Picker - what is it? Features of picnic tackle

One of the subspecies of the feeder is a picker. What this is, is known to avid fishermen using bottom fishing techniques. This is a fairly light fishing rod, for which they use thin equipment. This advantage provides a good bite. To understand what a piker is, you should remember a regular feeder, only a smaller one. This configuration makes fishing comfortable. With proper handling, fishing with a picker can be very effective.

The essence of picker

Picker what is it

A picker has many advantages. In some conditions, you just can not do without it. Moreover, the list of positive qualities of the mini-feeder will increase as it is mastered. There will be practically no restrictions on its use. The device of the picker rod allows you to catch both in depth and in breadth of the reservoir. Even in the most difficult places, this type of gear will allow you to successfully fish with the proper experience.

Piker fishing allows the fisherman to conquer even lakes with densely overgrown waters. Fishing can be carried out almost at any time of the year.

Success is achievable with proper balancing of gear. This will avoid breaking the fishing line. Proper rigging will allow you to catch really large specimens.

Picker Benefits

A number of advantages allows the use of correctly mounted picnic equipment in a variety of conditions. They can be used in flowing water with a small or medium flow.

Also, this type of tackle is used in purged reservoirs, where the current drives the wave. In such conditions, it is impractical to use float rods . For narrow reservoirs with dense vegetation, it is also better to use a picker. What is it, fishing itself will indicate when the tackle will allow accurate casting of 25-30 m into a small window among the reeds.

Another advantage of the picker is the ability to cast in dense vegetation on the shore, for example, under the crowns of trees.

Also, according to the reviews of experienced fishermen, with the help of a picker you can fish out large fish more often than with a fishing rod.

Fishing rod

The classic system of a fishing rod for a picker is considered slow. However, today there are fast and medium varieties of it. A pike rod involves the use of thin lines. A slow formation will allow you to pull out quite large specimens of fish.

Pike rod

The length of the rod ranges from 2 to 3 m. When running fishing, preference should be given to short varieties of blank. Stationary fishing allows you to choose a more open area. Therefore, the rod can be chosen a little longer. This will allow you to perform long casts of lightweight equipment.

Picker snap

When buying a snap, you should pay attention to its configuration.

Picnic snap mounting

A pike rod should have several removable tops. If they are not enough, it should be understaffed. These parts must have different flexibility.

One of the important elements of this kind of feeder is considered to be loading. Its weight should match the rod test. These include tackle sinker and feeder. The first can be from 1 to 30 g. It is better to bait manually. Balls from the mixture are delivered to the place of catching by throwing or using a slingshot. However, you can also use the feeder, which is considered an integral part of such a device as a picnic tool. The installation of such elements will allow fishing with frequent movements.

According to experienced fishermen, feeders cling less to the vegetation of a pond than sinkers. They are easier to get out of the water. For a reservoir with no flow, cylindrical feeders are better suited. Their weight should be only 5-10 g.

Mounting a feeder

To catch large fish, the picker equipment should be mounted on a braided line. This will allow the use of force when fishing fish out of the water. The cord can be 0.08-0.1 mm in diameter.

The right picnic equipment will provide good luck on fishing. Installing it should be simple. The leash can be mounted using a swivel, sandwiched between two stoppers. This design will allow you to quickly change the feeders.

The most inappropriate option for fastening the feeder in this case is the use of an anti-twisting tube.

The feeder can be plastic or metal. Its mass should be equal to the weight of the housing without end walls. The bait must be freely released from the feeder.

Nozzles and bait

There are many ways to prepare a bait for piker fishing.

Picker reviews
The easiest way is to mix the soil with boiled cereals. It can be millet or pearl barley. This will attract large fish. With friable mixtures, it can be lured, but it will be unrealistic to keep it.

Lures do not have to be very diverse. Picker fishing is most often done with a worm, bloodworm or maggot. These are the most versatile bait for this fishing method. A hooked worm reduces the frequency of small bite bites. It is good to use it for large fish.

Also, boiled pearl barley, corn, balls of dough or bread crumb, as well as semolina, are suitable as nozzles. Today, many fishermen use foam balls for the picnic fishing method .

Polyfoam helps lift the bait over the grass. Quite often, a fish ignores a nozzle lying on the grass. Therefore, this species allows you to catch fish well where, it seemed, it does not exist at all. This is a highly effective remedy for both calm water and flow.

Reviews of fishermen

Analyzing the opinions of experienced fishermen, it is difficult to say which is the best picker. Reviews on this issue are very subjective. However, the main preferences can still be identified.

Picker Volzhanka

Very often, fishermen celebrate the pickers of the Volzhanka producer. This is a fairly inexpensive, but high-quality option. The price of such pickers starts from 1500 rubles. It can replace more expensive products, such as Colmik. The most famous models of this manufacturer are β€œPicker” and β€œComfort”. Both rods are quite heavy, but the second option is a bit lighter. The Volzhanka picker quite confidently copes with the production of 4-4.5 kg.

Fishermen noted the very convenient Garbolino rod from Rocket Piker. Many consider it one of the best options. In favor of this particular manufacturer speaks of his recognition in England and France. This is an upscale product that is used even for sport fishing. The cost of such a feeder is above average, but it justifies its price.

In general, fishermen noted that such products, regardless of the manufacturer, can catch small and sometimes medium-weight fish.

Fishing technique

To better understand what a piker is, what it is and how to use it, you need to consider the technique of this method. One of its features is active hooking. This is not a self-trimming tackle, which should be taken into account when setting the fishing spot.

Picker fishing

This rod is very sensitive to bite. Therefore, even the presence of small fish they will be noticed. Because of this feature, there is the possibility of idle hooks. To avoid this, you should experiment with gear during fishing. Sometimes you will have to use an active fishing technique, walk along the shore or even replace the feeder with a sinker.

Having familiarized yourself with such a tool as a piker, what it is, it will be quite easy to understand. Its scope involves the selection of certain conditions of the reservoir. In some cases, it is a picker that can bring fisherman great luck and a good catch.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K412/

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