How to remove abdominal fat?

If you are not strong in anatomy, then the phrase "abdominal fat" may seem unfamiliar to you. But what exactly 9 out of 10 people over the age of 25 years is familiar with is belly fat. Some of them have very little, but someone can “brag” with a decent tummy. This fat differs from subcutaneous fat in that it is located in the abdominal cavity and covers the internal organs. If you can grab onto the subcutaneous fat with your fingers, and we see it in the form of folds hanging over the trouser belt or belt, then the abdominal fat is like a bulging belly.

Anyway, let not everyone strive for model parameters, but everyone wants to remove fat on the stomach. In this article, we will tell you how to remove abdominal fat from the abdomen with proper nutrition and uncomplicated exercise.

abdominal fat

What is the danger of fat in the abdominal cavity?

First, let's look at the difference between visceral (or abdominal) fat and subcutaneous fat. This fat consists of brown cells, is located under the muscles of the press, it is more difficult to burn it than subcutaneous. In addition, abdominal fat poses a greater health hazard than body fat.

Such a “burden” is fraught with a malfunction of the hormonal system, a slowdown in digestion, metabolism, kidney and liver diseases, and a possible heart attack or thrombosis. And this is not to mention the aesthetic side of the issue. But in order for abdominal fat to be burned harder than subcutaneous fat, this process is not at all impossible. We will analyze further how to get rid of gizzard fat quickly and irrevocably.

“This is not a stomach, this is a bundle of nerves!”

The quote from the film, despite the humorous component, is 100% true. Where does abdominal fat on the stomach come from? It is not only an unhealthy diet or a sedentary lifestyle, but also a constant state of stress. At the end of the last century, doctors proved that the harmful hormone cortisol (“stress hormone”) does not allow fat to break down even as a result of physical exertion, and in addition, “thanks to” it may not cause an increase in muscle tissue.

how to remove abdominal fat

As a result, you can regularly do exercises or go to the gym, do not eat after six in the evening, and indeed eat right, but there will still be a belly. Cortisol may not interfere with the burning of body fat under the skin, but it will be very difficult to remove abdominal and visceral fat (this is the same thing as we found above).

So, the first reason why such fat appears is a feeling of anxiety, depression, stress, lack of sleep. Begin by eradicating these causes and, perhaps, you won’t have to change anything else in life, since the figure itself will come into shape.

Check hormonal background

Men and women make us not only primary and secondary sexual characteristics, but also the correct hormonal background. “I’m losing weight, but instead the weight is only gaining”, “I just can’t get rid of acne”, “Such a terrible mood is constant, I really want to cry.” If you are characteristic of such or similar statements, then you need to check the level of hormones in the medical center, passing tests. Such a procedure is inexpensive, but can subsequently save a lot of time, effort and money.

Hormonal background is a subtle tool that can go wrong due to illness, stress, abrupt climate change, and puberty. One of the signs that not everything is in order with the proper level of hormones is the accumulating abdominal fat. In women, this is more pronounced than in men. In the stronger sex, fat begins to accumulate on the hips and sides. So, if this problem takes place, then until the hormonal system is put in order, it will not be possible to lose weight and feel good.

It should be noted that there is a connection between abdominal fat and hormonal levels. So, an excess of this fat can cause a disorder in the level of hormones, and a malfunction in the hormonal system can lead to the appearance and accumulation of visceral fat. If you have both, wage a struggle on all fronts.

"Man is not alive by bread alone"

Not bread at all, but the opposite. So, you are a cheerful person, get enough sleep, are satisfied with work and feel comfortable at home.

abdominal fat on the stomach

It is when all is well that many of us are prone to gaining weight through overeating. Statistics from the CIS countries indicate that after marriage in the first two years, 70% of girls and 45% of men are significantly recovering. This is due to the fact that food is the easiest way to express your love to loved ones. Couples begin to treat each other with goodies, order pizza at home, watch movies with a long tea party and sweets. And how to refuse a couple of bottles of beer with chips? Even by nature, slender and beautiful get heavier, and in place of a flat tummy an unsympathetic abdomen grows.

Replacing harmful calories with healthy ones

In fact, diet is the most unfortunate and ineffective way to remove abdominal fat in men and women. Fat cannot be removed pointwise, that is, “I’ll sit a couple of days on kefir and wake up with a flat stomach” - this is an idea that is not destined to come true. Most likely, it will take you a few centimeters in the circumference of the hips or abdomen, but this will not be fat, but muscle mass.

No diet works as needed just for the reason that when you are malnourished, your body is only more actively stored in fat mass. Forget about diet as a way to lose abdominal fat, and choose a different approach - replacing harmful calories with healthy and necessary ones.

Meat and fish to fight fat

Correct calories are considered the same proteins, carbohydrates and fats, but a lot depends on their quantity and quality. The basis of nutrition for those who are losing weight should be protein. These are lean poultry, beef, fish, egg, cottage cheese. Fats are best taken from vegetable oils, nuts, seeds.

how to remove abdominal fat from the abdomen

In addition, in poultry, fish, egg yolks, there is enough fat necessary for the body to work.

Do not forget about carbohydrates. Vegetables, breakfast cereals, baked potatoes, durum wheat pasta are healthy foods that not only nourish and taste in themselves, but also form a good metabolism and allow you to lose weight.

Of course, it makes sense to abandon the harmful combination of fats and carbohydrates. We are talking about any confectionery sweets, flour products, chips, sweet fruits.

Exercise stress

Even if you switch to a proper and wholesome diet, abdominal fat will not dissolve by itself. If up to 25 years you can practically do nothing to maintain shape, then after your muscles begin to senile, which will lead to sagging skin and a deterioration in appearance even with normal weight. Sport is necessary if you want to look good not only in clothes, but also on the beach.

How to remove abdominal fat from the abdomen? Most people, even those who play sports, think that they need to direct their efforts to exercise for the press. However, even doing 200 repetitions per day, there is no guarantee that you will achieve the desired result. The abdominal muscles will be drawn from the load if you have low levels of subcutaneous and abdominal fat. Otherwise, the muscles will grow, and due to the irreplaceable volume of fat, the stomach will appear even larger. Exercise on the press is good, but as an adjunct, and not the main tool in the fight against body fat.

how to get rid of abdominal fat

Basic exercises as a basis for the fight against body fat

How to get rid of abdominal fat with the help of sports? Three basic weightlifting exercises are called upon to help you - squats, a bench press and pulling the barbell from the floor. It doesn’t matter what gender, age or height you are. There is no need to immediately grab a huge weight and try to break world records. If you have never made a base or have not worked with weight, then first learn the technique of correct squats and pulling weight from the floor. Then you can proceed to the exercises with a body bar or an empty bar.

abdominal fat in men

These exercises are classic for gaining muscle mass, losing weight and getting rid of fat in all places. They can be done at home, but it’s better to enroll in a fitness room where you can work under the supervision of a trainer and experiment with different weights. Exercise no more than 3 times a week for 50-60 minutes.

Aerobic exercise

The second part of physical activity is aerobic exercise. Walking, running, cycling - you can choose what you like. In addition, it is not necessary to call aerobic exercise “exercises”. Walk as often as possible, refuse an elevator, get a dog to walk her. You will not only improve your general fitness, but also make abdominal fat literally burn all the time, and not just in the gym.

Observe drinking regimen

You may have heard about the notorious two liters of water that everyone needs to drink daily. In fact, even drinking water is necessary, but how much it should be is individually for everyone. Drink a glass of water every two hours - this will help to eliminate toxins, speed up metabolism, and in addition, get rid of a constant feeling of hunger. Keep in mind that tea, coffee, juices are not considered "water", and therefore do not consider these drinks in the total amount drunk.


Using all of the above methods of getting rid of abdominal fat, you can achieve visible results in 3-4 weeks. Do not focus heavily on weight loss.

abdominal fat in women

Fat weighs a little, but occupies a large amount. You can lose only a kilogram and a half, but at the same time decrease by 5 centimeters at the waist. Therefore, to record the results, it is recommended not only to weigh once a week, but also to measure volumes.


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