How to store bloodworms at home: the best ways and reviews of fishermen

Judging by the numerous reviews of anglers, bloodworms are the most popular bait. In addition, special bait mixtures are made from larvae, which are very fond of aquarium fish. Given the high demand for this bait, it is not surprising why many newcomers are interested in the question of how to properly store bloodworms at home. Surely every fisherman knows: if you hold the bait in a warm place for a couple of days, then most likely it will have to be discarded. In addition, due to the stinging sharp putrefactive odor, a similar fate awaits the bloodworm itself. About how to store bloodworms for fishing at home, you will learn from this article.

Getting to know the bait

Before you wonder where to store bloodworms at home, you need to figure out what this bait is. Bloodworms are worm-shaped larvae that are laid by a mosquito-centipede. Thanks to the catchy red color, they are clearly visible from afar.

how to store bloodworms for fishing at home

The bloodworm is deployed in the silt. Look for him at any time of the year. Bloodworms are extracted from rivers and ponds using a sieve. After extraction from the sludge, the larva is thoroughly washed. If you need a bloodworm, it is not at all necessary to look for it in water bodies. It is enough to go to a fishing store and buy bait there. Enterprising fishermen also sell bloodworms. Now that you have acquired this rather catchy bait, you should ensure the quality storage of bloodworms at home.

About temperature

Often beginners are interested in how to store bloodworms at home in the winter? According to experts, the proper storage of bloodworms is to ensure that the larvae provide a nutritious and moist environment. The temperature should be low, but not minus. The optimal indicator varies between 0 ... +8 degrees. A large amount of moisture in such places is undesirable, otherwise the larvae may suffocate. Of course, in the summer you can choose a lower shelf in a household refrigerator as a place to store. In winter, a foam box wrapped in newspaper is ideal for this purpose. However, there are several more effective storage methods, more about which later.

how to store bloodworms in a bloodworm in a house

About newspaper storage

For those who do not know how to store a bloodworm for fishing at home, you can recommend using a newspaper for this purpose. The artisanal bloodworm is made of three sheets. One of them, which will be located between the other two, is pre-moistened. Larvae of bloodworms should be put on the third newspaper sheet. The bait should be 5 mm thick. After the newspaper sheets are neatly wrapped. They keep the incinerator in a cool place. Most likely, several larvae will die, and therefore experienced fishermen advise the sheets to check and remove dead individuals daily.

house bloodworm storage

In a rag

If you do not know how to store bloodworms at home, use a woolen or canvas rag. This method, judging by numerous reviews, is quite popular among many fishing enthusiasts. If you decide to keep the larvae in a rag, you will have to wash it daily in running hot water, and then squeeze it. At this stage, you don’t have to be too zealous, because it is very important that the rag reel always remains a little damp.

In potato

Before storing bloodworms at home in a home-made potato wicker, the fruit must be prepared. First of all, choose a raw vegetable. Then it needs to be cut in half. Some craftsmen only cut off its tip with a thickness of 20 mm.

how to store bloodworms in the refrigerator

After the potato is divided into parts, a core is carefully cut out in its two halves. It is important that the wall thickness is at least 10 mm. Further, the larvae themselves are located directly in the recess, and both halves of the potato are pressed tightly against each other. If you choose the second method, the core is made in most of the fetus, and it will close with a 20 mm tip. Potatoes with larvae are stored in a cool place and washed every day.

How to store bloodworms in the refrigerator?

At home, some fishermen store bloodworms in potato marc. Prepare them as follows. Small potatoes are peeled and grated. Next, the resulting mass is squeezed out and put on a gauze in a thin layer. Larvae are laid on top, which must be carefully covered with a new layer of grated and squeezed vegetable. At the end, gauze is wrapped and placed in the refrigerator.

Also in the refrigerator you can store bloodworms in flat vessels with tight lids. It is enough to cover the bottom of the vessel with a small layer of larvae and then moisten them with a spray gun. As a result, an oxygen-saturated environment will form, which will ensure the safety of your bait.

In cabbage

Make a reaper from a fresh head of cabbage. Larvae should be laid between the gaps that form after bending three or four sheets. Bait vegetables should also be kept in a cool place. If an unpleasant odor starts to emanate from the cabbage, this indicates that the bloodworm begins to die and deteriorate. Therefore, check cabbage and seize dead larvae should be every day. Otherwise, the entire bookmark will be damaged.

In tea leaves

Judging by the numerous reviews, this method is considered quite effective. To prepare this moth, you need gauze and tea leaves from drunk tea. First of all, a gauze rag is moistened, on which tea leaves will be located. Now, larvae can be placed in the incinerator. According to experts, bloodworms will last longer in tea. The only drawback of this method is that it is much more difficult to extract the larvae.

In sand

This method can also be recommended to beginners who do not know how to store bloodworms at home. Some craftsmen use a photographic frame to make a bloodworm. Of course, another flat dish with low sides will do. Use should be sifted sand. It fills the container with a layer of 20 mm. Next, water is poured into the bowl. It should cover the sand by 10-20 mm. Now you can pour bloodworms into the vessel. According to experienced fishermen, a lively and energetic larva will certainly burrow in the sand, while a dead one will immediately emerge. Dead individuals are immediately removed. It is advisable to change the water every three days. Before going to the pond, the sand is sieved with a sieve or gauze filter. According to the owners of such devices, the filter will let through even the smallest grains of sand, and it will delay the larvae.

how to store bloodworms at home in winter

In a can

To prepare a home-made bloodworm, a regular tin can is suitable. In it, using an awl or a nail, you will have to make a large number of holes.

where to store bloodworms at home

Some craftsmen at this stage use a drill. After the holes are ready, sharp edges should be rounded or filed off in the inside. If you ignore this recommendation, in the future, when you remove the larvae, most likely you will get hurt. Further, the bank turns into several layers of gauze. So that the bloodworm does not deteriorate, experts advise placing the container in cold water.

In the toilet flush tank

If you chose this method, you need to get a nylon bag. It will contain larvae. They make it out of women's tights. How to store bloodworms in a drain tank at home? As experienced fishermen advise, the bag should be positioned so that it does not touch the walls. It is not necessary to ram the stocking too tightly with a bloodworm, otherwise the larvae will die in cramped conditions. This method is good because you do not have to specifically change the water. It will be updated every time it is drained. Of course, this will be possible only if the tank is operational. The undoubted advantage of such storage is that the water filling the tank is quite cool. Judging by the reviews, bloodworms in such conditions will be able to live a month.

In a thermos

If you chose this method, you first need to prepare crushed ice. Thermos is filled by one third. Directly the bloodworm itself is stacked in a bag of nylon. First, ice is put in a thermos, and then a packet of larvae. After some time, the ice will melt. Therefore, you need to visit the larvae every two to three days, drain the water and fill the thermos with ice.


This method of storage is considered the most radical. Larvae of bloodworms are pre-washed in running water, dried slightly, and then placed in a freezer. Judging by the reviews, many fishermen store the bait in special cells, through which they make ice. For this purpose, the larvae are laid in molds and then filled with water. Next, this design is placed in a bag, and then in the refrigerator, namely in the freezer.

what is the best way to store bloodworms for fishing at home

According to experts, in a frozen bloodworm its nutritional properties are preserved for a month. If the larvae were thawed, then there is a risk that they will begin to deteriorate. Therefore, you will have to use them up as quickly as possible.

In foam rubber

How to store bloodworm at home in a bloodworm? Every fisherman should get this little thing. Having it in your arsenal, it will be much easier for you to both store and carry bait to a reservoir. If you have a need to purchase this device, go to the fishing store. There, to the attention of buyers, the incinerators are presented in a wide assortment. Whatever product you purchase, made of wood or polystyrene, you need to provide the bait with a comfortable living environment. The fact is that it will be annoying if, having a bloodworm and a special device for its storage, the larvae in it will die. In this case, fishing is likely to be spoiled. What is the best way to store bloodworms for fishing at home? First buy a recess and then line it with a slightly damp foam. The size depends on the dimensions of the product itself. According to experts, wet foam is considered the best medium for storing this bait. The fact is that in it the larvae will not dry out. It is humidified only once a week. Mostly the incinerators are placed in the refrigerator on the lower shelf.

Most Common Beginner Mistakes

Very often, novice fishermen subject bloodworms to sharp temperature drops. For example, the larvae of the house are stored in relative warmth, and then directly into the water, they enter the environment with a low temperature. It is possible that fishing will take place without biting and the bait will remain. Mostly newcomers place these larvae back in the reed mill. As a result, a sharp temperature jump will lead to the death of bloodworms, and then the remaining larvae. Therefore, experienced fishermen advise putting the remaining bait in a separate container.

Storage of bloodworms provides for its content in a humid environment (this method is also called β€œdry”) or directly in the water itself, which is the natural habitat of the larvae. Bloodworms stored in a "dry" form must not be wetted. However, most fishermen do this, as a result of which the bloodworm quickly dies. In addition, excess moisture in the "dry" method will contribute to the development of mold, which is also detrimental to the larvae.


According to the fishermen, storing bloodworms is quite troublesome. Nevertheless, this bait is very catchy, and therefore all the effort expended will be paid off during fishing.


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