MAZ 7310 - four-axis carrier of missile ballistic systems

The large-sized four-axle all-wheel drive vehicle MAZ-543 (MAZ-7310 after changing the GOST) has been produced by single prototypes since 1958. The machine went into mass production in 1962.

maz 7310

A bit of history

On June 25, 1954, on the initiative of Marshal G.K. Zhukov, the USSR Council of Ministers decided to create design bureaus at the Minsk Automobile Plant to develop a multi-axis off-road wheeled vehicle for the Ministry of Defense. In a short time, SKB-1 and a pilot production support workshop were created at MAZ. The first developments were eight-wheeled ballast and truck tractors, which, after several years of production, were transferred to the Kurgan Wheel Equipment Plant.

Military functions

The main purpose of the MAZ-7310 was to transport missile systems, after it became clear that the wheeled tractor copes with the task better than the tracked conveyor. The Minsk plant was almost completely transferred to the production of a rocket chassis.

The specifics of the application of the machine required to split the whole cab into two side cabs. Between them, a space formed in which the nose of the ballistic missile was laid. The frame was also concave in the middle. Channel cross members had a semi-elliptical configuration, designed for loading ballistic missiles. Sometimes a hitch of two MAZs was used to transport particularly large missiles, since one car could not handle a multi-ton load.

maz 7310 hurricane

Technical capabilities

Two MAZs in one harness coped with the task. Dual steering assisted. The pair of cars had as many as eight wheels, which could turn in the right direction and thereby provide the necessary maneuverability of the road train. The same machines worked at construction sites, at oil-producing enterprises, and in industry. The powerful MAZ-7310 was used to transport heavy, lengthy and indivisible goods.

Gradually, the population ceased to be surprised when they saw a gigantic car with four pairs of huge wheels. In the early seventies, notes about huge military tractors began to appear more and more often. MAZ-7310, whose photographs were printed in newspapers and magazines, no longer represented any secret to the masses. Self-propelled installations and missile systems on these chassis were shown openly at a military parade on Red Square in 1965. Then MAZ-7310 began to regularly participate in all the demonstrations organized by the Ministry of Defense of the USSR.

maz 7310 model


In addition to using the car for military purposes, MAZ-7310 has found application in the national economy. On the basis of the chassis, many different modifications were created: dump trucks, flatbed trucks, pipe trucks, tractors, fire engines and snow blowers. Everywhere where mobile equipment with high efficiency was required, the MAZ-7310 was used.

The machine was of impressive size and could only be used in spacious areas, such as airports or sea moorings for large bulk carriers. In 1973, the production of fire engines in Priluki launched production of AA-60 for airfields. This was a real breakthrough, as the previous modifications created on the basis of ZIL-157, Ural-375, ZIL-131 could not cope with the task due to an insufficient supply of water and foam reagent. A firefighter based on the MAZ-7310 car took 10 tons of fire extinguishing equipment, 12,000 liters of aqueous solution and 900 liters of effective foam substance into tanks.

In winter, the fire department quickly cleared snow on the runway using a powerful cannon that fired a snow stream up to 40 meters away. Since MAZ-7310 is a universal model, the machine was used both as a fire engine and as a snow-removal machine. If necessary, the car could also extend the passenger plane to the starting position.

maz 543 maz 7310

Power point

The MAZ-7310 was equipped with a D-12-525 diesel engine, created on the basis of the tank V-2. The six-cylinder configuration with a V-shaped arrangement was perfectly suited for working on a 8 x 8 wheel arrangement. The engine thrust was about 525 liters. from. when rotating 2000 rpm per minute, which fully met the technical requirements. Thanks to the powerful motor, the car became known as MAZ-7310 "Hurricane". The transmission was semi-automatic, hydromechanical, four-speed.

Weight and overall parameters

Machine Specifications:

  • gross weight - 43,200 kg;
  • gas tank capacity - 2 x 160 liters;
  • fuel consumption - 98 liters per 100 kilometers;
  • car length - 14300 mm;
  • height - 3300 mm;
  • width - 3180 mm;
  • track - 2375 mm;
  • wheelbase - 2200 x 3300 x 2200 mm;
  • ground clearance - 400 mm.

Maz 7310 photo


In 1977, the car was restyled, resulting in another, more advanced version of the AA-70. This "fire" could extinguish a fire with a powder. The car carried a third additional tank, designed to load three tons of reagent. The capacity of the water tank was reduced to 9.5 tons. The fire truck, created on the basis of the MAZ-7310 tractor, has become the most effective mobile fire extinguishing device throughout the USSR. The Department of Defense purchased AA-70 in large quantities. All military airfields were equipped with fire engines of the Minsk Automobile Plant. The equipment entered civil aviation according to the residual principle - limits not selected by the Ministry of Defense were redirected to Aeroflot.

About the same heavy-duty eight-wheeled MAZ fell from military units to the "citizen". Cars were written off in accordance with the end of the service life established for military vehicles, and sent to forestry. MAZ-7310 was an indispensable tool in logging.


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