How to calculate vacation pay to an employee: formula

How to calculate vacation pay? It should be noted right away that holidays are different, but the calculation procedure does not change. That is, the "cost" of one day will be the same for the next and for additional holidays. To correctly and correctly calculate vacation pay, you need to consider a number of factors. These include the concept of the billing period, the amount of earnings for the calculation, as well as the number of days worked.

What are the holidays?

What kind of leave can be granted to an employee? First of all, we are talking about annual paid vacations. They are also often called regular. They are given to everyone who has worked at the enterprise for six months or more. To obtain this type of vacation, the employee must write an application at least two weeks before the expected date of the start of the vacation, submit it to the personnel department. It will be agreed with the head of the department, it is on the basis of this statement that an order is printed, and then a note is calculated.

It is also worth noting study or student leave. They are provided if there is a certificate-call from an educational institution. An important condition is that the employee must receive this education for the first time. That is, getting a second higher education using paid leave will not work.

You can not do without mentioning an additional vacation. As the name implies, it goes in addition to the next. However, it can be taken separately from it, if the employee prefers to break this period into parts. Most often, you can find additional leave associated with harmful working conditions, or with irregular working hours.

easy vacation calculation

How to make calculations competently?

To correctly calculate vacation pay, you need to know a simple formula. What is included in it? For the calculation using the following indicators:

  • the number of days worked in the billing period;
  • salary for a given time;
  • number of vacation days.

All these indicators should be considered in detail in order to know exactly how to calculate vacation pay.

how to calculate vacation formula

Number of vacation days

How to understand how many days of vacation a worker should have ? Everything is very simple! It is worth considering an example. The employee worked at the enterprise for a year. During this time, he is entitled to 28 calendar days of vacation, as well as 14 days for the harmfulness of production. With fully worked time, he can issue all days.

What to do if not worked all the time? We'll have to divide the number of laid days by 12 months, and then multiply by the hours worked. How to calculate vacation days is easiest with an example.

If the employee serves eight months, then he can be issued leave for 28/12 * 8 = 18 days. This applies to the main vacation.

Harmful leave, like any other additional, is also calculated using this formula. That is, this employee can issue 14/12 * 8 = 9 days of rest. Total employee is entitled to 27 days. During this time, he also counts vacation pay.

how to calculate vacation pay

The nuances of calculating the days of vacation by hazard

It should be noted right away that an employee is entitled to a vacation due to harmfulness only for the hours worked! If an employee spent eight months on sick leave alone, then for this period he is not entitled to sick leave. The same applies to student leave, administrative leave, and absenteeism. While another vacation for a given time is accrued.

Number of days worked

How to calculate vacation pay? The calculation formula includes another important indicator - days worked. How to calculate them? If an employee has worked for a month in full, then they count 29.3 days. This is the average number of days in a month, including holidays.

And what if the month was absenteeism, absence due to illness or student leave? Have to count! Immediately it is worth noting that in the absence for an unexplained reason, that is, with absenteeism, days of admission are counted. That is, if the employee was absent for a month, then for the calculation this period is still taken for 29.3. Thus, the average will be less. If the employee was absent for a certain amount of time for a good reason, then it is necessary to take the number of calendar days in a month, subtract the time spent outside the work and multiply by 29.3. The resulting number is divided by the number of calendar days in the month.

dismissal leave

What is taken to calculate vacation pay?

Another important indicator that is necessary for calculating vacation pay is salary. What is taken into account when calculating average earnings? First of all, the amount of remuneration for the billing period. It is also worth including material assistance, which exceeds 4,000 thousand per year.

What is not included in the calculation? Amounts of vacation pay, disability benefits, maternity benefits, compensation payments, as well as bonuses that are one-off.

What is a billing period? A year is taken to calculate the vacation. That is, to calculate the vacation, which begins in October, you need to take the salary, as well as the hours worked for the period from October of the previous year to September of this year.

how to calculate vacation pay

How are holiday pay accrued? Specific example

After all the indicators are scheduled, it is worth starting the calculation of vacation pay. For this you need a formula. She is simple:

(Salary for the worked period / Number of days for the worked period) * The number of days of vacation.

Most clearly, how to calculate vacation pay is described in the example. The employee worked for a full year, he is entitled to leave for 28 days, as well as an additional two weeks. Salary at the same time did not change and amounted to 20,000 per month. All months the employee worked out completely.

How to calculate vacation pay to an employee from this example? To begin with, they will find out how much he earned during the billing period. That is, 20,000 * 12 = 240,000.

Next is to find out how many days he worked. Since the employee did not have absenteeism, disability sheets and other absenteeism, this indicator can be easily calculated, namely 29.3 * 12 = 351.6.

Thus, an employee needs to accrue 240,000 / 351.6 = 682 rubles 59 kopecks per day of vacation.

To find out the amount accrued for the entire period, you need to multiply this figure by 42 days. That is, it will turn out 28 667 rubles 78 kopecks.

calculate vacation pay to employee

How to calculate vacation pay when leaving?

We must not forget about this type of compensation payments, as a monetary reward for unused vacation upon dismissal. For him, take the same indicators. So the calculation procedure will be the same.

It is better to consider how to calculate vacation pay to an employee who quits, using an example.

The employee worked at the enterprise for six months. He is entitled to annual paid leave. But he decided to terminate the employment contract. So the company is obliged to pay him compensation for unused vacation.

For the billing period, which in this case is six months, the employee was not on sick leave. The salary for the first two months amounted to 10,000 rubles, and for the following - 15,000 rubles.

How to calculate vacation pay in this case? To begin with, it is worth deciding on wages. The employee for the billing period received 2 * 10 000 + 15 000 * 4 = 80 000.

How much did he work during this time? 29.3 * 6 = 175.8 days. That is, for one day of vacation, the employee receives 80,000 / 175.8455 rubles, 6 kopecks. For the entire period he must be paid 6,370 rubles 84 kopecks.

It is worth noting that the payment of compensation is possible for an incomplete day. If the employee worked only four months, then he is entitled to compensation for 9.32 days. It is worth multiplying precisely by this figure, without rounding it to nine even days.

calculate vacation pay to an employee

Vacation calculation is easy. To do this, you need to know the formula, as well as understand how the indicators included in it are calculated. Important are the concepts of wages included in the calculation, the very concept of the calculation period, as well as the hours worked for a given time period. It is also worth noting that the calculation is complicated if the employee was absent on the spot for any reason. In a similar way, all types of holidays are calculated, both annual, and additional, and even educational. The same method of calculating average earnings should be used when calculating compensation for unused vacation when an employee is dismissed. The formula is quite simple, so everyone can calculate their vacation. The main thing to remember is that income tax is also taken from this amount.


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