What the golden watch dreams about: meaning and interpretation, which portends

In different sources you can find different information about what the golden watch is dreaming of. To get the most accurate and detailed interpretation, you need to remember as much as possible all the details of the vision. Then you can get important tips and look into the future.

what is the dream of a golden watch

Psychological dream book

In the psychological interpreter, you can find such information about what the golden watch dreams about:

  • Sleep means that a fruitful period has come in your life. Now you have to work hard, but the result will fully justify the effort.
  • If in a dream you accidentally found a gold watch, then in reality troubles are possible. It is possible that they will be associated with material losses.
  • Buying new gold watches portends good luck in business. You will be able to get around all your competitors and get what is rightfully due to you.
  • If the watch was old and worn, it means that you should rethink your beliefs. You live outdated views, which greatly complicates your development as an individual.
  • If in a dream you gave someone your golden watch, it means that in reality you will give someone your place in the sun. But trying to please others, do not forget about your well-being.
dreaming women gold watch

Female dream book

Looking into the women's dream book, you can gather such information about what the golden watch dreams about:

  • If in a dream someone gives you a golden watch, and you refuse to accept it, it means that in reality you will undeservedly insult a loved one. Thus, you will bring him considerable experience.
  • If in a dream you bought expensive and bulky gold watches, then you will be successful in your business. Moreover, you can easily achieve a positive result.
  • If a golden watch was stolen from you in a dream, it means that close people will give you reason to doubt your sincerity and devotion.
  • If a girl dreamed of a gold watch with a sparkling diamond bracelet, this promises her a quick successful marriage. The spouse will be loving and wealthy.
  • If you dreamed of a pocket watch on a chain, it means that you are a punctual and responsible person. People around you greatly appreciate these qualities.
why do women dream about a gold watch

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

If you're curious about what a golden watch is about, take a look at Aesop's interpreter. In it you will find the following information:

  • If you dreamed of a gold watch with a broken dial, it means that you have chosen the wrong direction of activity. You lose valuable time and miss valuable opportunities.
  • If the clock in your dream has become, it means that you have an unresolved problem. Until you close this problem, further development will be very problematic.
  • If you dreamed of an old gold watch, it means that it is time to take stock of this life period and draw conclusions. Based on this, you will need to reconsider your plans for the future.
  • If in a dream you had a lot of gold watches, it means that in reality you lead a carefree life, completely not thinking about the passage of time. Perhaps a dream warns you that it is time to reconsider your views on life.
  • If you saw a huge mantel or wall clock made of gold, then in any endeavors you will be accompanied by success.
sleeping girl

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

Here is what information about the golden watch can be gathered from the Wanderer’s dream book:

  • A frivolous and irresponsible attitude to life is what a man watches a gold wristwatch on. Perhaps the dreamer is wasteful and irresponsible.
  • A pocket watch on a chain is a harbinger of monetary profit. But it will be small and one-time. Perhaps this is a win or a gift.
  • If in a dream you admired a showcase with very expensive golden watches that you cannot afford, then in life you set unattainable goals. Go to the dream in small steps, and do not try to get everything at once.
  • If you dream of finding a gold watch, it means that you will get a valuable chance to improve your financial situation. Do not miss this opportunity.
  • If you have lost a gold watch, it means that you are too careless and inattentive. Because of this, you may not notice the traitor in your surroundings.
what is the dream of the golden watch on the hand

Miller's Dream Book

Here's what you can learn from Aesop’s interpreter about visions in which a gold watch was present:

  • A new commitment or a big responsibility is what a golden watch on a hand dreams of. If you see someone putting them on your wrist, then someone is trying to shift their responsibilities on you.
  • If a young girl dreams of a luxurious gold watch, this portends her a happy marriage. Life will be not only joyful, but also prosperous.
  • If your gold watch has been encrusted with large precious stones, this portends you a happy and calm life.
  • If the hands on the dial move very slowly, it portends you longevity.
  • If the arrows on the dial move at a frantic speed, sleep warns you that you should hurry. If you continue to put off important matters, you run the risk of missing valuable opportunities.

Dream Wanga

The interpreter of the famous Bulgarian diviner about the golden watch, you can find out the following:

  • If you dream of a women's gold watch with an elegant bracelet, this portends you a romantic acquaintance, which may well end in a happy marriage.
  • If in a dream you were presented with a precious watch as a gift, it means that in reality you are an influential and respected person. Those around you are very appreciated.
  • If you yourself buy a gold watch, this indicates your determination. You are used to everything in life to achieve independently.
  • If the gold watch turned out to be fake, then you risk spoiling your reputation. The reason for this will be a connection with an unscrupulous and deceitful person.
  • If in a dream someone puts a watch on your hand, it means that in reality someone is trying to subordinate you to his will.
dreams of finding a gold watch

Esoteric dream book

If you look into the esoteric dream book, you can find out the following interpretation of visions about the golden watch:

  • A romantic adventure is what women’s watches in gold dream about. It is possible that this meeting will develop into a long and happy relationship.
  • If a woman dreamed of a man’s gold watch, then she takes on too many responsibilities. Perhaps you should soberly assess your capabilities and ask for help from loved ones.
  • If you clearly remember the time that the golden watch showed in your dream, this is a sign that at exactly the same hour in reality you will learn some important news or will witness some fateful event.
  • If in a dream you broke a gold watch or broke a bracelet, it means that you are at the risk of missing out on some valuable chance. Be careful and soberly assess your capabilities.
  • If you stole a gold watch in a dream, this indicates that you are illegible in methods and means, if it comes to achieving your goal. But you should be careful, because you can get a fight back.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K414/

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