How to make spathiphyllum bloom at home?

Spathiphyllum is an excellent representative of the Aroid family. This evergreen plant belongs to the category of perennials. In the people it is also called "female happiness." The flower includes several species, but at home they grow a fairly limited number of them.

Inflorescences of spathiphyllum are in the form of a white bedspread in the form of a leaf with a fork. When they appear over a thick dark green bush, it looks very beautiful. However, far from always the owners can observe this picture. Learn advice on how to make spathiphyllum bloom will help the advice of experienced professionals. To do this, you need to create the right conditions for the plant.


Experienced experts can discover some tricks to make spathiphyllum bloom. The general characteristics and characteristics of plant breeding should be considered in order to identify errors in this process.

How to make spathiphyllum bloom

The bush reaches a height of about 30 cm. Some varieties are taller or, conversely, dwarf. Dark green leaves grow directly from the soil. They have an oval shape and pointed tips.

Spathiphyllum flowering can occur several times a year. This process most often starts from April and lasts until September. When the cold season begins, the flower goes into a dormant state. This is a capricious plant. However, if certain rules are not followed, it can begin to hurt, does not bloom, and may even die.

General breeding requirements

Considering how to make spathiphyllum bloom at home, you should understand the main rules of its breeding. First of all, it is necessary to ensure the correct temperature. Spathiphyllum is considered a thermophilic plant. He feels comfortable at a temperature of 22-23ΒΊ. The thermometer column should not fall below 18ΒΊ. The appearance of drafts should also be completely eliminated. Their spathiphyllum categorically does not tolerate.

How to make spathiphyllum bloom at home

Also, in the process of breeding, it is necessary to ensure the correct lighting and optimize the humidity. If the owners carry out improper watering, this will immediately affect the well-being of the flower.

Excessive top dressing or, conversely, too poor soil will adversely affect the appearance of spathiphyllum. If it is transplanted incorrectly, the plant may begin to fade. These issues need to be addressed first.

Lighting and humidity

There are general recommendations on how to make spathiphyllum bloom at home . Although the flower loves warmth, it cannot be left for a long time in direct sunlight. Otherwise, the leaves will dry out and fade. However, the lack of lighting will adversely affect development.

How to make spathiphyllum bloom at home

Spathiphyllum feels best on window sills, whose windows face east. This amount of sunlight will be enough for normal development. You can also put the pot on the table near the window. Excess light leads to drying out of the leaves, and a lack leads to the absence of flowering.

Spathiphyllum loves high and medium humidity. Therefore, you can additionally moisten it with a spray gun. Water is sprayed near the leaves, as well as around the pot and its stand.


To understand how to make spathiphyllum bloom profusely , you need to understand the technique of its proper watering. If hydration does not occur correctly, the plant will not release inflorescences.

How to make spathiphyllum bloom tricks

Water should be settled and have room temperature. Especially the plant needs fluid during flowering and in the warm season. In winter, watering is reduced. The pot must be moved away from heating appliances. With excessive watering, the leaves become weak, lower. With a lack of moisture, they wither.

Watering is carried out as the soil dries. In this case, it is necessary to spray leaves from the spray gun twice a week. You can wipe them with a damp sponge. If the leaves of a flower are large, it needs more frequent watering. If accidentally it turns out to pour too much water into the pot, it must be allowed to drain. The soil should dry. Only then can the soil be irrigated again.

Incorrect fertilizer application

In search of an answer, how to make spathiphyllum bloom , many plant owners begin to add too much fertilizer to the soil. This negatively affects the well-being of the flower. Top dressing must be properly selected. Their number must comply with the standards. Lack of nutrients in the soil also leads to a lack of flowering or even death of spathiphyllum.

How to make spathiphyllum bloom profusely

In order for the plant to bloom, in the spring and summer period, top dressing is applied once a week. In the cold season, the procedure is carried out once a month. This will prepare the plant for future flowering.

As dressings, special mixtures are suitable. They are sold in specialized stores. Such fertilizers contain nitrogen and some potassium in their composition. If such substances are present in the soil more than normal, they will poison the spathiphyllum. Therefore, when applying fertilizer, you must adhere to the instructions of the bait manufacturer.

Transplant errors

Most often, plant owners consult with experts on how to make spathiphyllum bloom after transplantation. It is after this procedure that problems may arise. The root system of spathiphyllum grows very quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to transplant it in a timely manner.

How to make spathiphyllum bloom after a transplant

When transplanting, you need to choose the right type of soil. It should be a little sour. Best for such purposes, a mixture that consists of one part of humus, peat, leafy soil is suitable. It also includes two parts of woody soil. It is necessary to create high-quality drainage. You can add some charcoal to this soil.

The soil should be loose. Softwood is added to it. In dense soil, the roots will be hard to grow, nourish the plant. Also, they will not be able to get enough air. This leads to insufficient development, lack of flowering.


Studying how to make spathiphyllum bloom at home, you should also consider the process of proper breeding. The best way is to split the bush. Each new spathiphyllum should have several leaves and a separate growth point.

The division of the bush is performed in mid-autumn. It is during this period that processes are ready for transplantation on spathiphyllum. They have a separate root system. For transplantation of processes, small containers are selected. The soil must also be special (the composition was presented above).

Spathiphyllum is almost never grown from seeds at home. This is an extremely painstaking process. If mistakes are made in it, flowering will be unlikely, as well as the full development of the plant. Breeding processes is an easier option.

A few nuances

To understand how to make spathiphyllum bloom when all the rules for care are followed, you need to consider a few tricks. The pot should not be too spacious. It must exactly match the size of the root system of the spathiphyllum.

If you do not remove the inflorescences from the bush, it will also cease to bloom in the future. This procedure is performed at the moment when the white blanket near the yellow cob changes color to light green or beige.

You can put the pot in a cool place for several weeks. At the same time, watering is reduced. After that, the flower is again placed near the window and fertilized in the soil. After this, the plant often begins to bloom.

Having considered the main recommendations on how to make spathiphyllum bloom, you can create a beautiful indoor plant with your own hands. It will delight its owners with delicate white inflorescences for a long time.


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