Kitchens "Shatura": furniture, catalog, photos, prices and reviews

Each room in a person’s house has its own purpose and direction of use, which determines its functionality, but hardly anyone can argue about the indispensability of the kitchen, not only as a place for cooking and eating, but also as the main room in the apartment. Cozy gatherings accompanied by warm conversations, an arena of battles and a cauldron of family emotions, as well as a cozy and practical place for receiving guests - these are just a small part of the huge list of appointments that are typical for the kitchen. How many important family decisions have been made here? How many events take place within the walls of this room? For this reason, the interior of the kitchen should not only facilitate the actions associated with providing the nutrition process for family members, but, without fail, should form a positive energy. Creating internal comfort is another important task of the kitchen, which determines the mood of the owners of the house and their guests.

Kitchens "Shatura" not only meet all the requirements of modern consumers, but also, among other things, have many advantages. It is the simplicity and laconicism of the furniture component, in harmony with the most fashionable trends of our time, that make these kitchens quite popular not only in the domestic market, but also far beyond its borders.

About company

Kitchens "Shatura" - furniture, which is the most recognizable brand in the world. The manufacturer focuses on middle-class consumers, who have low incomes, but dream of the possibility of a decent decoration of their homes. Therefore, do not be surprised that the demand for the production of the company's products is huge, and the kitchens of this brand are always in demand. The specific weight of the company producing kitchens and furniture in the vastness of Russia is 5%, and the love and recognition of customers allow it to win and win prizes in various competitive nominations annually, the main criterion for evaluating which is the quality and success of the brand. The advantage of these kitchens is evidenced by popular sympathy for the Shatura company. Furniture produced under this brand has a bright and practical design.

Design and style direction

The main focus of the design of this product is such a style as minimalism. Kitchens "Shatura" are distinguished by their functionality and simplicity of design solutions. Absolutely any person will not only be convenient to use furniture, but also just be in the room furnished by her. But minimalism is not the only direction in the design decision. These elements, in addition to the main direction, perfectly combine such styles as classic, country, ethno, baroque, neo-style, modern and many others. A distinctive feature of the production of various models is their orientation to the tastes and wishes of domestic consumers, who are more than familiar to Shatura designers. Anyone can not only order a ready-made sample of the kitchen according to an existing sketch, but also take a direct part in the development of their future furniture project.

Shatura cuisine

Interior and technological solutions

Kitchens "Shatura" - furniture, the production of which uses only the latest technology. The multiplex technique allows you to glue several wooden elements in order to achieve special strength and moisture resistance, which is especially important for the interior of this kind of room. The fittings used are of high quality, durability and reliability. These elements make the work of various movable components of the structure convenient and trouble-free, which not only facilitates its use, but also significantly increases the operating life. Tables and chairs of Shatura kitchens attract special attention. Performed with great care, they amaze with their appearance, compactness, durability and convenience. The variety of materials from which kitchen furniture is made is surprising. Wood, plastic, MDF and PVC, leather and even stone are just a small part of the materials used to solve a variety of creative issues. In general, I want to note that the main difference between these kitchens is the use of various functional units that are easy to install in absolutely any room, regardless of its size.

Shatura cuisine reviews

Price factor

Kitchens "Shatura" are characterized by a rather low cost threshold. Thanks to this, anyone can choose the model he is interested in at prices much lower than other manufacturers, in addition, the quality of the kitchens will exceed the corresponding indicators of analogues. Fans of more representative models should not be upset and define this production as a purely budgetary organization. The company "Shatura", whose furniture is notable for its low price, high quality and long service life, produces truly elite designs. A huge number of catalogs with various models is a direct confirmation of this. This is another proof that the Shatura kitchens, the prices of which are acceptable for any buyer, will satisfy the needs of almost everyone who believes that the grayness of everyday life should be varied with beautiful things and a decent interior for your home.

The price threshold in the Shatura kitchen is almost impossible to establish because of its intense dynamics. Ready-made kitchens cost from 8 to 25 thousand rubles. Moreover, to acquire the entire kitchen is not at all necessary, just select the necessary elements and order only them. Thus, you can equip your kitchen room with elements of the model of your favorite model, saving tens of thousands of rubles. Elite lineups cost from 40 thousand or more. But do not question the company's motto about the low cost of production and accuse it of deception. Installments are provided for all goods, and without first payment, and if there is information about cheaper production than Shatura, the furniture will be provided at a significant discount, which will dispel all doubts about the need to purchase it from this brand. When ordering kitchens on the Internet, payment for them is made only upon delivery, without the need to make an advance payment.

Shatura kitchen furniture reviews

Acquisition Methods

Since Shatura kitchens are a domestic product, the issue of their purchase and installation will not cause absolutely any difficulties. These kitchens are sold not only in the official sales offices of the company, but also in most furniture stores in Russian cities. Ease of order, delivery speed and professional approach will surprise anyone. In addition to selling products in stores, Shatura widely uses the Internet to distribute its products. An order in the online kitchens store of this company will significantly save time, and the fear of buying a pig in a poke will finally dispel the quality of the delivered products. Kitchens "Shatura", reviews of the quality of which are always distinguished by an enviable positive component, will not deceive expectations with any method of their acquisition. And numerous catalogs with addresses of stores and sites will greatly facilitate the process of searching and determining the most convenient way to purchase at the nearest place of sale of goods.

Shatura cuisine photo

The lineup

A variety of kitchens and many really impressive design decisions allow you to absolutely not worry when deciding on the design of rooms using the Shatura brand. Kitchens, photos of which are widely represented in numerous catalogs, are distinguished by a variety that will surprise anyone, which once again testifies to an understanding of the chosen direction of activity. Colors that include all shades of brown and milk, or bright, in the form of blue, green and lemon, will give an opportunity to make a decent choice.

Kitchen Shatura furniture

Trends in the development of the production of kitchens "Shatura"

The company "Shatura" does not stand still and strives not only to maintain the conquered peaks, but also to conquer higher marks, as well as to set, at first glance, overwhelming tasks. Whatever the plan for further development, the following indicators will always remain the main points for this brand:

- price factor, designed for a simple consumer;

- quality of products;

- wishes and comments of customers.

Sociological studies conducted by the company showed: almost 82% of consumers prefer simple but functional kitchens, which at the moment and the near future have determined the direction of movement and production of Shatura, whose furniture always meets all the necessary indicators. There is no doubt that any fluctuations in the desires and preferences of consumers will be taken into account by this production.

Shatura cuisine prices

Kitchens "Shatura": reviews

Most of the reviews about this product are only positive. Many advantages of Shatura kitchens cannot leave indifferent the hearts of consumers. And without that, the low prices for this furniture due to various promotions fall even more, which, of course, cannot but please fans of this product. And the fact that price reduction does not affect the quality of products in any way fuels interest in the company even more. Many consumers really like the fact that the choice of kitchens is simple and possible to combine the model you like with any interior elements of your home. Among other things, the reliability of the movable elements of the kitchen and the possibility of replacing them come to the fore.

At the request of the client, the company can always change the external component of the visible parts of the fittings. This is very important, especially in the presence of young children, for whom it is worthwhile to provide for a special design of cabinet handles and nightstands. This will ensure that there is no possibility of easily opening sections with devices that pose a danger to the baby's health. Many issues of this nature are taken into account at the design stage, which is also an advantage of Shatura. Furniture (kitchens), reviews of which are distinguished by the degree of admiration and the power of positive emotions, are the best examples of modern design, which is also noted by all users and fans of the brand. Do not feel unworthy of more, you need to raise your head and look at this world boldly, and also drop all restrictions. Live in pleasure with the Shatura kitchens!


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