"The Adventures of Captain Vrungel": a summary. "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" chapter by chapter

A funny story about the fantastic journey of captain Vrungel was composed by the Soviet writer Andrei Sergeevich Nekrasov. The story consists of twenty-two chapters. They have interesting information about the adventures of a seasoned sailor.

Navigation teacher

Christopher Bonifatevich Vrungel taught navigation at the Naval College. Students argued about whether their teacher had ever swam or not. The first chapter of the work is devoted to this. The summary also begins with this. The Adventures of Captain Vrungel is a rather voluminous book. It will take about two hours to read it. If you need to save time and quickly find out the contents of the story, a brief summary will help out. The adventures of Captain Vrungel did not begin immediately. You can learn about them from the second chapter. Once the teacher fell ill, and the student on behalf of whom the story was being narrated decided to visit him, and at the same time to find out what marks Khristofor Bonifatievich had put to his students for work on navigation.

Summary of Captain Vrungel’s Adventure

The teacher was pleased that everyone wrote the task "excellent". Then he mentioned that he had once swum. The student was surprised, and the teacher began an interesting story.

How the yacht became "trouble"

The author begins to talk about the adventures of Captain Vrungel in the second chapter. Once the brave captain was tired of sitting at home, and he decided to go on a world trip. He could have been given a large steamboat, but would have had to wait a long time for this. The captain wanted to quickly sail with his assistant Lom, so he decided to take a good yacht.

They raised the sails, but the yacht did not budge. It turned out that carpenters used fresh wood. The logs that were used in its construction sprouted and even put greens. The roots of these bushes held fast to the coastal land. Christopher Bonifatevich and Lom had to spend a day to put the yacht in order. In the morning they saw that she had lost her former name. Previously, the yacht was called "Victory", but the first two letters fell away, and the ship turned into a "trouble".

adventures of captain vrungel

Squirrel Rescue

This concludes the second chapter, such is its content. The adventures of Captain Vrungel continue in Chapter Three. It tells about the fact that the "Troubles" team entered the bay. In the morning the ebb began, and the ship was in the air, sandwiched between two rocks. While waiting for the tide, it was decided to walk around the island. After some time, a fire broke out in the forest, the captain, his assistant and a pack of squirrels found salvation on a yacht and safely sailed from the island.

But this is not all the adventures of Captain Vrungel. At the end of the third chapter, thanks to the ingenuity of the protagonist, the Norwegian shipwrecked crew was saved. The "trouble" landed the Norwegians in their city of Stavanger. This is described in the 4th chapter. So quickly introduces the reader to the story its summary. The Adventures of Captain Vrungel is interesting to read in chapters. In each, you can learn about the savvy mind of Christopher Bonifatievich.

So, in the 4th he introduced protein as part of the running gear. The captain ordered three special wheels. The first rotated squirrels, the second two were connected to it and helped the yacht sail. In the fifth chapter, the author tells how Vrungel came up with the idea of ​​transporting herring “on his own” - by water. But for this the brigade needed an assistant, so they hired the sailor Fuchs, who was well versed in maps. As it turned out later, not in the marine and geographical, but in the playing.

Further adventures

In passing, "Trouble" won the regatta. So quickly moving from one event to another helps the summary. The adventures of Captain Vrungel continue in Egypt, where the crew passed herring, however, only half of the joint reached this place.

chapter summary of captain vrungel’s adventure

A funny case was during the crossing of the equator. The captain decided to resort to an old marine custom and changed into Neptune. Lom thought that a sunstroke had sufficed him , and cooled Christopher in the water, dipping him several times in a barrel. You can find out about this by reading chapter 9 or its summary. The adventures of Captain Vrungel continue among the ice, then the crew was to experience the pangs of hunger. But the brave team came out with honor from all the trials. Even when the head of the crew at the end of the story meets his double, the clever captain was able to expose him.

the content of captain vrungel's adventure

The book has many interesting points. For example, when the crew of the "Trouble" gave a fun concert, Vrungel cracked down on the boa constrictor. You can learn about them by reading not only a brief summary. “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel”, a novel written by A. S. Nekrasov, tells about all this in detail.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4164/

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