Why dream of picking mushrooms? Interpretation Options

Mushroom picking is fascinating, especially if you are walking through the woods on a nice sunny day. The leaves rustle underfoot. The air is fresh, slightly bitter, heady. And the soul is the joy of communicating with nature.

When we dream

why dream of picking mushrooms
And if everything that you read above is just a night vision? Then the legitimate question arises: "Why dream of picking mushrooms?" How to interpret different variants of such a dream? If you are an avid mushroom picker, then everything is clear: you want to get out of the apartment walls into the expanse of nature. If you are not, but just tired of the daily hustle and bustle, everyday problems and a rush to work, then it is also clear what dreams of picking mushrooms. In this way, your dream is expressed about rest, a calm, leisurely pastime, a desire to be alone with yourself, to look around, to think about life.

Western interpretations

dream interpretation of the meaning of dreams
In Western psychology, mushrooms are usually regarded as a phallic symbol. Dreams with them may hint at certain aspects of your sex life. Suppose you have gathered a whole basket or bucket of saffron mushrooms, throats, boletus, etc. In this case, what you dream of picking mushrooms is interpreted in this way: you like the joys of an intimate life, it’s quite rich and high-quality. But lately you have been experiencing a certain lack of attention from the opposite sex, you lack the erotic tension in relationships. And so the subconscious sends you warning signals. And why dream of picking poisonous mushrooms? In this case, the interpretation is also associated with intimate relationships, more precisely with dissatisfaction with them. Western psychologists believe that men with unrealized temperament have such dreams . Either the representative of the stronger sex is deprived of the opportunity to communicate with women at this level, or he has restrictions in this area for any reason. The main essence of such stories - a clamped libido requires an exit, and its further suppression is fraught with psychological trauma.
white mushroom why dream

Interpretation Options

Now let us consider in more detail the other possible nuances of explanation. To collect inedible mushrooms - to have false friends in your environment, from whom in the near future you can expect some kind of dirty tricks, troubles. Another thing is if you found and even ate a white mushroom. What he dreams of is not difficult to guess. The most valuable and delicious among the whole mushroom kingdom, Borovichok predicts longevity, recovery from long, protracted diseases. For an unmarried girl or woman, a dream indicates possible happy changes in her personal life. An old Russian dream book explains the meaning of dreams with porcini mushrooms as soon expected profit, good income.


It is worth remembering this subtlety: if the mushrooms that you collect in a dream are strong, good, beautiful, without wormholes and other damage, not poisonous, this always promises good, joyful changes in life. And if, on the contrary, it is worth listening to your body, perhaps a secret ailment begins to "grind you". Take a closer look at relatives - maybe someone is in danger, and your dream will help prevent it. And be more attentive to the events happening around you - perhaps dreams with the participation of mushrooms will help to cope with future troubles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K431/

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