The best case planner for the computer

Even the most careless people sometimes have to make lists of top-priority tasks that must be completed. Here, for example, there may be some list of purchases and necessary things before going on vacation, or another visit to the doctor, as well as other events that require a clear schedule and visualization.

case planner

In general, organizing such lists is a pretty good habit. New technologies, coupled with the abundance of affordable gadgets, have allowed us to abandon wrinkled stickers or notebooks for the sake of electronic media. The former are lost, wrinkled and deteriorated, while the latter have a convenient and customizable visualization, they can be sorted and reminders can be customized. Such electronic calendars and case planners greatly simplify everyday life and will not allow you to miss the event you need. Once you try to live a day with such helpers, you yourself will be surprised how you could do without them before.

So, let’s try to present you the best case planner programs for a personal computer, which are enviable by business people and have a lot of positive feedback from users

PC Scheduler Specifics

There are not so many utilities of this kind for a personal computer. A good half of these applications are either in the mobile version for smartphones and tablets, or as web services.

This situation is explained very simply: modern and active users want to manage their time, as well as tasks anywhere, and not just sitting at a computer or carrying a weighty laptop with them.

That is, it is logical that both the student and the owner of a large company want to see not only a stationary case planner for the computer, but also its “pocket” version. The latter allows you to check your plans while in traffic, at a lecture or anywhere else. Therefore, more than half of the developers of such products necessarily place a special emphasis on the synergy of PC versions with mobile devices so that the user fully controls their current tasks and time.

So, let's go directly to the list of the best case planners for the personal computer that can be found on the Web.


“Business Organizer” (LeaderTask) is extremely popular not only in the business field, but also among other categories of users. He gained his enviable reputation as one of the most sought-after business planners due to his multi-platform and competent approach to usability. Users can install the “Business Organizer” on both the familiar Windows OS and Apple solutions, along with Android devices.

case planner for computer

The version of the task planner for Windows 7, 8, and 10 was distinguished by its ergonomics and intuitive functionality. The client of the "Business Organizer" is loaded into autorun (can be configured) and is in the system tray, providing quick access to all the main features of the program.

This task planner for the computer is convenient in that all the main events, such as tasks and notes, are presented on the calendar grid. Such visualization is very convenient and allows you to quickly navigate the state of affairs.

Application Features

The control of the main interface is also convenient and understandable gestures. The assignment of cases and projects, as well as the assignment of specific dates and times by the Drag & Drop technique, that is, it is enough to drag the desired task onto the calendar grid or timer, and it will start to work.

Each individual task can be customized at your convenience: adjust the color, add a comment or photo, attach a file, etc. For some grandiose projects, you can fork subtasks and prioritize them with reminders.

best case planner program

Properly configured full-time filters in the task planner program allow you to conveniently sort tasks and search for necessary notes. You can adjust the filters for yourself: set priorities and some additional criteria, as well as apply them to the calendar, selecting cases for a certain period of time.

In the process, the user quietly switches from one mode to another: calendar, categories, projects, notes and contacts. The latter, by the way, contain extremely interesting functionality for the electronic case planner. The application allows you to pin any specific list of tasks to any contacts. That is, here we can see what matters are connected with this or that person from your phone book.

In general, it can be said that this case planner is a universal and convenient program for analyzing and optimizing your tasks, and of any complexity. The product is distributed under a paid license, but with a 45-day trial period.

Advantages of the "Business Organizer" :

  • competent and high-quality localization of the product;
  • multi-platform (iOS, Android, Windows);
  • many sensible and really useful filters;
  • project support.

Disadvantages :

  • the price is high for the average consumer.

The cost of a license is about 2000 rubles.


If you have Google Chrome installed on your computer, then you should definitely try this case planner. Any.DO is loaded as an add-on to this browser and works with it in tandem, without sacrificing performance for the latter. In addition, Google Play has a version of the task planner for Android and similar for iOS, so this product can also be called multi-platform.

calendar planner

The application has a very simple and straightforward interface, which anyone, even a novice PC user, will understand. Mobile versions of the product are even simpler where everything happens with the help of simple drag and drop.

One of the most interesting benefits of this case planner is the ability to communicate with the speech menu. That is, tasks can be pronounced in verbal form, and an attentive organizer will write them down in notes. Owners of smartphones respond especially warmly to this approach, where typing is clearly inferior to the capabilities of a personal computer and eliminates many problems. The version of the task planner for Windows received excellent localization into Russian, but the Android and iOS brother sometimes come across untranslated menu items or sections of text. But to call this point critical, the language does not turn in view of the simplicity of the interface and intuitive icons.


The application has a very good functionality, despite the fact that it is an addition to the browser. The utility easily moves notes to folders, notes their importance and sets repetition. If the task is large, then access to advanced descriptions and comments. In addition, you can save all the activities of the case planner in Excel-format for editing or for someone more familiar visual vision.

For each individual task, any (or all together) elements are assigned to choose from: a list of contacts, notifications, repetitions, notes, projects and other plans. The application does not have such chic features as the previous respondent, but it will fit perfectly as an assistant to employees of a small company.

Also, the application can work with geolocation tags. That is, remind the user of some tasks depending on the location. For example, the utility will let the owner know so that he doesn’t forget to buy bread if there is a grocery store nearby or to buy movie tickets if the user passes by the cash desks. Naturally, such alerts should be configured in advance, taking into account the features of your position and the usual routes.

Advantages of the application :

  • convenient voice input ;
  • sensible synchronization with your other devices;
  • the presence of geolocation tags;
  • free product.

Cons :

  • localization on mobile platforms is poor.

This service can be called a universal solution for planning your tasks for various operating systems. The application works great both in the familiar Windows environment, and on iOS and Android platforms.

electronic case planner

A free version of the program is presented as an addition to the "Chrome" from "Google", Firefox and "Safari". That is, here we have normal access to the web service through the browser as in the previous case. The purchased Pro-copy is implemented by a separate client application for Windows or Mac.

The paid version allows you to synchronize all events of the scheduler on all your devices where this software is installed. The application is built on the popular and well-established principle of GTD (Get Things Done). Here you will find contexts, goals, objectives and many other elements familiar to this time management system.

Service Features

The utility allows you to conveniently sort all tasks by user-selected criteria: by priority, by the end time of an action, by location, project, etc. There is also a competent selection by tags. After setting the dates and times, the tasks will be placed in the appropriate sections automatically. In addition, the application works well with geeks, which greatly expands the scope of software.

If it is necessary to perform a certain type of tasks with certain conditions, then the functionality provides for the “Waiting list” section, where the user can configure things depending on the events that have already occurred or future.

Application Benefits :

  • work on different platforms (Windows, iOS, Android);
  • competent task synchronization on all devices (for the Pro version);
  • the availability of a free version;
  • geo-referencing.

Disadvantages :

  • a little confusing interface, where it will be difficult for beginners to understand the numerous branches of the menu;
  • some are not satisfied with the appearance of the application, but alas, there are no options for fine-tuning the interface.

The cost of the Pro version is about 1,500 rubles per year.


In the version for a personal computer (Windows and Mac), the application is implemented as a web service. For the Android and iOS platforms, the utility comes as a separate client.

business planner in excel

All user tasks are stored in a single tool of the organization - a list that can be edited as desired. Some categories or tags in the web version, alas, are not supported. But the compensation here is extremely convenient addition and work with planned tasks.

It should also be noted a large number of filters and competent sorting of cases. The application allows you to set all kinds of repetition intervals, reminders, fork the main tasks into smaller ones, add comments, pictures and text notes to them. Each item can be highlighted with a colored marker, while placing the necessary priorities. Tasks are dragged with the mouse and shuffled as you like.

Distinctive features of the service

In the left part of the interface, the user can access both the default staff lists and those created by himself. The first ones are clearly signed and have an excellent set of filters: “Actual”, “Plans for today”, “Marks”, “Particularly important” and “Plans for the week”.

If you need a simple and intuitive task scheduler without unnecessary add-ons and categories, then Wunderlist will be an excellent daily assistant. Well, for those who can not do without tags, numerous sections and other entourage of a business person, it is better to look at another service.

Advantages of the application :

  • extremely simple interface;
  • excellent usability;
  • support for popular platforms;
  • free distribution license without any restrictions.

Cons :

  • there are no categories and tags familiar to such programs.


This is a shareware online service for personal computers and mobile devices. In the first case, it is most convenient to use software as an addition to the Chrome and Firefox browsers, and in the second - as a separate application for the gadget on the Android platform (Google Play to help).

case planner for android

The service has a minimal set of tools, but everything that is implemented is implemented as it should and works flawlessly. The add-on will not load your browser, because it takes up very little memory, which means that there will be no performance problems.

The application can be recommended to individualists, that is, those who are looking for a powerful and effective tool to increase personal productivity. For some organizational issues, even in a small company, the service, alas, will not work - it's too modest functionality.

Service Features

Some users complain about specific control in the application, where almost all requests go through labels with the “@” symbol. But after a couple of days of use, you get used to such a feature and no longer pay attention to it. It should also be noted that the service supports a large number of "hot keys", which significantly simplifies the usability of software.

Numerous filters will allow you to sort tasks by priority, and the standard settings have distinguished sensible component: there is usually no need to redo and add something, because everything works just fine.

The developer also offers an extended paid version - less than 200 rubles a month, where users can add their comments to each task, receive notifications in the form of SMS on their mobile phone and synchronize with the "clouds" of the Google calendar or with Outlook.

Service Advantages :

  • simple and intuitive interface;
  • competent insertion into browsers;
  • the availability of a free version without any aggressive advertising.

Disadvantages :

  • It’s difficult for beginners to navigate the system syntax and get used to the “hot keys”.

The cost of the extended version is about 200 rubles per month.


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