How to jump rope to lose weight. Simple tips

Those who have long wanted to lose weight have probably heard that the jump rope is not just children's fun, but also an excellent tool to combat excess pounds. Many do not even know how to jump rope in order to lose weight. But in vain, because with all its simplicity, it is able to give an excellent load to your body, which will burn a lot of calories. It is believed that constant jumping rope gives a greater effect than a bicycle, swimming or even running. The main advantage of this method of losing weight is that it does not require any material investments or the search for a special place for classes. You can jump wherever you want, the main thing is that you are comfortable and comfortable.

How to jump rope to lose weight

how to jump rope to lose weight

First of all, it is worth noting that this element belongs to the class of cardiovascular machines, which give a load on the cardiovascular system. For optimal effect, jump at 70 rpm. This approach will train your respiratory system and endurance of the whole organism. Many do not believe that by jumping on a rope, you can lose weight. However, the results already in the first weeks will impress any skeptic, if you approach the training correctly. Exercises with this item can give elasticity to your legs and hips. Surprisingly, a skipping rope can help get rid of cellulite and sagging skin. Among other things, such trainings tighten the abs and help "get rid of the abdomen." With intensive occupation, you can lose more than 500 calories per hour. But in order to understand how to jump on a skipping rope in order to lose weight, it is important to monitor your heart rate and general condition throughout the workout.

Contraindications to classes

how to lose weight by jumping rope

Despite the many positive properties of rope jumping, there are also a number of limitations. You can not deal with heart disease, migraines, and if you have problems with the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, before thinking about how to lose weight by jumping rope, consult your doctor about individual contraindications. It is important to exercise on an empty stomach, you can not eat 2 hours before training. Drinking while jumping is not recommended, only if you really want to, and then little by little.

Training principle

If you want to achieve good results, do it systematically. Be sure to warm up before training.

jumping rope you can lose weight
You can do bends or squats. Exercises before the jumps themselves will help you accelerate blood flow and get oxygen in full. In addition, if you want to lose weight, a warm-up will become only an additional assistant. To understand how to jump on a skipping rope in order to lose weight, it is important to choose comfortable shoes for training, otherwise you will damage your tendons. You need to start training slowly, gradually increasing the speed and pace of jumps. You need to land on your toes in a pose with bent knees and a straight back. Do not chase yourself for the maximum result. If you feel the limit of your strength, it is better to take a break.

If you are thinking about how to jump on a skipping rope in order to lose weight, remember that training alone will not be enough. If you want to achieve the desired result as quickly as possible, limit the consumption of products that are harmful to the figure, fried, flour and sweet. Keep track of your condition, and within a month you will notice brilliant results.


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