The most popular slimming wraps: reviews and recipes

If you have already experienced all the ways to achieve the perfect figure, but still canโ€™t throw off a couple of extra pounds, then you should try weight wraps. Reviews often note their magical effect not only on your weight, but also on the condition of the skin as a whole. Since ancient times, people have used seaweed, honey, or clay wraps. This technique allows you to improve metabolism and blood circulation, deeply cleanses the skin, saturates it with minerals and vitamins, accelerates regeneration, removes toxins and toxins, actively fights cellulite and, in addition, perfectly relaxes and tones. The result will not be long in coming if you choose wraps for weight loss. Reviews of this procedure note that it can be carried out at home, so it is not necessary to constantly spend money on visiting salons. Of course, it is unrealistic to repeat some types of house wraps, but there are recipes that will be effective when used independently.

Popular recipes for this procedure

slimming wraps reviews

There are hot and cold slimming wraps. Reviews for each of the types of this procedure can be found different, it all depends on your own preferences. Sometimes both of these species are used in combination, thus making a contrasting procedure. There are many different wrapping recipes, but a few are enough to figure out which one is best for you.

1. Wrap blue clay for weight loss. As a rule, cinnamon is also part of this recipe. Its amount is selected depending on the individual characteristics of the person. This mixture is diluted with water to a creamy consistency. Clay paste is applied to problem areas of the skin and lasts 20-30 minutes. It is believed that if you actively move during the wrap, the effect of the procedure will be more noticeable.

2. Wraps with pepper for weight loss.

blue clay slimming wrap
For this recipe you will need 50 grams of ground coffee beans, two tablespoons of honey and a small spoon of red pepper. This composition is applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes and washed off with cold water.

3. Algal slimming wraps . Reviews about this procedure are usually positive. It can be carried out both hot and cold. The only thing that is important to know: seaweed wraps cannot be done if you have a thyroid disease. To prepare the mixture, soak kelp sheets in water. Add thyme, coriander and ginger to them. In a hot procedure, the mixture is soaked in 38-degree water for 15 minutes. In cold weather, the temperature should not exceed 25, and the soaking time is 45 minutes. After soaking, the mixture is applied to the body and wrapped with cling film. The time for this procedure is half an hour.

4. Mud wraps for weight loss.

slimming pepper wraps
Reviews of this procedure are ambiguous, as this mixture may cause some negative or disgusted. The basis is a dry cosmetic mud mixture. It is diluted with warm water and applied to the body. Keep the mud mixture for half an hour.

Before you choose the most suitable method for you, most likely, you will try a variety of weight loss wraps. Doctors' reviews recommend a test for an allergic skin reaction before any procedure. Few people know how your body will react to one or another composition of the wrap.


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