cabbage for dinner.
  • You should eat cabbage on Tuesday evening.
  • On the third day, carrots are recommended for lunch.
  • Raw zucchini and lemon salad is allowed on Thursday.
  • On Friday, cabbage is added to the fish for dinner.
  • on Saturday, lunch is served with cabbage and carrot salad, and dinner is served only with carrot.
  • On Sunday, any salad of available products is allowed.

Salads should be seasoned with either sunflower or olive oil. Be sure to eat eggs: two for lunch on the first, third and sixth day dinner. And on Thursday for lunch you can fry or bake zucchini (or another vegetable, which were given above). Fruits are allowed for dinner on Sunday.

Two-week menu

The 14-day Japanese diet is not too different from the seven-day diet. The first days coincide almost completely, only on Wednesday for lunch, instead of eggs and carrots, you need to use zucchini. There are differences in the fourth day: in the case of the Japanese diet, at 14 days, you should eat fresh carrots with lemon juice for breakfast, for lunch - fish (in any form) and drink tomato juice. Dinner is presented here with any fruit. The fifth day is exactly the same, but the dishes on the sixth and seventh days are identical to those in the seven-day diet.

The recipes of the Japanese diet of the second week are not too different from the first. Foods remain the same; serving quantities do not change.

  1. Coffee / chicken (up to five hundred grams!), Cabbage-carrot salad / carrots, two eggs.
  2. Carrots under lemon juice / fish in any form, tomato juice / fruits - any, no more than two hundred grams.
  3. Coffee / grated three carrots, an egg, a slice of cheese / menu of the previous day.
  4. Coffee and rye bread or cracker / zucchini and / or any of the above vegetables instead of it / beef, two eggs (both cooked), cabbage.
  5. Similar to the previous day / fish in any form, cabbage / beef and kefir.
  6. Coffee / two eggs, cabbage, tomato juice / fish.
  7. Similar to the previous breakfast / fish, cabbage / beef and kefir.
Japanese tea green tea

It is assumed that only women can withstand this diet, as they need less food than men. Therefore, the representatives of the stronger sex on this diet will not last. But what do they do if they really want to lose weight? For men, the Japanese have developed a separate version of the diet, which includes brown rice, seafood, fish and vegetables. You can vary portions as you like, the main thing is that the number of calories consumed per day does not exceed one thousand eight hundred units. However, to try and “female” version of the Japanese diet for men is not forbidden.

How to get out of a diet

Do not think that since strict nutrition is over, you can again pounce on sweets. In order for the form to remain in good shape, it is necessary to adhere to a proper and balanced diet after the diet. This, however, is not so difficult, because during the time of forced fasting, the stomach has already become accustomed to low-calorie foods. Moreover, receiving small portions of food for fourteen days, the stomach itself became smaller. Therefore, getting out of the Japanese diet involves continuing to eat in small portions.

All sorts of cereals are good in this case, which are permissible to alternate. Meat is allowed to eat any, most importantly, non-greasy. And it’s better to cook it for a couple. It is also useful to accustom yourself to using only vegetable oil. Be sure to eat vegetables and fruits. They need to eat a lot. You can eat in case of hunger. For this, bread rolls, granola, kefir or any sour-milk products are perfect. No need to rush with eating salt and sugar, they should be returned to the diet gradually. It is still necessary to drink a large amount of water - at least one and a half or two liters per day. The longer you leave the diet, the more significant the effect will be.

servings in the japanese diet

Japanese diet: reviews

Nutritionists say that among all existing diets, Japanese is one of the toughest. This is due to the small number of calories that the body receives per day. They are recruited a little more than a thousand. Because of this, the body is stressed, there is a possibility of a food breakdown. However, this diet is considered the most balanced, and in order for the body to continue to receive vitamins in the proper amount, nutritionists recommend taking vitamin complexes at the same time as fasting.

You can find many rave reviews about the Japanese diet. Not only girls, but also some men who decided on such a serious test, note that very strict nutrition really helped and discipline them. People who survive this diet lose six to seven kilograms.

Having decided to use it, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. In pursuit of a beautiful slender body, it is always important to remember: health is most important.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4101/

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