Let’s ask a dream book: why is a stone dreaming?

About what a stone dreams about is written in many books of interpretations. And in order to find the most accurate definition, one should turn to the most reliable sources. And of course, consider the many nuances and details of the vision. Well, it’s worth trying to understand this topic.

what is the dream of stone

According to Miller

The book of interpretations of the great American psychologist tells in sufficient detail about what the stone dreams about. An ordinary cobblestone of impressive size symbolizes the stability of life, the implementation of plans and creation. After all, stone is the most common and ancient building material. Although, there are other explanations for the vision.

If there were a lot of pebbles, then one should prepare for difficulties and failures. To wade through cobblestones, to try to get into freedom - to the onset of a difficult period in life. In the near future, the dreamer will have a difficult road.

But to see yourself trying to get something valuable in the rocks, excavating - for good. So, a person expects success. Perhaps, to achieve the result, he made many failed attempts. But soon the efforts will be rewarded.

Pebbles or small stones usually promise light trouble. If a person threw cobbles somewhere, then soon he will need to warn someone about the danger. But throwing stones at a person who attacked the dreamer is to overcome the evil awaiting him. By the way, if the dreamer in a dream felt anxiety and that is why he grabbed the cobblestone - in reality, most likely, he does not differ in courage. And it would not hurt him to become bolder.

According to Freud

Why dream of stones on this book of interpretations? Freud assures that the cobblestone is a symbol of calm, but at the same time heaviness. And even indifference.

An ordinary cobblestone lying on the road tells a woman about her passivity in relationships and bed. It would not hurt her to become more relaxed and inventive, and even more often take the initiative. For a man, vision means the same thing. If he considers himself an ideal partner, then, most likely, this is an elementary error. It would not hurt to become more critical of yourself. So the dream book assures.

Dreaming of a stone flying straight in the face? Probably a person has offended someone. And now the insulted dreams of revenge. Therefore, the dreamer should be as careful as possible to the environment.

If he himself takes a cobblestone and throws it - it means that this dreamer was offended by someone. But it is better to leave the one who insulted him alone. And do not take revenge. The dreamer will not receive any satisfaction from the reckoning, only spoil his mood.

Cracked stone portends difficulties in relationships and sexual life. Perhaps the couple will face confusion. Both of them would not be hindered by a joint vacation or at least a trip for a few days to some secluded place.

what are the stones dreaming about

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

This book can also tell a lot of interesting things. Why is a stone dreaming? To begin with, it is worth remembering what it symbolizes. If you believe Aesop, then the stone is a reflection of strength, gravity and even indifference. If the dreamer walked along the cobblestones, it means that he will face difficult trials. But he will overcome them. The main thing is not to refuse help, if offered. She will not be superfluous.

To take cobblestone in your hand and throw it somewhere - to hostile relations with people around. Scandals and even quarrels are not excluded. If a conflict is planned, it is better to pay it off immediately.

See the pebbled pavement - to make a difficult decision. A person will have to make a choice that will affect his life.

If he chose pebbles of sand - to a tense relationship with a loved one. Most likely, the dreamer condemns him, but he cannot say anything openly, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

And why dream of stones piled in a large pile? This is to rudeness and indifference. And all this will come from people close to the dreamer. If the stone cracked or fell apart, then everything that the person planned did not materialize. Most likely, he simply overestimated his capabilities.

Female dream book

This book can tell in detail about what big stones dream of. Ugly and unsightly cobblestones promise failures and problems of a different nature. Walking among stones and rocks - to the passage in real life through thorns.

Small stones promise trouble and frustration that will not only bring trouble, but will annoy. But if a girl in her vision throws a cobblestone at a person who seems to be her enemy - in real life her firm beliefs can break anyone.

Has the dreamer been attacked, and is she trying to beat herself off with stones? So, she will succeed in real life to cope with all the problems that have piled on her. If she quickly ran away, escaping from the cobblestones rapidly rolling on her, it means that difficulties await her, but having overcome them, she will succeed. And he will be deserved. But to see oneself buried under an avalanche of stones is not good. Perhaps the girl will allow herself to respond badly in public about a rather good person, for some reason she dislikes her. Better to refrain from this and try to become less biased. Because such actions will not benefit.

why dream big stone

21st Century Book of Interpretations

What is the dream of a big stone for? Usually to hard and unpleasant work. If it was a curb or brick - to a dangerous and risky occupation. It is worth refraining from accepting attractive, but strange, alarming offers.

About what dreams of throwing stones, the dream book also says. This is gossip. But if a cobblestone was sent by someone to a dreamer, and he picked it up, then in real life one should expect success. And if a huge stone was thrown at a person, which turned out to be precious, then this is to the easy and quick achievement of stunning results in some important matter.

Did the dreamer stumble over stones? This is unfortunately. Just walked on them or stood motionless? By the onset of an unfavorable period in life. The same promise comes from a chipped cobblestone.

Was the dreamer sitting on the stones? This is an important event. If something serious is planned, it is better to prepare.

And why is there a big stone that a person is trying hard to budge? Usually to well-being in the family or personal life. If the dreamer was lying on him, then you should expect good luck.

Broken cobblestone portends the loss of a friend or loved one. Gravel with which the dreamer strewed the road - to a good combination of circumstances. Perhaps a danger will await the person. But he will be able to avoid this, thanks to his quickness and caution.

Psychoanalytic dream book

This book of interpretations is also worth noting. It says in great detail about what the stone dreams about. Cobblestone is inner emptiness. Perhaps even a symbol of emotional coldness. It is possible that the dreamer completely ceased to rejoice at what was happening in his life. It would not hurt him to concentrate on his emotional side.

If he saw that he was being thrown with cobblestones - this is a punishment. It is worth thinking about the correctness of your behavior, since this is a dream.

Finding a stone at a crossroads is the need to make some important choice or make a weighty, difficult decision.

Marble promises the onset of financial prosperity. However, in relations with the second half, a recession will begin. Seeing someone polish marble - to suddenly gaining wealth. If this beautiful stone was broken, then you should prepare for troubles at work. You may even have to change your place of employment.

But the whetstone promises anxiety and anxiety. And they will be connected with some important matters - business, business trip, personal life. But then the grinding stone is a harbinger of joy.

dream green stone


Now we can talk about the meanings of visions in which precious stones appeared. Take, for example, ruby. What is he dreaming of? Red stone means that in real life the dreamer has too many hopes for his soul mate. And this is understandable, however, if you get carried away with your fantasies and idylls, you can completely forget what a loved one really is. And, as a result, the discrepancy between reality and desires and imagination.

If a person sees a lot of jewelry with rubies on himself, good news awaits him. Or even a declaration of love. A stone of bright, scarlet color promises good luck both in personal life and at work.

But why can a fallen stone from a jewelry dream? Usually nothing good. If the dreamer noticed that there was no ruby ​​in his favorite jewelry, he began to search, but the search was unsuccessful - this is not good. Perhaps a person will have to face a lack of understanding of others and even loved ones. As a result, loneliness, from which the dreamer will suffer greatly. And the loss of ruby ​​promises a break in love relationships.

But to get this beautiful stone as a gift is a good sign. He usually portends the expenses associated with the long-awaited purchase of a new apartment and its arrangement. A lot of money will be spent on this business, but all for good.

If the dreamer himself gave someone a ruby, he will soon be invited to some event where the fateful acquaintance will take place. The one with whom he meets, will play a major role in human life.

dream blue stone

Blue color

In the world there is a huge amount of precious stones. And one of the most beautiful are topaz and sapphire. They are distinguished by amazing colors - sky blue and deep blue. And the vision in which one of them appears is often dreamed by many.

Blue sapphire stone symbolizes good luck, faith and peace. If a man found him, then it would not hurt him to plunge into himself. Perhaps he will finally gain spiritual wisdom, which he just lacks.

But to get sapphire as a gift is to get to know a good person. It is possible that he will become not only a friend, but also a mentor, adviser. But such a vision warns a woman that she should be more demanding of her chosen one.

Topaz, in turn, is a harbinger of the emergence of reliable friends and love affairs in life. The main thing is not to lose it. If the dreamer discovered that topaz fell out of the jewelry, then in real life someone will greatly offend him. It is possible that he is surrounded by envious people and hijackers. And if in a dream someone stole topaz from a person or tried to take it away, then he should protect his reputation. Perhaps a certain person wants to ruin her.

By the way, the esoteric dream book assures that topaz is dreamed by people who have every chance to succeed in the matter that they have been thinking about for a long time, but still do not dare to deal with it.


A couple of words are worth saying about what a green stone is dreaming of. According to Freud’s book of interpretations, the emerald is a symbol of harmonious relations. Therefore, he usually promises reconciliation or renewal of relations.

Loff's dream book, in turn, says that the emerald symbolizes self-knowledge and spiritual growth. In any case, some good changes will occur.

And if the dreamer managed to discern the one who gave him this stone, then this is very good. After all, this person in the near future will be a source of joy.

The main thing is that the man does not have a dream in which on his beloved were jewelry from emerald. Since this suggests that she will prefer it to someone more promising and wealthy. Even if a girl is faithful and faithful, most likely, someone will “lay eyes on her” - and this is also an unpleasant fact.

Buying an emerald does not promise anything good either. Only signing unprofitable contracts or concluding unprofitable transactions. It is worth taking this into account and avoiding such situations if something like this is really outlined.

By the way, the jewelry in which the emerald was combined with pearls promises a damaged reputation.

what big stones dream about

Bright cobblestones

Sometimes a person who has some kind of dream understands that not precious stones appear in the vision, but they, for some reason, are colored. In this case, the interpretations will be completely different.

The usual green cobblestone speaks of the dreamer's good health. Red stone speaks of improving financial well-being. But blue and blue cobblestones are the harbingers of trouble and disease.

Gray, black and brown stones indicate that intrigues and gossip are woven behind the dreamer. Most likely, envious people like to discuss his personal life, behavior and relationships. Do not pay attention to this.

Throwing blue and blue cobbles into the water is profitable. Green ones are for success, and red ones are for some kind of event that will greatly shock a person.

Walking on smooth colored pebbles barefoot is a good sign. Now a person has a happy period in life. He has loving people, loyal friends, devoted comrades and good work. The main thing is not to step on something sharp, because it is an unkind harbinger of some problems that can violate the idyll.

And a dream is not considered a good vision, in the story of which a person was thrown with red cobblestones. It is possible that he greatly annoyed someone.

dreams of finding a stone

Other interpretations

They also say that the stone dreams of those people who are burdened by the burden of imperfect deeds. And it would be better not to delay their implementation.

A stone flying into a dreamer says that soon someone will decide to shift his own responsibility for him to complete a serious commission. Did a man stumble on a cobblestone? This is not good. Most likely, he will risk taking on an impossible task. But, having spent all his strength, nothing will be achieved. If something like this is planned, it is better to avoid it.

A cobblestone that flies at a man from heaven promises an imminent danger. Stone on the road - to unforeseen circumstances. A mountain of cobblestones foreshadows the rush at work. And the stone road - to the difficulties that will arise on the path to success. But if you manage to cope with them, then in the end there will be a well-deserved reward.

As you can see, dreams, in the plots of which the stones appear, have a lot of different interpretations. And both good and bad. And if you want to give a correct definition of vision, it is better to take into account all the little things seen in a dream. After all, they influence the interpretation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K418/

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