Osho Books: A List of the Best. Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh

The article discusses the works of the greatest book lover from India, a controversial mystic, a provocative speaker, an insatiable reader of the 20th century, and the owner of the Lao Tzu library in Pune.

Who is Osho?

Osho Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh is an Indian spiritual leader who preached the eclectic doctrine of Eastern mysticism, individual devotion and freedom.

As a young intellectual, he absorbed the ideas of the religious traditions of India, studied and taught philosophy, was a spiritual mentor, practiced social asceticism. The basis of his teachings was dynamic meditation.

osho books list

The Way to Osho

Master’s fire is a skillful, bold impromptu. His unconventional assistance to people in achieving divine nature is striking in the number of followers. Meditation on the transformation of consciousness, thoughts about individual development and socio-political problems are reflected in popular print media.

Books are not written by himself, they are transcribed based on his reasoning. The ease of reading captures the process of thinking, awakens the depths of consciousness. Osho's books are a list of the basics of life, as their supporters call them. The study of Rajneesh’s considerations instantly focuses his attention, which facilitates the search for an answer and gives rise to a new way of being.

osho zen

Osho: Zen is here and now

At meetings, Osho spoke of world religions and teachings, based on Zen, which is not scripture or theory, but a direct indication of obvious things. In conversations, the main role of meditation in personal and collective growth is revealed. Especially the theme is reflected in collections:

  • “Roots and Wings” (1974).
  • “Zen Peaks” (1981-1988).
  • The Zen Manifesto: Freedom from Self (1989).

A good start for the transcendental experience lies in the system of an illustrated deck of cards with a guide book “Osho. Zen Tarot. " The game concentrates a person on the awareness of the present moment, that important that gives clarity to what is happening inside. Collectors will definitely appreciate the artistic presentation of the follower of the master - Deva Padma.

Interpreting the mystical experience of Buddha, Jesus and Lao Tzu, Rajneesh talks about the concept of mind and time, through meditation he teaches not to be identified with them. The psychological doctrine of Osho is Zen, awakening from sleep.

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Two-volume collection "Golden Future"

For those who are concerned about tomorrow, this series of conversations should not be overlooked. A lot of discourses have been devoted to the global nature and perspective of mankind, which confirms the popularity of this Osho book. The list of the collection consists of 2 volumes:

  1. "Meditation: The Only Way."
  2. "Freedom from the past."

Here Rajneesh sees a person in a new society, built on the principles of meritocracy, where the qualification of voters for management positions would be the highest dominant. The ideas voiced by him about a unified world constitution affect the restructuring of the structure of society, government and education.

According to Osho, the advent of a new world is inevitable, as well as the inevitably withering away of the old, where a model of misunderstanding is created specifically so that the oppression of guilt is the main trump card over people. He says that people cannot be equal and each person is unique, and calls the idea of ​​equality the most destructive that could penetrate the human mind.

divine melody

Silent music

The discourse on inner spiritual birth came out in 1978, the topic is considered in various aspects. Inspired by the life of the mystic poet Kabir, Osho talks about his work. The title of the series - “Divine Melody” - is dedicated to the poet’s spiritual experience at the time of enlightenment, so the mystic designated the inexplicable feeling that visited him, which became the core of the book of Osho.

List discourse supplement the teachings on the transformation of the energy of the ego (internal poison) into honey (blessing). He explains that evil (lower) can be transformed into good (higher). Osho sees compassion as a symphonic ringing of anger, and love as a refined echo of sex. The conversation is interesting with statements about the feminine, here special attention is paid to this.

The collection contains reflections on Christian theology and theologians, the latter he considers superficial in relation to the interpretation of the Bible.

According to him, the main cause of all problems, difficulties, dilemmas and conflicts is nothing but the mind. Osho encourages understanding of its nature and pattern through meditation. Here he answers questions about homosexuality, the self, the difference between the ego and self-confidence.

osho bhagwan sri rajneesh

Insight of quotes

"The reasons are within ourselves, outside is justification." The meaning of life can change rapidly, and for that, just one statement by Osho is enough. Rajneesh quotes carry the meaning of universal wisdom. He brilliantly defines what courage, enlightenment, the happiness of being yourself, loneliness and many human aspects are. Excerpt brochures are often a desktop accessory. The basis for the collections was the incredible love of people for the teachings of Osho. The quotes help to unblock consciousness, leave the logical familiar world, see the environment from a different angle: “Only an unfortunate person tries to prove that he is happy; only a dead person tries to prove that he is alive; only a coward is trying to prove that he is a brave man. Only a person who knows his lowland is trying to prove his greatness. ”

The universal, fascinating system of the impromptu master is permeated with sparkling humor, paradoxes and a true essence, sometimes brought to the point of absurdity. An inquiring mind to study the work of other, no less famous figures, gave rise to his genius.

What did you study, what were Osho's favorite books? The list of Rajneesh himself is completely diverse, this is one of the reading people on the planet. You can list the sources of his inspiration for a long time, in his collection there are Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Naimi, Chuang Tzu, Plato, Omar Khayyam, Aesop, Uspensky, Suzuki, Rama Krishna, Blavatsky.

golden future

Reading Recommendations

There are enough publications to help change lives, but they are not permeated with that particular melody, conscious change, happiness and freedom, like Osho’s books. The list of recommendations is selected in order to shock the sleeping consciousness:

  • "Love. Liberty. Loneliness". A provocative discourse is devoted to radical and intellectual views on this trinity from the name.
  • The Book of Secrets. A practical guide to the secrets of the ancient science of tantra. Rajneesh gives a clear understanding that meditation is more about mentality than about technology. These pages reflect the wisdom of intelligence on the meaning of life.
  • Osho: Emotions. Discourse on the nature of emotions and far beyond them. Through 30 years of experience, the master offers alternative techniques for their simple understanding. Reading guarantees light penetrating into the hidden corners of one's own unique personality.
  • "The sound of the clap of one palm." The last thing that was recorded before Osho went into silence (1981). Zen book for people open and receptive to the truth of things.

The education of the philosopher, the ability to build long improvisations on the proposed topic brought Rajneesh deserved fame, for he was able to see the obvious from a different, unexpected side.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4207/

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