Spearfishing for pike - features, rules and reviews

According to many underwater hunters, the best reward for labor and appreciation for the high level of dexterity is the fish caught. And it does not matter if it is an exotic species or a “simple" representative of the river fauna. Judging by the reviews, spearfishing for pike is very popular in Russia. Why is this predator so popular among fishermen? You will find information about the features and rules of spearfishing for pike in this article.

Pond with fish.

Acquaintance with the river predator

The high popularity of spearfishing for pike is due to the fact that this species is very common in our reservoirs. No wonder the pike is also called the "king of fish." They mined it back in the days of Ancient Russia. It is unlikely that a fisherman who has never encountered this predator will be found. Judging by the reviews, having caught a pike, even an avid crucian will be happy with prey. This spotted fish is a very interesting, hardy and seasoned opponent. There are individuals longer than a meter and weighing more than 10 kg.

spearfishing big pike

What is the peculiarity of obtaining "king fish"?

Judging by the reviews, the severity of spearfishing for a large pike is added by the fact that this predator has a fighting character. Finishing her is recommended during her first throw. There were times when the fish, without orienting themselves in the midst of the battle, quickly attacked the hunters, and then swam away, leaving several hematomas or more serious wounds. According to experienced fishermen, it is undesirable to become an object of attack by a pike, since this predator has very sharp teeth. In addition, the jaw of the pike is designed in such a way that the teeth can miss the victim into the mouth at the right time. If during the fight the pike loses several, then soon they will grow back.

Those who are going to conduct spearfishing for pike in the daytime, experts advise to carefully examine the underwater roots of trees. In the daytime, the fish hides there. Closer to night, a predator emerges from its shelter.

Large specimens try to be at the bottom, individuals are easier, on the contrary, rise in the upper layers. However, pike - this is not the kind of fish that will swim at the very surface of the reservoir. The success of spearfishing for this representative of the river fauna directly depends on who is the first to react: a person will detect a victim and fire a shot, or a fish will learn the approach of danger and sail away.

Spearfishing weapons.

The hunter should remember that the predator will not give a second chance and will go to places quieter. Experts recommend starting hunting after visual preparation: you need to be thoroughly familiar with the outlines of this fish, body structure and its movements. A clear picture should be in the mind, which will make it possible to detect a pike even among the plentiful reed thickets. Many hunters, moving along the bottom, freeze for a while. This time is used for a detailed inspection of the bottom. Since the pike protects its territory from other fish, from time to time it pokes its head out of the shelter to examine its possessions, which will give itself away.

According to experts, during the hunt you can take advantage of indirect signs of the presence of this fish. Determine that the pike nearby is easily cloudy. In order for the prey to hunt without problems and bring results, you should know the secrets of spearfishing for pike.

spearfishing in the summer

Where to begin?

Judging by the numerous reviews, most beginners do not know where to look for pike. Spearfishing involves following certain rules. The most universal - the pike is always next to the individuals that represent its feed base. Since an ide is such a representative for a river predator, then, finding a flock, we can conclude that a pike must have lurked somewhere nearby. According to experts, the predator, having joined the jamb, periodically pulls out one or another fish.

Which weapon to choose?

Many pike lovers are wondering which weapon is considered the most effective: pneumatics or crossbow? Experts advise giving preference to the second option.

Underwater hunter.

This crossbow is ideal for targeted spearfishing for pike. The tips of experienced fishermen in favor of crossbows are due to the fact that this weapon is reliable and has high accuracy of the battle. Judging by the reviews of professional underwater hunters, the following strengths of crossbows can be distinguished:

  • These are shooting devices with a simple mechanism, in which various malfunctions and breakdowns are practically eliminated.
  • The crossbow shot is completely silent. What is very important for spearfishing.
  • Due to its high power, it is possible to hit a target from a crossbow at a distance of no more than 7 m. From pneumatics, this is possible at a distance of 4 m. Since compressed air in airguns is much weaker than rubber traction, this explains the high kill rate of the crossbow.

Shooting in the jaw or belly of a pike is not worth it, because, having completed two or three serious jerks, it will be freed from the arrow. The most lethal place in the body of the predator is the spine. Once in it, the hunter manages to completely immobilize the fish.

On spearfishing for pike in the summer

At this time of the year, the spotted predator, like other freshwater fishes (chub or bream and bream), spend most of the time in the middle horizon. The fish is in constant motion. Since for pike, dislocation in the upper layers of the water column is the norm, the underwater hunter should first of all focus on the upper balls of the reservoir. Since pike are considered very careful fish, you need to move along the bottom so as not to make a lot of noise. It is advisable to sneak up on her from behind.

According to experts, it is best to approach the river predator from the side. This recommendation is due to the fact that the pike has less developed sensory organs on the lateral line, which cannot be said about its vision. At the same time, it is important not to frighten away the “king-fish” with the light of a flashlight. If you managed to sneak up to the fish from the side, the underwater hunter will have a couple of extra seconds to produce an aimed shot from a crossbow.

About the Autumn Fishery

According to experienced underwater hunters, the process of harvesting pike in the fall is quite unpredictable. If we compare the river predator with burbot, then at the beginning of autumn it is less active. However, it is considered more mobile than other fish species. By November, when the temperature in the pond does not exceed five degrees, the pike becomes somewhat passive and, at the same time, more timid. This should be considered by lovers of spearfishing. Otherwise, the fish, sensing danger, can abruptly break away and swiftly swim away.

About hunting in the winter

During this period, the place of deployment of pike is various aquatic vegetation. According to the hunters, it is best to look for this fish in the bushes of the pond. Moreover, this representative of the fauna is always in the same position - the muzzle in the direction of the current. In winter, the pike practically does not rise in the middle and upper horizons. This behavior is due to the fact that the fish, being cold-blooded, becomes passive as a result of lowering the temperature. Thus, by reducing energy consumption, it saves its strength. Judging by numerous reviews, winter is considered a good period for those who are going to do spearfishing.

The main advantage of winter fishing is that the hunter has more chances to make a aimed shot at the predator in the back. Sensing the approach of a person, the fish does not react so swiftly.

On the behavior of predatory fish in spring

Spearfishing for pike at this time of the year, judging by numerous reviews, practically does not differ from winter fishing. By the beginning of spring, the fish does not become more active, since it begins to spawn. In March, the pike lies at the bottom of the reservoir. In this position, she stays long enough. It will be difficult to detect it, since the predator is often sprinkled with silt. In addition, leeches are arranged on the body of the fish.

How to take a shot catch?

Many underwater hunters engaged in pike fishing for the sake of sports interest, take pictures with their trophy. At the same time, they pose, holding the fish by the gills.

Secrets of Spearfishing for Pike

According to experts, this method of grabbing is possible only if a small specimen is obtained. If you were lucky enough to shoot a 7-12-kilogram predator, then it is not recommended to hold it by the gills. Otherwise, the underwater hunter simply cuts his fingers on the sharp gill wings.

pike fisherman

At the same time, a person should be as careful as possible and not forget that he has a predator in his hands, striving at all costs to go back into the water. Those who are going to plant a pike on a kukan can be advised not to do this in the usual way, since gloves and a wetsuit can be damaged. A person will feel much safer if the fish is pierced by the upper and lower jaws. Thus, her mouth will be securely fastened. It is also not necessary to risk spoiling the equipment by stretching the cook to the belt. It is more expedient to double-pass the jaw of the predator with a needle, and then connect it to the front load.


Judging by the reviews of spear fishing enthusiasts, pike is a worthy adversary. Despite the fact that this species of fish is very popular and is found in almost every body of water in Russia, many fishermen would consider it an honor to have this beautiful trophy in their arsenal.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4136/

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