Cactus Care at Home

Botanists believe that cacti appeared on our planet relatively recently, at a time when mammals already lived on earth. From South America, which is considered the birthplace of these unusual plants, they settled in the Western Hemisphere. And then the migratory birds transferred the seeds of some species of cacti to Africa and Asia.

Cacti are succulents that can accumulate water in stems for a period of prolonged droughts. A distinctive feature that distinguishes representatives of the cactus family is the presence of areoles in these plants, modified branches in the form of buds. From them grow flowers, thorns, "babies", with the help of which cacti reproduce vegetatively.

homemade cacti

Cactus classification

Botany scientists divide cacti into four subfamilies and 11 tribes. However, connoisseurs of these plants share them either according to living conditions in nature, or in appearance. In turn, in appearance, cacti are divided into herbaceous lianas, tree-like shrubs. A simpler classification of these plants according to their habitat in nature: forest and desert.

Tropical, or forest, cacti are usually very similar to each other. Often these are lianiform plants, which are epiphytes. This means that they use other plants as a support. Quite often among these representatives there are species that parasitize on other plants.

cactus classification

Desert cacti are distinguished by a variety of species with different structure, structure, length, color and shape. There are many species of these plants, and they all have their own distinctive features. Representatives of this variety have a feature for which flower growers appreciate them - their unpretentiousness in caring for cacti. Such a plant can be grown in almost any conditions, and even if they forget about it for a while, the desert cactus will not suffer too much.

Popular cacti: photos and names, care

In indoor floriculture, cacti change not only the way of life, but also the appearance. This is due, first of all, to the ability of almost all succulents to quickly adapt to the surrounding climatic conditions. Such changes usually occur imperceptibly for the host, for example, the root system will decrease or the flower growth rate will slow down. Sometimes these lifestyle changes can be seen in the appearance of the plant. But usually this does not lead to its deterioration.

Prickly pear

A very common type of cactus, which differs in the characteristic shape of the stem - flattened, resembling a small cake. There are many varieties of these cacti, which are used in different ways in the regions of their growth - from the use in cooking to the manufacture of alcohol and medicines.

prickly pear cacti

The living conditions of this variety are also different. Some representatives of the species tolerate negative temperatures and even a short stay in the snow.


These cacti can easily be identified by pronounced ribs on which are thick and rather long spines. These plants are small in size but have many ribs. Their stalk is covered with numerous small dots that can absorb water.

Despite their rather modest size, astrophytums bloom at a very early age. Flowering begins in May and lasts until October. By this indicator, the plant is a champion among cacti.

astrophytum cacti

In winter, a representative of this species is in hibernation and does not grow. Astrophytums generally grow very slowly, and this applies not only to the flower, but also to the root system. They are transplanted no more than once every five years.


These cacti are also widespread. Some botanists believe that there are significantly more varieties of mammals than Opuntia ones. The main difference from other cacti is in the characteristic form of areoles, as well as in their large number.

Mammillaria flowers do not appear from the areoles, but from the special sinuses that are located between them. An amazing plant is the mammillaria cactus. Home care for him is to provide plenty of light and heat. This is one of the most demanding plants, but if all the conditions of its maintenance are met, flowering will be very plentiful in the whole family.

cactus mammillaria

The air temperature in the room where mammillaria is contained should not fall below +15 Β° C in the summer. In winter, the plant can tolerate lower temperatures (+10 Β° C). Since mid-March, it needs "summer" conditions of detention.


From Latin, the name can be translated as "the head of an old man." This cactus grows very slowly, although in nature it reaches gigantic proportions. Officially recorded specimens with a height of more than 15 meters and a diameter of about half a meter. The peculiarity of this plant is that in indoor floriculture its growth is not limited by anything. If the root system is not stopped in time, the plant at home can well reach its natural size.

In summer, these cacti need good lighting and regular ventilation, as well as moderate watering, not more than once a week. In winter, watering the plant stops, and the temperature should be lowered to +5 Β° C.

Large (up to 10 cm in diameter) flowers are hardly attractive because they emit an extremely unpleasant odor. Under natural conditions, cephaloceruses attract bats with this aroma.


Russian flower growers know the plant as the Decembrist cactus. Home care is not too difficult for him, so ripsadidopsis is very popular. The name of the flower was due to the time when it blooms - in December, before Catholic Christmas.

The plant has many varieties and hybrids, which differ in shades of flowers and the shape of the stems. This is an epiphyte with a very short rest period, which lasts from October to November. After him comes the time of active flowering. A month after fruit ripening, the plant begins the period of active vegetation, which lasts until October.

cactus decembrist

During this time, the plant significantly increases green mass, therefore, it is transplanted annually, especially in the first years of life. The transplant is carried out immediately after flowering in a container 1.5 times larger in size than the previous one.

Indoor cacti: care and maintenance. Choosing a place for a flower and lighting

Desert cacti need a lot of light, so it is best to install them on the windowsills of windows facing south and east. Forest varieties are best placed on the northern and eastern window sills. The leaves of the Decembrist, for example, on the southern sides are discolored, and failures begin between the periods of their dormancy and flowering.

lighting for cactus

Temperature and humidity

Caring for cacti at home involves observing the temperature and humidity. In summer, cacti feel quite comfortable on the balcony, and in winter, if the room temperature is too high, the plant needs to provide high humidity.

We have already said that desert cacti in winter are at rest, so they should be moved to a cool room.

The soil

In various publications for gardeners, you can see photos of home cacti. Care for them should be carried out in accordance with the type and age of the plant. This primarily relates to the selection of the substrate. Experienced growers use different soil mixtures. However, they must comply with the general characteristics: the soil for the cactus should be slightly acidic, loose, nutritious and light.

You can independently prepare a standard soil mixture. To do this, mix river sand or sheet soil in the ratio (1: 1). Add to the composition a handful of peat, which will increase acidity, and charcoal from hardwood.

cactus soil

Seedlings and young plants need a more nutritious and loose soil mixture. To do this, the amount of sheet land increases. For adult plants, a denser substrate is suitable - clay-sod ground is added to it.

Watering cacti

Caring for indoor cacti pleases many beginner gardeners with a low moisture requirement. In spring and autumn, plants are watered daily or every two days, in autumn - once a week, in winter - once every two weeks. Watering should be carried out according to the following principle - the colder the air in the room, the less moisture evaporates, therefore cacti are watered less often. These exotic plants respond well to rain and melt water.

Top dressing

Care for cacti at home should include top dressing. You need to know that cacti require a small amount of nitrogen - its excess leads to improper development of the flower. Therefore, it is not recommended to use organic fertilizers, with the exception of small doses for epiphytic and rapidly growing species.

Cacti need calcium and phosphorus, and during flowering - potassium. Florists prefer to use special fertilizers for succulents and cacti, for example, the composition "Cactus", which has a balanced composition of micro and macro elements.


When caring for cacti, the flower grower sooner or later raises the question of their reproduction. These plants reproduce vegetatively (with the help of processes) or generatively (by seeds).

The vegetative method is quite simple, so the vast majority of lovers of indoor plants use it. However, true admirers of unusual flowers passionately grow cacti from seeds, as this is a very interesting, albeit time-consuming, process.

With vegetative propagation, the processes of adult plants take root. Such cuttings usually already have rudiments of roots, and they take root well. Cactus seeds purchased at the store are pre-disinfected in a strong solution of potassium permanganate, and then they are germinated in a humid environment.

Some types of cacti can sprout in a day, while others may take a month.

Pests and diseases

Even proper care of cacti can not always protect the plant from pests and diseases. Excess moisture, especially in winter, will lead to the formation of rot. In this case, you need to get the plant out of the pot, thoroughly rinse the roots with running water and dry them. After this, rotten stems and leaves, dark and soft roots are removed and treated with antiseptics. The cactus is transplanted into a new pot. It is not recommended to water the plant before it begins to grow. Pests that are dangerous for cacti include aphids, spider mites, mealybugs and scale insects.


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