Harmony in the family: how to create and maintain

When two loving hearts meet, for them there are no barriers and problems in the world. The main thing that they go is to be together and never be separated. But here the goal is achieved, the lovers created a family and healed together. And here they are in wait for various dangers that destructively affect the world in the family. As a rule, at the beginning of family life, relations between spouses are tested - everyday, psychological, material. There is a grinding of characters, a revision of habits. After all, not everyone is ready to accept their other half without correcting some character traits or established habits.

model families

Family problems can occur at any time.

But such problems also occur in more mature families. As the feeling of boundless love gradually fades away, all the flaws of a loved one become visible, which already downplay the feeling of love and tenderness. So there is a conflict of interest, turning into a crisis of family life. And all this happens because, having become spouses, the lovers were not ready for living together and did not pay due attention to the habits and preferences of the partner, were not ready to accept their married or narrow-minded as they really are, and not what they drew their enthusiastic imagination.

Female power

But in order for the family to be happy, not only the ideal order in the house is important, harmony in the family plays a much greater role and brings tangible benefits. And much here depends on the woman, for it is she who from ancient times has been the guardian of the family hearth. It is only in her power to create conditions in the family so that a man wants to be a defender of the interests of his family, not only her material values, but also moral principles, spiritual values. It is very important to distribute responsibilities in the family so that the load of each member is uniform and feasible, and each spouse remains equal and plays an important role in the process of creating a family idyll.

Harmony and mutual understanding in the family. What it is?

Only a clear understanding of their importance in the common family business allows us to see how well-coordinated interaction of the two halves is necessary in order for harmony to prevail in family life. Such a position in which each spouse makes an invaluable contribution to overall well-being and happiness. She makes them work in one team, trying to improve their standard of living. The concept of “harmony” includes such factors as the coordination of joint actions, coherence and harmony in moving towards a common goal - the achievement of happiness and prosperity in family life.

Everyone understands the importance of harmony without exception, for it is impossible to achieve the goal when rowers row in different directions. But not all, unfortunately, want and can achieve this. After all, harmony in the family is based on mutual understanding, clear coordination of actions of spouses and other household members, empathy and sympathy, creating the most positive atmosphere and comfort in the family.

perfect family

In many cases, family conflicts arise due to the fact that each of the spouses brought to their family the stereotypes of relationships that were in effect in the parental families. Everyone insists on such a model of the family to which he is accustomed. Moreover, not taking into account the habits of the second half, which is a heavy burden for the partner and shows him how indifferent his interests are. This situation is aggravated by the mutual unwillingness of the spouses to make concessions and seek some compromises.

Endless mutual insults and accusations of infringement of the partner’s rights greatly impede the formation of a new family with their family foundations, do not allow harmonious relationships to develop until the parties understand the futility of this activity and take the path to building new family relationships. This is achieved through mutual compromises, trusting relationships, in which you can express and discuss any point of view, but make the final decision only jointly after reaching mutual agreement.

Joint plans are a necessary element of good family relationships

Truly exemplary families are obtained only when all its members make joint plans, identify important areas of responsibility for each household, and strive together for a common result. In such families, everyone supports each other and does not pull the blanket over themselves, taking care of other members of the community. It is necessary to organize powerful support during crisis situations at work, because the unfulfillment of someone professionally can violate the family idyll and lead to the destruction of harmonious relationships built with such efforts.

Children in the family are adults

how to create harmony in the family

This is especially true in those families where there are adult children. On the one hand, they are already old enough to cope with their own difficulties, and on the other hand, they are still children who need an authoritative parental opinion and confidence in their unconditional support. After all, the family is a monolithic organism, where if one part is bad, then the whole organism suffers. This is the only place on earth where you are loved not for some outstanding qualities or merits, but simply because you are not in the world, and where you are always expected regardless of your successes in life. Here you can relax your soul and be saturated with blessed energy, get a charge of tenderness and vivacity, find moral peace and find understanding. A family where fully independent adult children are already striving can rightfully be considered successful and very happy.

Proper relationships with children are the key to a good family relationship

parents and children in the family

Too many families suffer from having improper relationships with children. In childhood, when the worldview of the child still depends on the parents, it is very important to find that middle ground in your relationship with him, when he does not feel annoying dependence, but fully feels your love and tenderness. In fact, parents and children in the family are completely interconnected and mutually influence each other. The child absorbs relationships in the family like a sponge, and if you behave differently in the family circle than you tell your child, the sense of such upbringing will not work. If you want to educate a certain image in your child, first accept it yourself, become an example for your child. Then your educational technique will succeed.

peace in the family

Leave space for the thoughts of a loved one

In fact, family and family relationships is a rather complicated topic. Each family has its own pitfalls and dangerous currents, and only those people who want to build a strong harmonious family, an example of family happiness, can get around these acute moments. In order for each of the married couples to be happy when living together, you must always leave the partner the opportunity to retire, to be alone with your thoughts and feelings, put them in order, or even just take a break from tiring family affairs.

Stay interesting to your partner

In addition, you need to try to be an interesting partner in all periods of your life, even when sexual interest fades for objective reasons. There are many platforms on which such relationships can be built so that they turn into mutual interest, and it is your communication, and not someone else’s, that your beloved half will miss during your absence. When you both can say about your life together - “my beloved family”, then consider that the harmony between you has been achieved.

Consider the interests of another partner

Happy relationships in the family are possible when everyone cares not only about their own good, but also links it with the interests of the spouse and children. Of course, you should not forget about your own happiness, otherwise your sacrifice threatens to turn into not a creative force in building a family, but destructive. After all, if a husband or wife ceases to live their own life, completely subordinating their desires and needs to any member of the family, whether husband or child, he will cease to be happy and free. And what good can an unhappy person bring to a family?

Knowledge application

And yet, how to create harmony in the family? To do this, you just need to get certain knowledge and try to apply them in practice. After all, at first, when you are in love and completely blinded by your passion, no one specifically plans anything, all relations develop impulsively, and only God knows if the matter will end in creating a family. But when the time comes when you become a new unit of society, harmony in the family is a very important component of a happy family life.

The secret to success in harmonious relationships

house order

And during this period you should already think about how to make sure that your relationship brings joy to each other, not grief. It is precisely such relationships in the family that people dream of when they marry, but not everyone is willing to work long and carefully to achieve such a result. After all, people with different worldviews come to every family. And not all of them form exemplary families. What is the secret to the success of some and unsuccessful attempts of others?

First of all, the foundation of a new family should be laid all those life values ​​that do not cause controversy and find a warm response on both sides. These are global concepts such as good and evil, friendship and betrayal, decency and meanness, respect and contempt. If you have the same opinions on these issues, this is a big plus for a happy family life. On these basic principles, harmony in the family is built. All other issues causing pluralism of opinions have to be worked out for a long time and painstakingly by mutual concessions and indispensable compromises. After all, in order for the family to act as a single monolithic team, it is necessary to eliminate the factors separating it.

In order for you to always be comfortable and cozy in your family, and next to each other warm and joyful, you need to make a lot of effort. But it’s worth it, because happiness and mutual trust cannot be bought for any carriages, this is achieved only by painstaking and tireless work, the apotheosis of which should be complete harmony in the family.

Recommendations to help you improve family relationships

harmony in family life

There are several effective rules that will help you create a harmonious family and carry it through decades of living together. We give the most significant of them:

  1. Try to choose a partner for life with those close to your views and beliefs - this will help you cope more easily with various vicissitudes of fate, and less will have to resolve disagreements when building a healthy family.
  2. If before marriage you are used to decide everything and do it yourself, urgently review this habit and adjust it so that your soul mate does not feel restrained and detached from making general decisions.
  3. Try not to hush up all difficult situations - family or workers - and subject them to joint discussion. Let your chosen one take part in eliminating your problems and troubles. Your partner will be able to give practical advice and support in case of failure.
  4. All major purchases or major changes relating to family life, always try to decide together. So you can protect your marriage from many small quarrels and various grievances.
  5. Since you will still have to do unpleasant household chores, decide immediately on the responsibilities of each spouse, given what works best for whom. This way you minimize quarrels about cleaning and cooking.
  6. Discuss not only the family budget, but also such pleasant moments as where you will go on vacation, where you will celebrate the New Year, which of friends or relatives it is time to pay a visit, and whom to invite to visit. For an ideal family, trifles do not exist; everything that is done for the good of the family is important and necessary.
  7. Find strength to communicate with your family, even if you are fatally tired at work after a hard day. Let this communication be shorter than usual. But at the same time, your soul mate should take part in your life, know that it is you that has exhausted you and caused fatigue, and that your restraint is just the result of the fatigue that will pass after a good rest.
  8. Show interest in the affairs of your partner, live his interests, learn about events at work. Also remember that planning your weekend together is a very rewarding experience. It brings together two loving people.
  9. Often seek the advice of loved ones, discuss various deadlocks, or simply exchange opinions on various issues important to the family.
  10. Always value your chosen one and in every way demonstrate to him that you have not made the slightest mistake in choosing a life partner.
  11. Give your half compliments, do not skimp on the praise and recognition of his merits, and sometimes it is worthwhile to do this in the presence of friends, as if recognizing the importance of your relationship with them.
  12. Show care and attention, which can be expressed in different ways - a delicious dinner, an affectionate attitude, a bouquet of flowers for no reason, a joint trip to the theater or cinema and more.
  13. Do not lose your friendly disposition towards a partner - this strengthens family ties, sometimes even stronger than love.

Little conclusion

But the main thing in creating a harmonious atmosphere in the family is a mutual conscious desire to make your marriage happy and prosperous. And, as you know, it’s not so far from desire to realization.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4139/

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