How to Add Music to a Presentation: Tips for Beginners

A well-designed presentation can be even better if you put music on it. Experts say that in this case its material will be better perceived by the audience, and it will be much more pleasant by ear. But how to put music on a presentation? In this material we will consider in detail all the features of this process.

how to put music on a presentation
The question of the order of overlaying audio files at a presentation arises quite regularly, since Microsoft itself implemented the process of overlaying it quite extensively and did it in a way that is far from intuitive.

Immediately, we note that we will consider the process of creating a presentation using the example of MS Office 2010 and later, since they are the most common in recent times. In addition, the presentation design for these versions of the office is the richest.

Immediately, we note one more disappointing omission of the developers: in the face of a huge variety of compressed audio formats, they still offer to use only waw, without offering the user absolutely no alternatives. If your music collection contains only mp3 files, you will have to look for some means to convert them. Having transferred music to waw format, we continue to create powerpoint presentations with music.

presentation design
We create a new presentation file or open an existing document, go to the "Animation" tab, look for the "Transition to this slide" section, where we open the menu with the name "Transition Sound". In it, you need to click on the item "Another sound", and using the Explorer window that opens, indicate to the system where the sound file with the music you need is located on your computer. Again, open the menu, where the checkbox should be marked "Continuous".

Unfortunately, each item and slide in your project will have to be processed manually, since there is no batch overlay. Since you can apply music to a presentation in this way only on each slide and transition individually, the sound will break off when you move to another point in the project.

Naturally, such advice is only suitable for beginners who take their first steps in the design of such projects. Professionals who are interested in the professional quality of the work they create, need such scanty opportunities. But how to put music on a presentation that would play continuously throughout its duration? Make it harder.

powerpoint presentation
Using the "Insert" tab, place the desired music file in your document. A sign of success will be the speaker icon that appears on the slide. Again, go to the "Animation" tab. Click on the button with the name "Animation Settings". Immediately after that, you will see the "Animation Settings" working panel. It will display the duration of the playback of a particular file, made in the form of a kind of "line".

We click on the drop-down list in the same window and select "Effect Parameters" in it. We open the tab β€œEffect”, in which there will be a point β€œFinish”, offering the opportunity to stretch the music for the number of slides you need.

So, you have learned how to put music on a presentation!


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