Dream: a wedding - what dreams are, the meaning and interpretation of a dream

In their night dreams, people often see solemn events. For example, it could be a wedding. The dream, where a man and a woman marry, marks the changes that will soon come in the life of a sleeping person. Dreams of guides around the world of dreams will help you figure out whether they bring good or bad luck.

The Dream of Wedding: Freud's Interpretation

What does Sigmund Freud say about all this? What interpretation does the Austrian psychologist offer? A wedding is a dream, the meaning of which depends on who plays the roles of the bride and groom. If you marry in night dreams, the sleeping person is forced to, in reality he will have a pleasant surprise. Most likely it will be presented by a beloved person.

dream wedding

Someone else's wedding is also a dream for good. For the dreamer, awaiting change for the better. Happy events can happen in the lives of those who are dear to him.

Dream Interpretation of D. Loff

What is the interpretation of this dream world guide? A wedding is a dream that can be seen by those who have recently attended a wedding ceremony or are just getting ready to attend it. Such dreams should not be given special significance, since they are associated with inner experiences.

A dream in which someone marries or is about to take this step may signal that the person is under pressure from the commitments made by him. The burden turned out to be overwhelming, but the sleeping man is unable to dump it. If the celebration is fun, it indicates the dreamer's confidence in the correctness of his choice. A dark wedding is a dream that should be considered a warning. It’s time for a person to stop taking responsibility for other people's actions.

Prediction Hasse

What information does this dream world travel guide contain? What does the dream book say about the wedding? In a dream, to see a marriage ceremony - for an early waking marriage. This guide makes this forecast for single people.

Dancing at a wedding is a plot that calls for caution with the opposite sex. Own wedding ceremony promises a happy family life. If during the celebration the dreamer is surrounded by many people, in reality he will encounter confusion in business. A person will be forced to postpone the long-awaited vacation and tackle the accumulated problems.

The interpretation of Wang

If you rely on the vision of seer Vanga, then what is the dream of a wedding? In a dream, walking on it is a fun pastime in a pleasant company. A person will relax and rest, communicating with good old friends. During the party, the dreamer can meet someone who will influence his whole future life.

see the wedding in a dream

To marry or get married is an important decision. The sleeper will face a difficult choice. He has no right to make a mistake, as it will negatively affect his entire subsequent life. The decision should be deliberate and balanced, guided by emotions is extremely dangerous.

Preparing for her

Preparing for a wedding is a dream that can have different meanings. What do the sleeper prophesy about the upcoming marriage? Such a plot indicates that the dreamer is ready to let change into his life. It is difficult to say which sphere they will affect.

If a person is preparing for the wedding of acquaintances who cause him indifference or negative emotions, then this promises him a breakup. Soon, the sleeping person will stop communicating with these people. A lady at the age of preparing for the marriage ceremony prophesies household troubles. An unmarried young lady such nightly dreams warn that her lover is deceiving her. It cannot be ruled out that the young man started an affair on the side.

Table setting is an integral part of preparing for the wedding. The dream in which this occurs predicts unexpected gains. The financial position of the sleeping person can improve for various reasons. Promotion along the career ladder, increase in salary, bonus, inheritance - any options are possible.


A person can prepare for a wedding in a dream in different ways, including sending invitations to guests. Such dreams in most cases have a positive meaning. In the near future, the dreamer's life will change for the better. He also has every chance to find out a secret that has been hidden from him for a long time.

To invite someone to your own holiday is to gain a good reputation. The merits of the dreamer will finally be appreciated by his acquaintances, friends, colleagues and relatives. If a young man receives an invitation in his dreams, in reality he can be drafted into the army.

Walk on her

What can mean a dream about a wedding on which the sleeping person walks? In most cases, such a plot is a favorable sign. Problems that prevent the dreamer from enjoying life will resolve themselves, this will not require any effort from him.

What other predictions do dream guides on the dream world make?

  • Friends or relatives can invite the dreamer to a celebration. It is not necessary that this will be a wedding ceremony.
  • A person can meet someone who will influence his fate. It’s hard to say whether it will be good or bad.
  • If in his dreams the dreamer has fun and dances at someone else's wedding, such a plot can be a warning. Someone makes insidious plans behind him.

Parents are getting married

Are parents getting married in a dream? What does the marriage of mother and father mean? If the bride and groom are happy, full of energy, beautifully dressed - this is good. The dreamer awaits well-being, a change for the better. Also, the plot can prophesy harmony in relations with the second half, pleasant communication.

own wedding in a dream

A wedding of parents can be dreamed of to those who pay little attention to mother and father in real life. The dreamer should see more often, communicate more with them. Native people need his care and warmth.

Daughter getting married

What other options are possible? For example, why is my daughter’s wedding dreaming? Sleep can predict happy events that will happen in the near future. There are other interpretations that are discussed below:

  • A man who marries his daughter in his dreams will receive news in reality. It’s hard to say whether they will be good or bad.
  • It is possible that the dreamer will be able to shift household chores to the shoulders of others. He will finally have time to devote attention to his hobby.
  • If a daughter getting married is dressed in the wrong outfit, such a plot predicts a change for the worse. A black streak will come in the dreamer's life, you should not rely on your luck in the near future.
  • A daughter’s wedding, which is held in accordance with tradition, is considered a good sign.

What else could such a dream mean? It cannot be ruled out that in the near future the daughter will part with her freedom. It is difficult to imagine whether the dreamer will like the groom.

The son is getting married

What is the dream of a son’s wedding? Such a plot does not warn that the guy is going to part with his freedom in real life. On the contrary, the son will retain his bachelor status for a long time, and he will not soon acquire his own family.

What else could such a dream mean? Fortunately, the son’s dreaming wedding is a sign that luck will soon turn to face the dreamer. Now is the right time to take on the implementation of the most daring projects. The heir of the sleeper will also work out well.

The dreamer is upset over the son’s wedding in a dream - what does such a plot mean? If staying at the ceremony or preparing for it does not cause sleeping enthusiasm, do not be very upset about this. Such dreams warn that the boy has grown up and is ready for an independent life. Do not try to control it, it is better to help get on your feet.

Sisters brothers

A person may dream that his sister is getting married. What does it mean to see a wedding in a dream in this case? The ceremony predicts grandiose changes that will soon happen in the life of a sleeping man. He will be able to realize everything that he could only dream of recently. Interestingly, the sister will be given an important role in the upcoming events.

dreamed of a bride

The interpretation given above is relevant if the sister is married in real life. What is the dream of a relative who does not have a husband? Such a plot indicates that the sister should pay more attention to her well-being. She may show up a dangerous ailment, which will take a long time to fight. The dreamer needs to make every effort to ensure that the sister is examined by a doctor. An illness detected at an early stage will be easier to defeat.

What is the dream of a brother’s wedding? Such a plot prophesies the appearance of an annoying fan. His courtship will not bring the sleeping pleasure, but getting rid of him will not be easy. Some travel guides around the world of dreams promise a person career advancement. Change for the better and his financial situation. The dreamer can receive a salary increase, bonus, inheritance. Winning the lottery cannot be ruled out, as fate will soon be favorably disposed towards the sleeping person.

Close and distant relatives

What else can a person see in a dream? What does a family wedding mean? Such a plot predicts the onset of a light streak in life. The dreamer will succeed in everything he would not undertake. All his problems will be left behind, and this does not require considerable effort from the sleeper. If a person now has enemies, they will soon disappear from his life, failing to do harm.


Friend's wedding - what does such a plot mean? If a loved one marries or marries at night, a dreamer awaits advancement in the career ladder. Entrepreneurs will have reliable partners with whom they can conduct business for a long time and fruitfully.

Why is the girlfriend’s wedding dreaming? Unfortunately, such a plot promises misfortune. The dreamer should be prepared for the fact that he will constantly conflict with others. Relationships will not go bad if a person learns to control himself.

If an unmarried girl sees her friend’s wedding in her dreams, then this is a good sign. Especially if the dreamer acts as a witness. Wake her waiting for a change on the love front. If the girl is single, she will have a lover. The young lady, who has already met her other half, can safely count on the marriage proposal.

With husband

What else can dream interpretation of wedding dreams offer? Why dream a woman’s marriage ceremony if she marries her own spouse? Unfortunately, such a plot promises a quarrel with her husband. The conflict can be so serious that it will lead to separation.

Sometimes a dream warns that a woman does not pay enough attention to the second half. Her indifference led to the husband cooling off towards her. It is time to take a step towards her husband, otherwise the marriage cannot be saved.

woman dreaming about wedding

Former husband or lover

What does a dream about the wedding of an ex-lover or spouse mean? Interpretation depends on what emotions aroused in the night’s dreams. If she is happy that the man will marry another, then this is a good sign. The dreamer's love for this man is a thing of the past. She freed herself from addiction, ready to start a new relationship. It is safe to say that changes on the personal front will not be long in coming.

Did the ex's wedding upset the dreamer? This indicates that she still can not forget the man with whom she broke up. Secretly from everyone, a woman dreams that their relationship will resume. If the reason for the separation was a stupid quarrel, you can try to return the former.

With lover

The fair sex can dream of a wedding with a young man with whom she meets in reality. Unfortunately, such a dream does not promise a happy marriage. Soon, the sleeping woman will have to experience deep disappointment. It is highly likely that this will be directly related to her chosen one.

Did you dream that the guy the girl is dating will marry another? Such a plot also does not bode well. Rather, it is a warning that the relationship has become obsolete. It's time to stop them, such a decision will be a blessing for both.

A girl may dream of the wedding of a young man whom she had once met. Such dreams can prophesy her marriage proposal from another person. There is a possibility that a person will want to associate life with her, from whom she does not expect this. If in a dream a former boyfriend marries a girlfriend, this indicates the existence of a secret that friends hide from the dreamer. It cannot be ruled out that in the near future the secret will be revealed.

Men and women

The interpretation directly depends on the sex of the sleeper. Did the wedding ceremony dream of a man? If you believe the information contained in the dream books, then this is a good sign. Such an emotional event predicts the well-being and harmony in a personal life to a representative of the stronger sex.

What does a dream wedding mean for a single woman? Such a plot predicts her marriage proposal. However, some dreamland guides have a different point of view. If you rely on their interpretation, the dreamer will have a serious illness. A visit to the doctor should not be postponed, especially if there are alarming symptoms. An illness diagnosed at an early stage will be easier to defeat.

What does a dream wedding mean for a married woman? For married ladies, such a plot predicts a replenishment in the family. A child can be born both to the dreamer herself and to one of her close relatives. Some travel guides to the world of dreams claim that a wedding symbolizes dissatisfaction with their marriage. In the relationship of the dreamer with her husband, cooling began. It can lead to a break if steps to rapprochement are not taken in a timely manner.


What else can a marriage dream predict? The bride and groom - people whom the sleeping person does not know? Such a plot is capable of predicting the realization of a dream that a person has already forgotten about. It is also likely to meet a friend whom the dreamer has long lost sight of. Communication with this person will bring joy, relations will resume.

Own wedding with a stranger - what does such a plot mean? Sleep marks conflicts with the second half. In the current relationship of the sleeper, a crisis will ensue, which may lead to separation. Fortunately, the gap will be good for both partners, since the relationship has long been exhausted. The dreamer will have the opportunity to start a new life, meet a person who will be able to make him happy.

man dreaming about wedding

The absence of the groom

What else can a person see in their dreams? Why dream of a wedding without a groom? If only the bride is present at the wedding ceremony, such dreams can have different meanings. One possible interpretation is that all the dreamer's plans will fail. A person will experience severe disappointment, but will not suffer for a long time because of this.

Dream Interpretations offer positive interpretations. Some of them claim that a wedding without a groom dreams of positive changes in life. Such dreams can also bring surprises to the dreamer. If a girl who is about to get married has a wedding ceremony without a bridegroom, you should not worry about this. Such a plot only indicates the nervous state of the sleeper. Nothing bad will happen.

The ceremony did not take place

What else could be the interpretation of wedding dreams? The dream interpretation also considers such a plot as a marriage ceremony that failed for one reason or another. The wedding can be canceled due to the fact that the marriage is gone, it is also possible for the bride to flee.

Regardless of what exactly caused the ceremony to be canceled, such dreams prophesy negative events. There is a possibility that the dreamer's plans are not destined to be realized. A person can expect changes for the better, but they will not happen. If the bride or groom cancels the wedding in a dream, conflicts with bosses and colleagues may await the sleeping person. If the ceremony did not take place due to the intervention of other people, the person should be extremely careful. In the coming days, he risks becoming a victim of fraud. New acquaintances should be avoided, dubious transactions should be abandoned.

If the dreamer himself did not allow the wedding to take place, then such a plot warns that he has enemies. Someone from his inner circle is extremely negatively disposed towards him. If the wedding ceremony was disrupted by the parents of the bride or groom, the sleeping person should not count on the support of loved ones. In a difficult situation, they will leave him without help, the problems that have arisen will have to be solved independently.

happy wedding in a dream


What else can be found in dream travel guides to interpret dreams? Why is the wedding dreaming? If in his nightly visions a person discusses an upcoming wedding ceremony or hears how another one is doing, then in reality he will be in trouble. Negative events will cause major disappointment for him.

A more positive interpretation is offered by the dream book of Felomena. Talking about a wedding promises an acquaintance with a person with whom the sleeping person wants to connect his life.

Various plots

A wedding dream - what else could it be?

  • If in her nightly dreams a girl is preparing to connect her fate with an old and sick person, then this promises her a breakdown with her beloved in reality. The current relationship will bring the dreamer not joy, but disappointment.
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  • If a person is happy in his dream because his own wedding did not take place, in reality he is forced to constantly put up with what he does not like.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4109/

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