The main types of combined arms combat and their characteristics

Almost all types of combined arms combat represent the main form of tactical decisions and actions, including organized and coordinated maneuvers of units, formations, groups, battalions and other units aimed at hitting targets and suppressing (defeating) the enemy. In addition, the battle is a reflection of enemy attacks and fire, the implementation of other tactical tasks in a certain area, taking into account the coordination of time and place. The main goal of a military battle is the elimination or capture of the opponent’s manpower, destruction, seizure of army equipment, weapons, as well as minimizing the possibility of subsequent resistance. Types of confrontation: combined arms, air, sea, anti-air.

Types of modern combined arms combat

The essence and types of combined arms combat (OB)

ABOUT is carried out jointly by units, units and other military units. These include representatives of the air force (air force), ground forces (motorized infantry), navy (navy), airborne troops (airborne forces). Depending on the type of combined arms combat, military units solve the tasks in cooperation with other military units of the Russian army.

Modern combined arms combat has a number of characteristic features, namely:

  • High degree of tension.
  • The dynamism and transience of action.
  • Combined ground-air potential.
  • Synchronized exposure with firepower and electronic devices throughout the depth of the sides.
  • The use of various methods for completing combat missions.
  • Difficult tactical environment.

The main types of combined arms combat are comprehensive measures for the aggregation of participating units. This includes continuous reconnaissance, skillful use of weapons and equipment, as well as individual means of camouflage and protection. In addition, units must exhibit a high level of organization, mobility, and maximum tension of moral will and physical strength. One of the significant factors is the manifestation of an inexorable desire to win, solid discipline and cohesion.


To defeat the enemy, units, units, and other formations use a variety of tactical moves and methods for their implementation, often in all kinds of combinations. Despite the variety of types of combined arms combat and their characteristics, they are classified according to certain types, taking into account the most significant parameters.

These include:

  • Actually, the goal that is being pursued.
  • All sorts of ways to achieve the task.
  • Characteristic behavior of opposing military units, taken in view of the general coalition.
Combined Arms Preparation

Combined arms combat and types of weapons used

ABM can be conducted by different methods of destruction: using conventional, nuclear weapons, as well as other means of mass destruction and variations based on the introduction of new physical principles.

The category of conventional weapons includes a group of fire and percussion devices used by artillery shells, engineering ammunition, and rifle ammunition. This also includes missiles in conventional equipment, with thermobaric (volumetric), incendiary charge. The most effective in this group are considered high-precision guidance systems.

Types of combined arms combat using only conventional weapons include the serial destruction of enemy units. A particularly important role in this case is played by the extremely accurate and reliable electronic and fire damage. At the same time, there should be an impact on reserves and important facilities concentrated in depth, as well as the timely consolidation of forces and equipment for the operational fulfillment of the assigned task.

Nuclear weapons are among the most powerful ways to destroy an enemy. This category includes all varieties of ammunition with nuclear charges, including their delivery vehicles (carriers).

Weapons based on the application of new physical principles are laser, microwave, radio wave and accelerator counterparts.


This is the main type of modern combined arms combat. Offensive plays a decisive role in the victory over the enemy. It is worth noting that only decisive action in this direction, at a high pace and as deep as possible, guarantees a complete defeat of the opponent. The swiftness on the offensive makes it possible to demoralize the enemy, frustrate his ideas and make the most effective use of the results of his fire and nuclear strikes.

The main objective of the offensive is the complete and final defeat of the enemy as soon as possible with the simultaneous escalation of important objects and areas of the area. The final goal is achieved by eliminating the stockpiles of a nuclear attack by the enemy, its main units by means of missile, air strikes, and artillery fire. The motorized rifle and tank divisions should also be actively promoted to great depths, in aggregation with aviation and airborne assault, thoughtful release of units on the flanks to the rear of the enemy, followed by encircling, breaking up and destroying them in parts. Depending on the type of combined arms battle and the goals set, the offensive is carried out on the defending, retreating or attacking enemy.

Combined arms battle with small arms

More on offensive types

The offensive on the retreating enemy is carried out mainly by the pursuit, with the simultaneous defeat of part of the forces covering the opponent. At the same time, the main forces are actively operating along parallel routes of the enemy’s withdrawal. Carrying out the specified maneuver on the move is performed, as a rule, from the starting point, the removal of which is determined by the senior commander. The unit unfolds in battle formation during the advancement of a unit or company to the line of transition to the attack.

The main type of combined arms combat is an attack on the defending enemy. In this case, it is assumed nuclear and fire damage to the enemy’s positions with the use of airborne assault. When going on the offensive with the enemy, there may be a direct collision, advance from the middle or a breakthrough of defensive positions. In the latter case, it is necessary to develop success as deep as possible, surrounding the enemy, breaking up his ranks and destroying them in small groups.

The response to the advancing enemy is carried out in the form of oncoming battle. It arises if both warring parties seek to fulfill their tasks through offensive actions. Ideally, the maneuver should end with peculiar methods of defeating the enemy, followed by the onslaught of tank and motorized rifle units interacting with the airborne forces. With them should be aggregated infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, firing from suitable weapons. As we approach the battle, other types of weapons are used that can be used to eliminate or neutralize the opponent.

Combined arms battle with tanks


The main types of combined arms combat and their characteristics suggest an attack by motorized rifle groups on foot. The specified maneuver is used to break through the prepared defensive system of the enemy, fortified areas, in the inaccessible terrain for tanks and military vehicles.

Motorized rifle groups attack the enemy in a chain at a distance from the battle line of the tanks. The distance must completely protect personnel from explosions of the ammunition of their artillery, while providing support for vehicles firing from small arms. Armored personnel carriers and infantry vehicles (armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles), disguising themselves depending on the terrain, carry out jerks from cover (line) to cover. They act at some distance behind their groups, guaranteeing reliable fire support for heavy armored vehicles and motorized rifle groups.

BMP attack

In this form of modern combined-arms combat, the actions of soldiers in combat are carried out mainly on infantry fighting vehicles. A similar move is used if the opponent’s defense is confidently suppressed, most of his anti-tank assets are eliminated, or when attacking a rapidly occupied defense. In this case, the tanks conduct an attack after the rupture of the ammunition of their "art". Groups of motorized rifles on infantry fighting vehicles or armored personnel carriers follow them at a distance of up to 200 meters, firing from all possible guns.

Combined Arms Combat with BMP


The main types of combined arms combat and their characteristics provide for the creation of various lines (points). They serve for the initial promotion, deployment in battalion or other columns, the transition to attacking actions, safe removal and other maneuvers. When a pedestrian attack sets in, a line of dismounting is assigned for motorized riflemen, and when moving by combat vehicles, a landing point on tanks is set.

The deployment point of platoon columns is determined, as a rule, behind the folds of the local relief 2-3 km from the front defensive edge of the opponent. The point of landing of soldiers by landing on tanks is usually a line of 2-4 km on the ground, which guarantees fast and covert loading.

Types of Combined Arms

What is defense?

The following is a description of these types of combined arms combat and their brief characteristics. The main purpose of defense is to disrupt or repel an offensive (attack) of an enemy superior in strength, with a retaliatory strike and inflicting significant losses. At the same time, holding important lines and objects remains an important task. A successfully carried out maneuver will create favorable conditions for a decisive counterattack or a full-fledged offensive.

This is achieved by firing any means of destruction, including fire and nuclear strikes. All this should be combined with the reliable retention of strategic posts, buildings and terrain, as well as accompanied by wide counterattack maneuvers. The organization of defense can be positional or maneuverable, depending on current conditions, the availability of funds and tasks. Next, we consider in more detail the features of both types.

Positional option

The main types of combined arms combat include positional defense (main type). It meets the tasks as accurately as possible, and is carried out by inflicting significant losses on the enemy as a result of the stubborn retention of prepared areas of the terrain and existing facilities. The positional model is used in most areas, especially in those areas where the loss of territory is strictly unacceptable.

Maneuverable defense

It is relevant for inflicting losses on an opponent, gaining time and preserving their own human and technical resources. For this, successive defensive battles are used at the previously designated lines, which are deliberately stratified in depth. In this case, regular counterattacks are applied.

Maneuverable defense allows the abandonment of certain sections of the territory. During this maneuver, a military unit, in cooperation with other groups, forces the enemy to launch an offensive, after which he falls into a prepared positional trap or is involved in an area that provides the most favorable conditions for defeating the enemy with the help of counterattacks.

According to the conditions of the transition to defense, it is applied deliberately in case other active or other actions do not make sense. Also, this option of warfare is sometimes forced, due to unfavorable circumstances. Defense is prepared in advance before the start of the main hostilities or organized during the battle. The transition to defensive actions can be triggered in a direct collision with the enemy or without it.

Defense requirements

The main types of combined arms combat and their characteristics in terms of defense indicate that it must be steadily active, have the ability to withstand volleys of various types of weapons, including the attack of large units of tanks, infantry, airborne assault and sabotage and reconnaissance groups (DRG) . Among other defense requirements, the following points are presented:

  • It must simultaneously prevent the advance of tanks, an attack from the air and the landing of the enemy.
  • To be in depth, equipped for long-term combat, taking into account the possibility of the enemy using weapons of mass destruction, high-precision counterparts, electronic devices.
  • The personnel of all combat units must stubbornly defend their positions. The same applies to the situation with a complete environment and lack of communication with support or a neighboring group.
  • Without the order of a senior commander, fighters do not have the right to leave their positions.

The types of modern combined arms combat and their characteristics in terms of sustainable defense are achieved:

  • Perseverance, endurance and perseverance, high morale of the personnel.
  • Timely guessing the enemy’s plans in terms of reconnaissance and preparatory maneuvers, calculating the directions of a possible attack.
  • Thorough disguise.
  • Misleading the enemy through distraction.
  • Skillful application of terrain conditions and available engineering equipment.
  • Equipment correctly distributed fire system in combination with anti-tank points and special barriers.
  • Thoroughly designed air defense.
  • The instant elimination of the enemy landing, wedged into the defense.
  • The use of unexpected tactics that can stun and stun an opponent.
  • Regular implementation of measures to protect against precision and massively striking weapons.
  • Careful and prolonged retention of defensive lines with the transition to regular counterattacks.
Combined Arms


The types of combined arms combat, basic concepts and definitions are considered above. This information will not allow you to become a great connoisseur of military affairs, since this needs to be studied for more than one year, both in theory and in practice. However, the general basics are presented and laid out on shelves, which will help the average person to understand the main terms.


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