Berezin Vladimir Alexandrovich, TV presenter: biography, personal life, career

Soviet and Russian announcer, television and radio host, correspondent. People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation - Vladimir Berezin. Very pleasant in communication, cheerful and charming man. This is a man of rare souls, an interesting and witty conversationalist, a highly talented journalist. With him there is something to talk about, you can listen to him for a long time. And, of course, he has something to learn.

Vladimir Berezin biography

An artist, a professional in his field, as soon as he goes on stage, he immediately puts the audience to himself, and at the same time to all the participants in the concert.

Biography of Vladimir Berezin

April 3, 1957 in the capital of the Oryol region, in the city of Orel, Vladimir was born. The surname Berezin was given to him from his mother. Vladimir Berezin’s mother is from the Urals. By nationality - Russian, by education - geologist. After completing her studies at an educational institution, she worked in Kazakhstan. There he met with the pope of Vladimir. Father's name is Yuri Islamovich. By nationality, the man was a Chechen - a Caucasian Muslim. According to Muslim customs, he already had a wife. As soon as it became known about the presence of the second wife, Vladimir’s mother decided to leave her spouse. A woman with a child returned to her aunt in their native lands.


The education of Vladimir Berezin basically fell on the shoulders of Anna Mikhailovna, my mother’s aunt. Vladimir Berezin also found his father in the early 90s. Met with him and with all his paternal brothers. Assistance in this matter was provided by the former vice-president of the Republic of Ichkeria, Zelimkhan Yandarbiev. After graduation, he entered the Oryol School of Culture at the directing department, and later he was educated as a journalist at the Ural State University.

Television and merit

For the whole 10 years, Vladimir Berezin worked on television platforms in the city of Sverdlovsk.

Berezin Vladimir personal life

He headed the announcer's department since 1980. According to Vladimir’s stories about that time, Boris Yeltsin noticed the gifted announcer. At that time, he worked as secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional committee. Thus, he contributed to the career of Vladimir Berezin. During his work on Sverdlovsk television, representatives of Ostankino turned his attention to him. It so happened that in 1990 the journalist moved to the capital and continued to work on central television. Projects in which Vladimir Berezin participated:

  • Children's program "Good night, kids."
  • "Good morning".
  • "Time" - has been the host of the program since 1991. This happened after the tragic events of the State Emergency Committee.

In 1994, he was awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” for the qualities that Vladimir showed when doing his job in situations involving a danger to life. Berezin was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia, as well as the Ingush and Chechen Republic.

In the future, it happened that Vladimir transferred to work on the VGTRK television channel and took over as director. Further, in 1996, when the announcer's department was liquidated on RTR, Vladimir Berezin began to conduct several projects:

  • "Square of the stars."
  • "My twentieth century."
  • "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk."

Today Berezin Vladimir Alexandrovich is recognized as one of the best entertainers. He accurately represents how to conduct large-scale events of national importance. A good organizer at the highest level.

Vladimir Berezin TV presenter

A recognized professional, armed with knowledge of the sentiment of phrases, pauses and their duration.

In May 2012, on the 24th, his voice sounded at the ceremony of assuming the post of governor of the Moscow Region Sergey Shoigu. Everything was at the highest level, as befits events on a federal scale.

What is the artist doing now?

Now Vladimir Alexandrovich Berezin is a well-known actor, television journalist, radio host. Holds official and concert events in the Kremlin, as well as a considerable number of festivals, performances, television broadcasts and show programs. For Berezin Vladimir Alexandrovich, 2017 was a eventful year. Popular correspondent and TV presenter celebrated his 60th birthday. And in the same year he celebrated the 40th anniversary of his career. In honor of this, Berezin was invited as a participant to the program "Let them talk."

Participation in the show "Let them talk"

In a program with Dmitry Borisov, the artist spoke about his personal life. The house where the family of Vladimir Berezin lives was demonstrated. Nikolai Baskov was invited to the program, who spoke about his friendship with Vladimir Berezin. Nikolai said that it was this host who dubbed him the "golden voice of Russia." Singer Valeria also talked about the important role in her fate played Berezin, host of the program "Jurmala-87":

He announced me as if he had blessed.

Evidence of family life

About the personal life of Vladimir Berezin, there is rather modest data. He himself does not like to talk about this topic with the press. It is only known that the man was married twice. Wife - Lyudmila Yuryevna Berezina. She worked as a sound engineer on a television platform.


In the marriage, the couple had a daughter, Julia. Now she lives and conducts her business in France. Marital status: Married. The husband of Julia is a Frenchman. The young people met while relaxing in a mountain resort, where Julia went skiing. They are developing a joint ski rental business with their spouse. Vladimir Berezin has a foster daughter Margarita Kuprava. By nationality Margarita is Georgian. Her activities are closely related to science. A woman is the owner of a restaurant in the capital. Also, the famous television journalist has a granddaughter named Thekla and grandson Jamiko, with whom he is happy to engage.

Activities in your free time

When free time is given, Berezin likes to be in his village house.

Berezin Vladimir Alexandrovich

She is happy to breed goats. Gives them maximum attention. Itself grazes. Recognized by:

Most of all I like to sing when I'm alone in the field grazing my goats.

There are half a dozen of them on the farm. All are purebred and well milked. In the life of the TV presenter Vladimir Berezin, another discovery happened. At the time of filming in Tatarstan, he visited the Raifa Monastery. After a two-hour conversation with the priest, Vladimir discovered a new world. And now he is trying almost every week to visit this monastery and spend the day off in the monastery cell.


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