Laser eye treatment: doctor's prescription, pros and cons, operating principle and procedure algorithm

Modern equipment and ongoing research in the field of ophthalmology can save vision even in the most difficult cases. Laser treatment is one of the most effective eye restoration procedures. Thanks to this method, you can change the shape of the ocular cornea in the most gentle way. After laser eye treatment, it becomes possible to clearly and clearly see the world around us. Therefore, anyone who suffers from vision problems should all about this procedure.

What is laser treatment done for?

The human eye is a whole system, which is a very complex mechanism. The nerve endings of the eyes give visual signals directly to the brain system. Thanks to this process, a person sees the world around him. Due to some diseases, the light rays do not focus properly on the lining of the retina. This contributes to a distorted perception of vision, objects become blurred and fuzzy.

The main objective of laser eye treatment is the restoration of refracting actions that interfere with clearly seeing objects. The laser beam simulates the cornea of โ€‹โ€‹the eye, again returning to it the ability to correctly refract light signals that are fixed on the retina. With the help of glasses and lenses, you can only temporarily correct this ailment, but only the laser solves the problem once and for all. That is why all ophthalmologists recommend that patients with vision problems do laser treatment of the retina of the eye and again look at the world clearly.

who needs laser vision correction

To whom laser correction is prescribed

This method of vision restoration is needed for those people who have impaired refraction. It also represents the ability to create images using the retina, lens and cornea. It is through the cornea that light rays are refracted. This whole complex process is called "refraction". When it is broken, a person sees images and objects indistinctly. This can trigger diseases such as farsightedness, myopia, or astigmatism.

Indications for laser eye treatment

This method of vision correction can be shown in the following situations:

  • With poor eyesight: myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism.
  • If you do not want to wear glasses or contact lenses.
  • When a lifestyle or professional activity does not allow you to wear glasses. This category includes people who work in dusty conditions, as well as athletes, doctors and actors.
  • In professions that require a clear and clear vision: pilots, doctors, drivers.

When restoring vision in this way, diseases such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism go away forever. Laser eye treatment is done for people aged 18 to 55 years. Previously, you do not need to do it, since the eyeballs will not yet be fully formed. If laser treatment is performed at the age of 55 years, this may not bring 100% results. Over the years, the lens of the eye becomes very denser, which leads to poor perception of the effects of the laser. Therefore, the sooner you start restoring your vision, the more effective the result will be.

The only exceptions are diseases that are not associated with pathological visual impairment. These include various injuries and damage to the retina and eyeball. In this case, the ophthalmologist performs an individual examination and only then determines the method of therapy. Laser treatment of retinal rupture in a teenager or child is carried out after a thorough analysis of possible complications of the operation.

indications for laser treatment

Contraindications to laser treatment

Not everyone can take advantage of this amazing opportunity to restore vision. The operation is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • At the age of less than 18 years. Laser eye treatment in children is prohibited.
  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • With diabetes.
  • You can not do laser correction for those who suffer from immunodeficiency or systemic diseases.
  • Cataract eyes. Laser treatment will need to be carried out in two stages.

To exclude complications, an examination of the whole body is mandatory. To treat diseases such as cataracts, myopia and retinal rupture, a coagulation procedure is performed before recovery.

laser eye surgery

Laser coagulation treatment

This surgery is done for various pathologies of the retina. Laser coagulation improves vision, restores blood circulation in the vessels, and also prevents the possibility of fluid flowing directly under the retina. Treatment is performed according to the following indications:

  • If there is a violation in the work of vessels on the retina.
  • Retinal dystrophy.
  • Vein thrombosis.
  • Retinal detachment.
  • Myopia.
  • Cataract

Laser Treatment Benefits

This laser eye treatment procedure has a huge number of advantages. Among them, the following should be highlighted:

  • Fast rehabilitation process.
  • Lack of pain during and after surgery.
  • Absolute harmlessness.
  • Efficiency and guarantee of 100% vision recovery.
  • You can have surgery up to 55 years.
  • A lasting result for many years.
  • In one procedure, both eyes are corrected.
  • Laser correction can be done with any ophthalmic problem.

The above advantages make laser eye treatment the best method of restoring vision. However, there are no ideal methods, so even this procedure has insignificant disadvantages.

laser retina treatment

Disadvantages of Laser Treatment

Thinking about the minuses of vision correction with a laser, you can highlight a little discomfort from the operation, which will last about 4-5 days. Particularly sensitive people may experience pain. After restoration of vision, the laser will have to use eye drops for some time. They will help the eyes recover from the effects of the beam.

Based on reviews of laser eye treatment, it can be concluded that in rare cases, the procedure is complicated. These include various injuries to the nerve endings and cornea of โ€‹โ€‹the eye. But this is only possible with an unsuccessful choice of clinic and doctor. Such complications must be corrected immediately, otherwise they will lead to visual impairment. Another disadvantage of laser correction is the inability to do household chores for some time after treatment. Under the ban will be the use of a computer, reading and many other familiar activities.

laser eye cataract treatment

Preparation for treatment

Such a serious technique requires special preparation. A week before the alleged correction of vision, you must stop using lenses and glasses. To avoid possible difficulties associated with visual impairment, it is better to take sick leave or work at work. During this period of time, the eyes will rest from tension, and the cornea will acquire its natural shape. Thanks to such preparation, the operation will be as efficient and easy as possible, and the recovery period will take much less time.

In addition to refusing glasses and lenses, it is necessary to pass some tests and undergo an examination with an ophthalmologist. The day before surgery, you need to give up smoking and alcohol. Also, do not use decorative cosmetics. In the evening before the procedure, you should thoroughly cleanse your face, hair and give the body a good rest. With severe excitement or anxiety, you need to drink a mild sedative on herbs.

laser vision treatment

How is the operation

Before proceeding with laser treatment, the doctor instills an anesthetic in the patientโ€™s eyes. After that, you can sit on the operating table and prepare for the operation. To avoid blinking, special expanders are inserted into the eyes. After that, the doctor proceeds to action. The operation is usually carried out in three stages:

  1. During the first stage, the upper layer of corneal patches is separated. The doctor performs this procedure with a microsurgical instrument called a microkeratome. These actions help open access to work in the middle layer of corneal tissue. The stage lasts only a few seconds and the person does not experience pain at the same time.
  2. At the second stage, the doctor vaporizes the uniform inner layer of the cornea until it takes the necessary curvature.
  3. Finally, the upper protective layer is returned to the cornea.

The whole operation is pretty fast. The patient does not need to remain under observation in a hospital. But he needs an escort who can take him home and take care for a while.

laser recovery

Rehabilitation after laser correction

To quickly begin to see well, you must adhere to the following recommendations of the postoperative period:

  • Do not sit at the computer or read. Based on reviews of laser treatment of the retina of the eye, this rule is simply necessary to observe.
  • Do not use makeup.
  • Prevent water from entering the eyes.
  • Do not rub your eyes and protect them from various injuries.
  • About a month do not go to the sauna, solarium and bath.
  • Do not go to the gym and, if possible, limit yourself to light physical activity.
  • To go to work or study only after the approval of a doctor.
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol.

These measures must be adhered to from 1 to 4 weeks, depending on the speed of recovery of vision.


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