What is anonymizer? How to visit blocked sites and social networks?

Quite a lot of Internet users like to spend their free time on social networks, where you can chat with friends, play one of the interesting applications, listen to your favorite music or watch cool videos.

However, if you visit such sites during business hours, then the boss will most likely make a remark to you. Of course, in such a situation, he will be right, because at work you must perform your official duties, and not have fun. That is why managers turn to specialists to block such resources.

what is anonymizer

But what if all the boss's instructions are completed, and you urgently need to go to your page in order to arrange, for example, a meeting? There is a solution: you just need to find out what anonymizer is and how to use it.

Principle of operation

Looking through various sites, chatting or chatting, you provide these resources with some information about yourself (IP address, browser from which you entered, provider name, etc.). If necessary, the resource you visited will be able to provide this data to the competent authorities. Perhaps you just don’t want to “leave traces behind you”, so you are interested in what anonymizer is. It’s easy to figure this out.

Anonymizers are special sites (proxies) that act as intermediaries between you and the resource you wish to visit. For example, you need to go through your anonymizer to your VKontakte page. In this case, the user opens one of the proxy servers, enters the address of his page in a special field and clicks the “GO” button. As a result, you will not go under your real IP, but with an IP proxy server.

through anonymizer

By the way, in addition to anonymizing sites, there are special programs (paid and free).

Why do we need anonymizers?

One of the most common reasons that prompts users to resort to the services of a proxy server is the desire to visit blocked sites during business hours. Yes, the head of the company is unlikely to react positively to the fact that, instead of fulfilling your direct duties, you communicate with friends in the “social network”. That is why many office workers use anonymizer. "VK" or, for example, "Facebook" will be available to you at any time.

anonymizer vk

The reason may also be blocking by IP on any resource. That is, you were on a particular site or forum and violated the rules, as a result of which you were “banned”. The problem of logging on to such a resource is solved using a proxy server.

The last common reason is the desire to protect yourself from hacker attacks. It will be much more difficult for an attacker who does not know your real IP to gain access to the computer of another user.

So, now you understand why you need to use anonymizer. Odnoklassniki, VK, or another social network will always be at your disposal.

Negative points

Despite the positive aspects of using proxy servers, there are a number of disadvantages:

  • When you install a program (especially free), a virus can penetrate your computer along with it.
  • If you go to the site, for example, through the VK anonymizer, then most likely some functions (participation in voting, comments and others) will not be available.
  • Page loading speed is noticeably lower. Of course, we are not talking about paid proxies, since in most cases their speed always remains high.
  • Another disadvantage of anonymizing is the risk of theft of passwords and other personal information.

So, now you know what anonymizer is, so you can decide whether to use them or not.

Proxy servers for VKontakte

As mentioned earlier, with the help of such programs and sites you can sit on social networks with impunity during working hours. It is no secret that the Russian segment of the Internet prefers to communicate in the "social network" created by Pavel Durov.

If you need an “VKontakte” anonymizer for free, then pay attention to the “Chameleon”. The interface of this proxy server is designed so that even an inexperienced user can figure it out. You only need to indicate the address of your page and click the "Go" button. Now you will go to the site under a foreign IP address, which means you can bypass the blocking of this social network in the office.

anonymizer in contact for free

Alternatively, use the Spoolls anonymizer. The functionality of this site allows you to download videos and music files, leave comments, put “likes”.

How to log into Odnoklassniki anonymously?

If you prefer the Odnoklassniki social network, then pay attention to resources such as Anonim.pro or OpenOK.org. Information from the social network will be transmitted to the proxy server, so your IP will go unnoticed.

There is another quality anonymizer. "Classmates" can be visited with the help of the same "Chameleon". It is worth noting that thanks to this proxy server, you can visit other popular resources (Mamba, LovePlanet, etc.). If this site has also been blocked for you, open the NoBlock anonymizer.

In fact, there are a lot of proxy servers and programs on the Internet that make it possible to visit the Odnoklassniki social network anonymously, so choose the most convenient and affordable option for you.


So, now you understand what anonymizer is, which means you can access incognito blocked resources. It is worth noting that out of the many proxy servers, you must choose the one that has proven its worth.

anonymizer classmates

Also pay attention to the speed of loading web pages, functionality. Try not to use little-known programs. If your financial situation allows you, then take a look at paid anonymizers.

In no case do not leave your confidential data (passwords from mail and electronic wallets) on proxy servers, as these are tricks of scammers. When you download the program, be sure to check it for viruses. If any were found, it is recommended that you refuse to use the downloaded application.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4152/

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