Smartphone review DEXP Ixion M LTE 5. Smartphone reviews

Technology companies are rapidly appearing on the Russian market, becoming more and more. There are several reasons for this, the main one is the solvency of our compatriots, which is falling every year. Due to this, cheaper smartphones (including Russian ones) are becoming more and more popular.

Another newcomer, who is already actively expanding its presence, is DEXP. You may not have heard of it because of the not so long ago appearance of its products in the catalogs of our online stores.

smartphone DEXP Ixion M LTE 5 reviews

However, the fact that the devices of this brand are not so famous does not mean anything in terms of their quality. Indeed, it is possible that among the products of this brand, everyone will be able to find a device worthy of attention at an affordable price.

And today we will do a review of DEXP Ixion M LTE 5. Immediately I want to note that this device (at least externally) is a typical “Chinese” (although made with us) with a large screen, unoriginal design and fairly serious characteristics. Its cost is about 8 thousand rubles. And what the buyer receives for this amount, we will describe in today's article.

DEXP Ixion M LTE 5


Let's start from the very beginning: equipping the model, its kit. The device is offered in a classic rectangular box with the company logo and photos of the device itself. Opening the package, you will find a smartphone with a protective film on the screen and in a special bag to prevent scratches and chips. With DEXP Ixion M LTE 5, the kit includes: a charger (adapter for plugging into an outlet) and a cord for connecting to a PC. Actually, there is no additional battery, not one more film that Chinese developers love to put with their devices.


Taking the smartphone in hand, you immediately realize that the DEXP Ixion M LTE 5 is made of plastic. Build quality cannot be called ideal - you can “crunch” the phone if you wish (there are some creaks and backlashes). Actually, the materials that make up the model’s case also clearly do not claim to be high-quality.

The front side of the DEXP Ixion M LTE 5 (8 GB) is completely hidden under the protective glass. This is a long-tested trick of developers, with which the smartphone is made more effective. The frames around the screen cannot be called thin, but they look quite harmonious. At the top of the phone are light and proximity sensors, which are responsible for turning off the screen as the device approaches the ear. Also here you can find the peephole of the front camera.

In the lower segment of the body are navigation buttons. They are sensory and drawn as two points with a circle in the center. The DEXP Ixion M LTE 5 phone has a camera eye on the back of its case, and next to it is a flash, which helps to improve the quality of pictures in low light.

The back cover of the case completely covers the entire back side, and even the edges of the device. Due to this, you should not be afraid to damage the device mechanically. In this case, it will not be difficult to replace the cover and, in fact, get a new phone case.

smartphone DEXP Ixion M LTE 5


As you can already understand by the name DEXP Ixion M LTE 5, the phone has a 5-inch display (typical for this category of devices). Its resolution, according to the technical description, is 1280 x 720 pixels. Due to this, the density of the image on the screen is 294 pixels per square inch.

The glass of the screen is covered with an oleophobic layer, which increases the degree of sliding of the finger on its surface, and also prevents the appearance of fingerprints.

As for the image quality, it is quite high - even when the device tilt angle changes, the picture remains almost unchanged in terms of brightness, saturation level, and tonality. In general, users characterize the smartphone DEXP Ixion M LTE 5 as one that has a high-quality display, comfortable for everyday work.


Obviously, a budget class smartphone is not able to have a “cool” filling that can demonstrate the highest speed and fast response. However, in the case of DEXP Ixion M LTE 5 (reviews confirm this), the developers tried hard. In particular, they equipped the model with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 processor. Although it cannot show miracles, it will still work faster than the more “braked” MediaTeks that they put in smartphones of this class.

Those four cores that bring to life the hero of our review have a clock frequency of 1.2 GHz each.

DEXP Ixion M LTE 5 8

The smartphone’s RAM has a capacity of 1 GB, of which almost half is available to the user to work with applications (the rest is “taken away” by the system). This is enough to ensure a completely “smart”, stable phone in everyday life.

operating system

The smartphone is running Android 4.4.4. Whether the developer will continue to support the following updates is not yet clear (recall, version 6.1 is available at the time of writing this review).

Here, in addition to the “native” interface of this operating system, a graphical shell from the developer is also installed. The differences between it and what Android offers are not so significant. Perhaps the difference is only in the available services from Yandex (whereas by default Google services are installed on this OS); as well as in some graphic elements. In particular, the menu icons in the settings panel were redrawn here.


According to the technical specifications, the battery installed on the device has a capacity of 2300 mAh. This can not be called a high indicator, although such a volume of charge is sufficient to maintain the smartphone in moderate mode for two days, and with more active use - for one day. As the device is used, the degree of battery endurance will decrease. This will not be a big problem, since the design of the phone makes it easy to replace the battery if necessary.

DEXP Ixion M LTE 5 reviews

The reviews that describe in more detail the DEXP Ixion M LTE 5 smartphone testify that the device can work on a single charge when playing video - for 7, music - 14, and work with Wi-Fi - 8 hours. If you load the phone to the maximum at the same time, it will charge for no more than 4 hours.


There is nothing unusual in the specifications of DEXP Ixion cameras. The main one has a matrix with a resolution of 8 megapixels, additional - 2 megapixels. In the process of shooting, it is noticeable that the graphic design of the camera differs from what endowed with “bare” Android. Apparently, the developers resorted to this technique in order to somewhat “individualize” their product, even in this sense.

The quality of pictures can be called high only on condition that the picture was taken in a room with good lighting. In other cases, the pictures may come out somewhat inaccurate or will have a color filling that does not correspond to reality.


To be honest, the recommendations of the buyers of this smartphone that we managed to find are not the most flattering shade in favor of the developers. So, buyers note that the device can turn itself off and, thus, completely fail without the ability to resume functionality. Also here, judging by real stories, the power key may stop working in an instant, which is why you won’t be able to cope with the phone without contacting the service center. There are also reports of other defects in the model that arose during the manufacturing process. This is not to mention such disadvantages as a poor camera, poor sound quality of an external speaker.

DEXP Ixion M LTE 5 review


What can be noted about the DEXP Ixion M LTE 5? The review showed really good capabilities of the device in terms of its features. In particular, this is the presence of two cameras, a processor more powerful than usual (for this class), the ability to change the cover and thus make the device design different, support for LTE-communication (as you can guess from the name), a good screen. Again, due to the fact that the smartphone is made in Russia, its cost is slightly lower than that of foreign products, which means that for the same money the manufacturer can offer higher quality.

However, there is one “but” - this is the stability of the work. It is precisely its absence that users who have experience in interacting with this device complain about. They note that the smartphone is not as stable as we would like for normal, comfortable work with it. In particular, some failures occur during the execution of some tasks; factory defects that may have occurred during the telephone release process may also occur.

Phone DEXP Ixion M LTE 5

With this in mind, you can make such a verdict: if you are willing to take a chance, then this smartphone can be called suitable. It has really good features and a low price. On the other hand, if you need stability, then it's better to find another manufacturer and take the model more expensive.


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