Outbreaks in the eyes: causes, symptoms

Outbreaks in the eyes - this is one of the important signs indicating violations of the retina. This phenomenon in medicine is called photopsy. The eye retina has the ability to generate nerve impulses and transmit them to the brain, thus forming a visual image. Many people are interested in why a flash in the eyes is sometimes accompanied by dizziness, spasmodic pain in the head and a decrease in visual function. Let's try to understand the causes of the appearance of such symptoms, and at the same time consider how to deal with them.

flash in the eyes

What could cause outbreaks?

Consider the most likely causes of such a pathology. Flash in the eyes may occur in such cases:

  • Inflammatory processes occurring in the vitreous body of the eye. This disease is called retinitis.
  • The appearance of a tumor on the retina.
  • Vascular membranes of the eye, providing blood supply to the eye retina, become inflamed. This disease is called choroiditis.
  • The optic nerve becomes inflamed and leads to the development of a disease called neuritis.
  • Retinal detachment.

Manifestations such as flashes in the eyes do not adversely affect visual function. But this symptom cannot be ignored, since the development of a serious disease can be hidden behind it. In order to prevent the pathological processes occurring in the ocular retina and other problems in the functioning of the visual system, it is necessary to undergo a timely diagnosis by visiting the ophthalmological office.

flashes in the eyes of the cause

There are other types of diseases in which outbreaks or flicker may occur. These include:

  • Diabetes.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis.
  • High or low blood pressure.
  • Anemia.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Toxin poisoning.
  • Pain in the head.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.

Diagnostic Methods

If a person has outbreaks in the eyes, the causes of their occurrence can be determined by an oculist. This will require a series of diagnostic measures:

  • Ophthalmoscopy Using special equipment (fundus lens, ophthalmoscope), the doctor examines the fundus and assesses the condition of the retina, optic nerve disc and blood vessels.
  • Ultrasound examination of the eyeball . Such a study is necessary if the result at the initial examination was not enough.
  • Visual acuity test.

why flashes in the eyes

  • Coherent tomography (OCT). This study allows a non-contact way to visualize eye structures in higher resolution (1-15 microns) than with ultrasound.
  • Electrotonography. Eye pressure test.
  • Fluorescence angiography. X-ray research method with which you can check the state of the vascular system in the eyeball.
  • Perimetry. This research method allows you to determine the boundaries of visual fields and identify possible defects.


Depending on the disease, sparks, flickering spots and bright flashes in the eyes may appear. The causes of such phenomena are able to establish an ophthalmologist.

The manifestation of symptoms can occur after prolonged work at the computer, with eye fatigue, and with nervous overstrain of the visual system. Sparks can vary in brightness and color. Often they have the appearance of a glow, floating bright spots and flashes that interfere with viewing any object. Non-existent images that were captured by the visual system during work or other activities may flicker in your eyes. These features are associated with the work of the nervous system.

outbreaks in the eyes

The nerve endings located in the eyeball are responsible for many of the functions of vision. If problems arise in this system, flashes may appear in the eyes. Symptoms cannot be ignored, because they often hide a serious health threat.

Methods of treating pathology

The methods of therapy depend entirely on the causes that caused the development of such a pathology. To establish a diagnosis, you will need an ophthalmologist's consultation. For more complex diseases, such as oncology, examination by other specialists is required.

Surgical treatment of diseases is of two types:

  • Removing pathology with a laser. The affected areas of the retina are point-affected by a laser beam. But this method of therapy is used very rarely, since it is poorly understood.
  • Surgical intervention. This method removes the vitreous body of the eye and replaces it by applying a special solution. This method of treatment is used in rare cases, since it can lead to retinal detachment, cause hemorrhage and clouding of the lens.

bright flashes in the eyes of the cause

If outbreaks in the eyes are not associated with serious illnesses, drugs are used that are aimed at normalizing metabolic processes and eliminating symptoms in the form of flickers and flashes.

  1. To strengthen the vessels of the eye, "Emoxipin" 1% is used. The medicine is intended to protect the vitreous body of the eye from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Also, the tool reduces the likelihood of hemorrhage, helps to normalize the circulation of fluid in the visual organ.
  2. The inflammatory process can be removed using Wobenzym. This medicine has an analgesic effect, normalizes the blood structure, provides proper nutrition to tissues.

If the cause of the outbreaks is detachment of the retina, use the laser coagulation method and surgery. In inflammatory processes, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial agents and corticosteroid drugs. If the disease is of an oncological nature, complex therapy will be required.

Preventative measures

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of pathologies such as outbreaks in the eyes, so the only way to prevent the development of the disease is to contact an optometrist on time. Other types of prevention in this case is not provided.

flash in the eyes

When do I need to go to the optometrist?

A visit to an ophthalmologist cannot be avoided if the following problems occur:

  1. The outbreaks are bright and long, and their appearance began after a head injury.
  2. If sparks and light spots precede a fainting state.
  3. If outbreaks are numerous and occur very often.
  4. If the patient has diabetes mellitus or hypertension, then against the background of these diseases, damage to the structure of the eye can occur, which becomes the cause of glare and outbreaks.

The danger of an untimely visit to the doctor is the threat of losing sight.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4135/

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