Herculean diet and weight loss

A variety of mono-diets are extremely popular today. There are a great many dietary nutrition programs that are based on any one product. Buckwheat, rice, cucumber, apple, and Hercules diet ... in fact, this list can be continued indefinitely. A closer look at the diet of these diets easily guesses the foods that previously made up the menu of fasting days. No wonder experts warn of the dangers of such nutrition. It is one thing to arrange an unloading of the body once a week and sit on porridge without salt or vegetable salad, and it is quite another to eat like this for a week or two.

I must say that high-carb diets, which are based on vegetables, cereals, unsweetened fruits and greens, are widely used in medical practice. Assign them to people with health problems. The patient is under the supervision of a specialist. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the ultimate goal of such a diet is not weight loss. For example, a herculean diet is indicated for high cholesterol, hypertension, and stomach problems.

In general, losing weight by eating buckwheat or oatmeal in unlimited quantities is quite difficult. Of course, these cereals belong to the group of complex carbohydrates, which means that our body needs to maintain metabolic processes. However, they are quite high in calories. Therefore, if you still decide to use a rice, buckwheat or hercules diet, do not forget to count calories.

Note also that in this case we are not talking about losing weight. For the most part, a decrease in body weight and its volume occurs due to the elimination of fluid from the body. After all, we are offered to eat porridge without salt.

By the way, European scientists have long proved that the mechanism of burning fat turns on only after two weeks of diet. Prior to this, weight loss occurs due to water.

Often, using mono-diets, losing weight achieve exactly the opposite results. First of all, the metabolic process slows down, which means that burning fat becomes more difficult. The monotonous menu that the Hercules diet offers does not provide the body with all the useful substances, and this is fraught with food breakdowns. As a result, the lost kilograms return very soon, and even with a solid increase. Alas, such a β€œswing” is the result of all strict diets.

However, the Hercules diet is not so bad - the reviews of those losing weight are proof of this. If you have gained a few extra pounds, and you urgently need to get in shape, such an express method will be very useful.

What is a Herculean diet? The menu includes oatmeal on the water, unsweetened fruits and berries, natural yogurts, kefir, green tea, water. Some sources also recommend adding a couple of teaspoons of honey. Prepare for such a diet porridge from Hercules on water without sugar and salt, you can add berries and fruits for taste. As you have already seen, all products are affordable and do not require complicated preparation.

Such a diet will not bring harm to a healthy person. True, counting on a lasting result in weight loss in this case is hardly worth it.

Hercules perfectly saturates, because it maintains a stable level of sugar in the blood. Therefore, the feeling of hunger on such a diet will not torment you. Moreover, the Herculean diet promotes good habits. For example, after observing it, you can easily control the amount of salt in the diet.

Oatmeal can safely be called a product of health and beauty. Therefore, by supplementing your daily menu with oatmeal porridge in water or skim milk, you will win. Healthy hair and nails, clean, radiant skin - this is only the visible result. Add good digestion, elastic vessels, stabilization of blood pressure - and all this thanks to oatmeal. This breakfast should be the basis of the menu for those who want to lose weight. But the Herculean diet in the form in which it is offered today has the right to exist only as an emergency measure.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4137/

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