How to clean an enameled pan: professional tools, simple and effective ways

Enamel pans first appeared in the USA in 1799. Since then, they have been popular among housewives around the world. Such dishes are beautiful, safe to use. It can serve for many years, but on condition that proper care will be provided for it.

Not everyone knows that such pans are intended for cooking liquid dishes - soups, stewed fruits, jelly, etc. Therefore, when used for other purposes, the service life is significantly reduced.

Enamel coating has some disadvantages:

  • In such dishes, food burns.
  • The coating is stained and damaged.
  • Over time, the enamel turns yellow or darkens, a coating appears on the surface.

Therefore, today, like many years ago, for housewives the question remains urgent: "How to clean an enameled pan?" It is not as difficult to remove traces of grease and various contamination origin on enameled dishes as it might seem at first glance. You just need to know some features of such work and use both home and professional tools.

How to clean enameled dishes

Care Rules

To extend the life of enameled pots, you must follow the simple rules:

  • Do not boil milk in them, do not boil milk porridge.
  • Such dishes are not intended for deep-fried cooking.
  • Do not place a hot pan on a cold surface and do not pour boiling water into a cold container.
  • Avoid using abrasive products and hard (metal) brushes.
  • Avoid mechanical damage: a pot with chips outside or inside is unsuitable for cooking.

Types of pollution

The dishes covered with a layer of enamel lose their pristine beauty and radiant shine for a number of reasons. The long term of operation, untimely or insufficient care, and sometimes the carelessness of the hostess provoke the following changes:

  • the inner surface turns yellow or darkens;
  • covered with a layer of fat;
  • scum appears at the bottom, and a burnout appears on the outside.

With regular care, questions about how to clean enameled dishes usually do not arise: just wipe the pan with an ordinary sponge using dishwashing detergent and it will shine like new. However, sometimes this method of purification is useless. In this case, you have to resort to other, more drastic measures.

Pan burned

Burnt food

It's no secret that almost all housewives are familiar with this situation - an enameled pan burned. How to clean it to get rid of adhering food and not damage the enamel?

Never try to clean the pan until it has cooled. Fill it with hot water and set it aside. Meanwhile, prepare a strong salt solution. Pour out the previous water and replace it with salt. Then the dishes should be put on low heat and boil until pieces of burnt food are left behind. The pan is washed in the usual way and wiped dry.

How to clean a burnt enamel pan

Use of soda

Some housewives know how to clean a burnt enameled pan with baking soda. It is necessary to fill it with warm water and add the powder. It should be thoroughly stirred and left overnight. In the morning, put the container on low heat and boil the contents for about two hours. Pour the solution and clean the bottom and burned walls with a hard (but not metal!) Sponge using a detergent. It can be replaced with laundry soap.

How to remove traces of burnt products?

At least once in a life, every housewife was faced with the fact that food adhered to her beautiful, often new enameled pan: milk, jam, cereal. In this situation, you have to look for ways to reanimate your favorite dishes. We will show you how to clean enameled pots at home.

How to get rid of yellowness

If the jam is burnt

Sticky sugar is removed with citric acid or soda. Pour the pan with a solution that is prepared from a liter of water and a glass of baking soda. The mixture must be hot. The dishes are boiled for half an hour. After that, turn off the heat, allow the composition to cool and rinse the pan thoroughly.

How to cleanse burnt porridge?

For cleaning in this case, whey containing a large amount of acid will help you. That is why it will help save your dishes. Serum is poured and left for three hours.

If milk is burnt, activated carbon will help correct the situation. To do this, you need three tablets, which are crushed to a powder state. Powder fall asleep and leave for half an hour. After that, pour water so that it covers the bottom with two fingers. Wash off the composition after 40 minutes. Coffee grounds will also help get rid of burnt milk. It is applied to a cotton swab and gently wiped the spot of the burn.

How to descale?

In enameled dishes, scale is formed due to poor water quality. This is a solid precipitate of salts formed due to the frequent heating of hard water. The walls of the pan are heated more strongly, which leads to their burning and reducing the service life of the dishes. Scale is unhealthy. Moreover, she:

  • increases cooking time;
  • reduces the thermal conductivity of dishes;
  • damages the surface.

In this regard, it is important to know how to clean the enameled pan inside from scale. Plaque should not be scraped off or beaten off. If you systematically clean and wash the dishes, such a problem arises infrequently. But to completely avoid it will not succeed.

Citric Acid, Soda and Vinegar

To clean the dishes are used:

  • baking soda;
  • vinegar (or essence);
  • potato peel;
  • lemon acid;
  • cucumber pickle.

Many housewives prefer to use industrial professional descalers. One of the most effective formulations is Antinakipin, a substance containing sulfamic acid. Three quarters of the dishes are poured with water, 2 tablespoons (tablespoons) of the product are poured into it. The composition is boiled for one and a half hours. The scale is destroyed, and it remains only to wash it off with running water.


In addition, the compositions β€œUfa” and β€œAdipinka” are used, the method of use of which is the same. Trisodium phosphate is well established in the fight against scum. It is mixed with baking soda. Two tablespoons of powder will be required per liter of water. The composition is boiled for 1.5 hours.

Simple home remedies are no less effective:

  • Cut the sour apples so that they cover the bottom of the pan with a layer of 5 cm, pour them with water and put on a slow fire. Cook the fruit until the liquid has completely evaporated. The whole process should be repeated again. After a quarter of an hour, the scale is removed with water.
  • Pour the cucumber pickle into the pan and bring it to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Drain the brine and wash the pan thoroughly.

These methods can be used by anyone who does not know how to clean the enameled pan from the yellowness inside.

Old fat

Another problem that can worsen the appearance of enameled dishes. Dried fat is not easy to remove even with the help of detergents, gels. In addition, their cost is quite high. In addition, if there are children in the house, then the use of aggressive household chemicals is not recommended. It is more advisable to use time-tested folk methods that effectively solve this problem.

These include the removal of old fat with mustard powder. To clean the dishes, you should immerse the pan in a solution with mustard. After half an hour, it must be washed in the traditional way.

How to clean an enameled pan from yellowness

Is it possible to achieve radiant whiteness?

Mistresses complain that enameled dishes lose their snow-white after each use. And the yellow enamel darkens. For example, if you cook beets in such dishes, white enamel will find an unpleasant yellow color. How to clean the enameled pan inside? From darkening and yellowness, you can use "Persol."

Pour the powder into the container and fill it with water so that it slightly exceeds the yellowness level. The composition should be left for 20 minutes. Then the dishes are washed in the usual way. As a result, your saucepan will shine like new.

How to clean the enameled pan inside from darkening

Not everyone knows how to clean the enameled pan from yellowness using the usual "White". The liquid must be poured into the dishes so that it covers the yellow coating. A few minutes later it is drained. After using this product, the pan is washed thoroughly and left open for weathering harmful fumes and drying out. Ammonia is used in the same way.

Enameled dishes will help to clean laundry soap from darkening. To do this, pour the pan with cold water, into which soap chips are added and put the pan on low heat. Boil the composition for about 40 minutes.

Outside cleaning

We talked a lot about how to clean the enameled pan inside, but when cooking, the outside of it is also contaminated. To restore its original form, you can use a rather laborious, but very effective way. The dishes are placed for 12 hours in a large container with boiling water, in which the washing powder is dissolved. The pan is removed from the solution and washed with warm water.

Household chemicals

Above, we described how to clean an enameled pan with improvised means. However, many consider them time-consuming, time-consuming. For those who prefer to clean dishes with effective and modern detergents, retailers offer a variety of cleaning products. Experienced housewives know how to clean an enameled pan using well-known household cleaning products:

  • Samat;
  • Fairy
  • "Shumanit";
  • BioFormula;
  • Amway
  • Chister;
  • "Clean dishes".
Means "Shumanit"

All of them are effective in the fight against fat, spots, burnt food. These substances are applied to the contaminated surface, after 10 minutes the pan is washed with plenty of running water and wiped with a microfiber cloth. To clean the darkened dishes, you can use Seda gel. It effectively removes dirt from it.

Using modern household chemicals, you can quickly clean kitchen utensils from yellowness, old fat, soot, browning and other contaminants. They are safe by following the instructions and precautions. Work with such compounds should be in rubber gloves, since many aggressive agents often provoke allergic reactions or cause chemical burns to the skin of the hands.


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