Fat separator in everyday life: how to maintain health and not harm the environment

Environmental pollution has already reached catastrophic proportions. There are times in the memories when food was made exclusively from natural ingredients. In the food industry, more and more reagents, fats and artificial oils. This is not to say that people too tend to eat right. If you look at household appliances in the kitchen, then these are fryers, bread makers. Almost all dishes are cooked in a pan. And then there are problems with the stomach and metabolism.

In addition, people cause great harm to the environment. What is wastewater? This is water that flows into the sewage system, is collected in the sanitary sewage system of the city, filtered and again gets into the river or other body of water where water is drawn. How urban systems work, we already see firsthand - polluted rivers, almost completely covered with mud. Therefore, each person’s duty is to take care not only of their health, but also of the environment.

Household Fat Management Methods

The grease separator for washing has long been installed in European countries. Such a device is installed not only in industrial facilities and in catering kitchens, but also in ordinary housing.

Do not think that clogging the sewer will require a lot of fat. A similar problem is relevant for those with autonomous sewage. Particles of food and dirt mix with fat and form blockages, which are difficult to get rid of.

The grease separator for sewage will also help in cases where the system is installed with violations, for example, if the building standards are not observed when installing pipes or if there is no required slope. But most often the problem is still in fat.

fat separator

The principle of operation of the unit

The fat separator is installed in the first stage of cleaning. In fact, this is a kind of separator that separates dirt, grease, oils from water.

Inside, the capacity of the unit is divided into two parts. In the first tank heavy particles settle, that is, sedimentation occurs. In the second tank, the separation of oil particles and water components occurs. As soon as the lighter particles - fats and oils - float, and their amount reaches a certain volume, the sensor is triggered. Now the fat receiver can be cleaned.

sewage grease separator

Advantages of the device

First of all, a household fat separator allows you to prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors in the pipes and to maximize the life of the entire sewer.

The main advantages of using the system include:

  • simplicity of installation work;
  • high strength of the unit;
  • no risk of corrosion, since containers are made of high-strength plastic;
  • autonomous operation of a device that does not require connection to electric networks;
  • microorganisms that can live and multiply in a greasy environment will not appear either in the sewer or in the kitchen;
  • average life is 25 years.

The grease separator can be mounted in combination with other cleaning systems. The essence of the operation of the unit is not only to clean from grease and oils, but also to remove mechanical impurities.

For domestic needs, two types of grease traps for sewage are manufactured:

  • external (ground or underground);
  • interior.

The external unit is mounted directly to the sewer and can be placed on the street, and the external is attached under the sink.

Grease traps do not work at low temperatures. This is due to the fact that already at + 5 degrees the fat hardens. Therefore, when installing the cleaner on the street, it is necessary to consider the system of pipe insulation and the unit itself.

household fat separator

Mistresses note

Many women worry about what they cook for their family. Perhaps so much has been said about the dangers of fatty foods that there is nothing to add. This is a risk of heart attack and stroke, increased cholesterol and a malfunction of internal organs. Therefore, the question arises - what can be done even at the stage of preparation of the first and second courses?

The simplest fat separator is an ordinary strainer for filtering broth. Special wipes can act as a fat separator for boulen.

Also on sale are glasses made of heat-resistant materials with a sieve to separate food and liquids. When pouring liquid from a glass, a special grease trap traps it. Purified liquid flows out through the drain spout. In stores, it is sold as a device for cleaning sauces.

boulene fat separator

Get rid of odors and fat in the kitchen

One of the first problems women face in the kitchen is unpleasant odors and fat on almost the entire working area. An exhaust umbrella will help to cope with the problem . The principle of operation of the household fat separator is the same as that of those models that are intended for use in catering.

The umbrella has several filters, including a grease filter. The method of fastening such an aggregate can be ceiling (island) or wall.

There are even barbecue and barbecue umbrellas on the kitchen equipment market. If such an umbrella is planned to be used on the street, then no additional equipment will be required. If the umbrella will be used indoors, then it is supplemented with additional devices - grease traps.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4188/

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