Diet on water and bread: menu, results and reviews

The diet on water and bread is a very rigid mono-diet. But often in the pursuit of an ideal appearance, people resort to such methods. If the choice fell on this method, then you need to know as much as possible about it. Only with comprehensive information, you need to decide whether a diet on bread and water is suitable or not.

The meaning of diet

Slimming bread

This is the author's nutrition system, it belongs to the Israeli nutritionist Olga Raz. She was inspired by the fact that modern society undeservedly avoids carbohydrates, which is what other diets are based on. Carbohydrate-free diets are very difficult, so they often end in breakdowns and overeating. This is because carbohydrates are extremely important for the body. But there is an opinion that it is from them that a person is recovering.

Olga Raz decided to create a nutrition system that is based on carbohydrates. So there was a diet on water and bread.

Bread diet rules

Each diet has its own rules that must be followed exactly to get the result. This type of food has the following:

  1. The diet is based on the use of whole grain bread and occasionally bran.
  2. You can include diet bread and rye brown bread in the diet .
  3. There should be at least five meals a day.
  4. You need to eat at the same time.
  5. Diet on water and bread implies a time interval of meals. It can not be done for more than four hours.
  6. Do not skip meals. It is necessary to eat everything, even if there is no feeling of hunger.
  7. At least two liters of pure water should be drunk per day.
  8. During the diet, vitamins and calcium should be taken as supplements.
  9. Any baking, baking, white bread is forbidden.

What is allowed

Allowed Vegetables

In the diet menu on water and bread, you can include:

  • processed and raw vegetables (they can be stewed, baked, steamed, boiled) except starchy;
  • unsweetened fruits (no more than once a day);
  • fat-free or low-fat sour-milk products (fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, yogurt) no more than two hundred grams per day.

But it is worth remembering one thing - an organism cannot function without proteins. Therefore, even carbohydrate diets include protein days. In order to avoid health problems, you need to replace bread with protein food three times a week. For example, two hundred grams of lean fish or meat with a side dish. On the day of replacement, you need to eat a chicken egg in another meal. The need for such measures is due to the fact that without protein a person begins to lose muscle mass and acquires health problems.

Sour-milk products are included in the diet so that during the diet there is no bloating on black bread and water.

What is forbidden

Types of bread

Everything that will be indicated in the list below is prohibited to eat in any quantities and form:

  1. Products that contain sugar. It is forbidden to consume sugar and honey in its pure form.
  2. Fatty dairy products. This also includes the average percentage of fat content.
  3. Fatty fish and meat.
  4. Fats of animal origin. Butter and lard are a prime example.
  5. Products that have been salted, smoked, pickled or canned.
  6. Fast food, ketchup and mayonnaise.
  7. Alcoholic drinks. The fortress does not matter.
  8. Preserved juices and sparkling water.

Diet benefits

Fresh bread

A diet on water and bread for a month or a week of its observance can significantly reduce weight. But, besides this, the diet has more advantages:

  1. You do not have to stand at the stove for a long time, because the dishes are prepared in the shortest time.
  2. The power supply system is quite budgetary, which means that you don’t have to pay all the salaries for products without which you can’t lose weight.
  3. Oddly enough, but on a diet there is no feeling of hunger.
  4. If you follow a diet on water and bread for a week, a person does not turn into an "animal". That's because in the body there is serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood.
  5. The body is provided with trace elements and fiber, which means that there are no problems with stools.

Cons of diet

  1. Insufficient amount of protein and fat has its consequences: muscle mass is lost, skin condition worsens, hair grow dull.
  2. Although there is no stool problem due to fiber, bowel problems can occur. In a large amount of fiber, it provokes problems with the gastrointestinal tract, irritating it.
  3. Metabolism due to such a food system can slow down significantly.

Stages of a bread diet

The power system is quite long, so it was divided into two stages. Rules and allowed products work for both steps. In the first two weeks, maximum weight loss is observed. During this time, you can get rid of a maximum of seven kilograms.

The second stage lasts only a week, it fixes the result, it can be called a way out of the diet. This week, the diet is gradually expanding by adding:

  1. Cereals. The emphasis is on oatmeal.
  2. Pasta. In the period of release, it is better to use those that are made from durum wheat.
  3. The potato. Allowed to eat no more than one potato per day.
  4. Legumes. This includes lentils, beans and soy.
  5. The number of fruits increases, as does the frequency of their intake. Allowed to eat fruit up to three times a day.

Since the second stage is more diverse, you can stick to it much longer. Such food will not harm health for a month. If everything is observed, then in the second stage, you can throw up to twenty-five kilograms.

Diet menu for the first stage

Diet Sandwiches

There are two power options. One with protein inclusions, and the other without them.

On a non-protein day, you can eat something like this:

  1. Breakfast. A sandwich of bread with vegetables, green tea and grated beets.
  2. A glass of yogurt or kefir, as well as an apple, is suitable for a snack.
  3. For lunch, you can eat stewed cabbage, up to five slices of bread, drink juice.
  4. At mid-morning, a sandwich of bread with vegetables, vegetable salad (greens are welcome) and green tea will satisfy hunger.
  5. Dinner should be easy, so a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk with stewed vegetables will be enough.

Protein day will be more diverse:

  1. A breakfast sandwich with vegetables, green tea and stewed carrots are also suitable for breakfast.
  2. You can have a bite with one citrus, a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir.
  3. Lunch will consist of stewed vegetables with lean meat. You can drink juice.
  4. You can have a snack stew with zucchini and carrots, a sandwich of bread and green tea.
  5. A glass of kefir or fermented baked milk with steamed cauliflower will be a wonderful dinner.

Menu for the second stage

Reviews on a diet on bread and water, or rather, its second stage are much better. This is due to the fact that the menu becomes more advanced, which means that sticking to it becomes easier. An approximate diet for the day will look like this:

  1. Breakfast can be oatmeal, a sandwich with vegetables, green tea.
  2. For a snack, a fruit from the citrus family and a glass of fermented milk product remain.
  3. Lunch is very hearty. Pasta with chicken, up to five slices of bread, juice.
  4. For a second meal you can have boiled beans with herbs, green tea and fruit (a pear or an apple of your choice).
  5. Dinner should be easy, so stewed vegetables and baked potatoes will be a good option. You can drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk.

Black bread diet

Water mode

In addition to the above, there is a diet on brown bread and water. Reviews about it are pretty good, but experts do not recommend getting involved in it. You can stick to such a power system no more than a week. During this time, you will be able to throw a maximum of four kilograms.

Kefir and bread diet

You can not compare bread and water diet reviews with this option. Firstly, the version with kefir is more rigid. If the nutrition system of Olga Raz implies some kind of variety, then here it is absent. On the day you can eat only two hundred and fifty grams of bread, drink a liter of kefir and water. Secondly, not everyone can withstand a feeling of hunger, but because there are much more disruptions to it. Thirdly, the result is the same four kilograms, but with more rigid frames.

Counting bread units

The meaning of this method is to count the bread units. One such unit weighs ten grams. Only ten bread units can be consumed per day. Count them according to special tables.

To whom the diet is contraindicated

It is forbidden to follow a diet:

  1. Lactating women and pregnant women.
  2. Children under the age of eighteen.
  3. People who are allergic to cereal crops.
  4. Patient with colitis or other intestinal diseases.
  5. People with diabetes.
  6. Those who have problems with the genitourinary system.

How to protect yourself

Rye bread

Any feedback and results on a diet of bread and water (however, like any other) is not a reason to start losing weight thoughtlessly. First of all, you need to consult a doctor. This is especially true for those people who have chronic diseases.

You can not follow a diet beyond the agreed period, otherwise you can earn serious problems. And also you can not sit on it again before two months. This is also fraught with health problems.

So that the achieved result of the diet on bread and water does not disappear, you need to adhere to a similar menu in the future. This does not mean that you have to eat vegetables alone for the rest of your life. It is about eliminating completely unhealthy foods from the diet. This includes sweets, fast food, soda, pastries, smoked, salted and more. In general, so that the weight does not rise in the future, you will have to reconsider your nutrition system. Better yet, upgrade to the correct version.

Do not forget about water. It must be drunk not only during the diet, but also after it. Exercise is also not harmful, but only good. If for some reason you don’t like classes in the gym, you can choose outdoor sports or even do dancing or yoga.

Which products are suitable

Any restriction in food only works if all conditions are met. Whether it is a diet on water and bread for 7 days or some other. But in order to follow all the instructions, you need to know which products to choose. There is a list of products above, but no specifics.

Often people do not know which bread is better to give preference to. If a person decided to go on a diet, then it would be logical to buy food. Then a shopping trip will not bring anger, longing and disappointment.

Since bread is the main product of the diet, then you need to learn how to choose it correctly. So, the calorie content of bread should not exceed fifty calories. Naturally, such figures are indicated based on one hundred grams of the product. Women can afford to eat up to twelve slices per day, and men - up to sixteen. In the absence of low-calorie bread, you can take ordinary, but then the number of slices must be reduced.

You need to give preference to rye, black, peeled bread or low-calorie bread. Various loaves and baguettes, as well as baking, are strictly prohibited.

Since the menu will have to eat a lot of sandwiches, you need to look for ways to diversify them. As a spread, ketchup, vegetable caviar, mustard, avocado paste or low-calorie curd cheese are suitable.

Of the drinks, in addition to green tea, it is allowed to drink coffee without sugar, juice from vegetables and decoctions, for example, chamomile, rose hips.


Mostly diet reviews are good. But many note a uniform diet and negative health effects. The lack of protein does its job, which means that the diet can not be called correct.

If you discard all warnings that you need to follow a healthy lifestyle, then we can say the following: when the goal is to lose the last kilograms, then after consulting a doctor, you can adhere to such a nutrition system. But if there is a lot of excess weight, then the diet will not give a long-lasting result.

Those who write reviews also note that after leaving the diet, in order not to gain weight, you have to adhere to proper nutrition, and not eat indiscriminately. And this is not only in this diet, it is everywhere. To stay in a slim body, you need to monitor what you eat.


I want to say that in the pursuit of beauty, much can be lost. And more often than not, it cannot be restored. It's about health. It is very difficult, and sometimes impossible to recover. And when serious problems appear, a few extra pounds simply do not matter.

Therefore, weight loss should be approached consciously and choose the most gentle method. Then the body will not suffer, and the weight will not return back. Unpleasant symptoms of a lack of nutrients such as peeling of the skin, hair loss, acne will not appear. If everything is done correctly, the body will only say thanks for this.


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