How much can I pump up the press to cubes? Instructions for beginners

how much you can pump up the press to cubes
It is no secret that the cherished cubes in the press are the ultimate dream of not only most men, but also women. You can bring yourself to the desired sports form with the help of fitness classes in the gym or even at home. However, a person is always inclined to rely on an instant result, and he is very concerned about the question of how much you can pump up the press to cubes. A definite answer simply does not exist. The physiological parameters of each person are purely individual, and the achievement of the desired result depends on many factors. With good physical activity and the correct diet, pumping the press to cubes on average will take about 2-3 months.

Before starting workouts, you should know that the abs is divided into upper and lower, as well as oblique muscles of the abdomen. For each site there are certain exercises. If you are interested in how to pump the upper press cubes, you should focus on lifting the case. All kinds of tilts and twists pump oblique muscles, but women should not get involved in such exercises, because by increasing muscle mass, the waist volume can increase. It is better to replace them with exercises with a weighted hoop, this will help get rid of the fat layer on the sides and simulate a smooth bend. To achieve a visible result, you should twist it 3-4 times a week for at least 30 minutes in each direction. But the leg lifts provide a good load to the lower press.

press up to cubes
If you are seriously worried about the question of how much you can pump up the press to dice, then you should pay close attention to the number of approaches and repetitions, but there are no certain standards. It all depends on your physical fitness. For some, 50 repetitions will seem a mere trifle, while for others 10 will be a burden. To achieve the result, it is necessary to focus on muscle pain in the worked out area of ​​the press. After the start of the exercise, you will feel a burning, but not sharp pain in the muscles. It will seem to you that your press seems to be β€œburning” from the inside, the main thing here is not to stop, but to do it another 5-10 times. After all, it is these last repetitions that are the most valuable. After the approach, you can relax for a moment and proceed to the next. Just worth doing 4-5 approaches. Do not forget that all the muscles in the human body swing from bottom to top, which is why you should read from the lower press and gradually switch to the upper one.

Ask any coach about how much you can pump up the press to dice. None will give the correct answer. Everything will depend on your own efforts, and we are talking not only about the intensity of training, but also about the diet. No matter how hard you torture yourself with exercises, you will never see your long-awaited cubes while they are hidden under a dense layer of subcutaneous fat. This does not mean that you need to go on a strict diet and deprive yourself of all the joys of life. It is enough to follow simple rules:

how to pump up the upper press cubes

  • Eat small meals, but 5-6 times a day. This is necessary to accelerate the body's metabolism and accelerate the natural burning of fats.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. We are talking about plain water, natural juices and green tea. They will significantly speed up the metabolism.
  • Do not limit yourself to sweets, but only until 12 noon. Carbohydrates and sugar consumed before this time will not be reflected in the figure, but, on the contrary, will bring benefits in the form of an energy charge.
  • Go for bread and pastries made from coarse wheat. In such products, less carbohydrates and more healthy fiber.
  • Focus on protein-rich foods. Avoid excessive consumption of fatty and carbohydrate foods in the afternoon.
  • The last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Then everything that you ate will have time to digest, and not be delayed overnight in the form of extra pounds and centimeters.

It is a common misconception that daily training allows you to quickly achieve results. Often you can hear the question: "How much can you pump up the press to dice, if you do every day?" It is important to know that the abdominal muscles need recovery. Only on rest days does muscle mass and volume increase. This happens due to the filling of micro-gaps obtained during training, so 3-4 times a week will be enough. With such a load and good nutrition, you will soon be able to boast of treasured cubes.


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