Why is the child dreaming? Dream Interpretation

Dreams in which children dream have many interpretations. Moreover, if a little boy had a dream, such visions are usually considered positive, and if a girl had a dream, then many say that this is in trouble. But this is not always correct, because one small detail can completely change its meaning. Therefore, first look into the dream book. The child whom you happened to see can change your life for the better, and can warn against rash actions.

Miller's interpretation of the interpretation

The American psychologist Gustav Miller interprets in some detail the visions in which there were children, depending on the situation.

  • If you saw a cheerful and pure child, this means that you will expect reciprocal feelings, and even such a dream can be good friends.
  • This dream book also gives interpretation to a child who walks alone. Such a vision symbolizes your independence, the ability to ignore someone else's unworthy opinion of you.
  • But if children cry in a dream, you will find disappointment due to poor health. The sooner you go to the doctor, the sooner you will recover.
  • A woman in her nightly dreams nursed the baby - this is a warning that a person to whom she has unlimited trust will deceive her.
  • If you had a dream about your own child crying in your arms, you will be tormented for a long time with remorse or undeserved resentment.
  • The children in your dream are beautiful - such a vision for prosperity and happiness.
  • The sleeper saw the pram - always remember that you have a true friend who is capable of much for your sake.
  • The kid in night vision was slightly ill - in real life he will be distinguished by good health, although minor diseases are not excluded.
  • You had a dream about how children do their homework or are together engaged in some kind of business - if they live in peace and prosperity.
  • If in a dream you played with the kids, your business affairs, as well as heart affairs will be successful.
dream book see baby

Interpretation of the dream book of Nostradamus

In the great forecaster Nostradamus in his dream book, a child seen in a nightly dream symbolizes hope, good events in the future.

  • I dreamed that you were a small child - you have come to a period when you need to analyze your views on life, or maybe something needs to be changed.
  • If the baby in your night vision cried, be more careful in your actions, as your future may be in danger.
  • A child in a dream picking flowers - you will find peace of mind.
  • What else can this dream book say? Hold the newborn in your arms - you are in a difficult situation, but continue your attempts to find a way out of a difficult situation.
  • And if the child in your arms was sick, you will soon meet a person who will really need your help.
dream interpretation child

Interpretation according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

In this interpreter we will find many detailed interpretations of dreams in which young children appeared.

  • This dream book of a small child, strong and beautiful, is considered a symbol of mutual love and strong friendship.
  • If your child is trying to walk on his own, in reality you do not need to listen to someone else's opinion, since you can make the right decisions yourself.
  • I happened to see you babysitting a baby - such a dream can portend that a loved one will deceive you.
  • If you punished a child in your dream, you made a series of mistakes that you need to repent of. Otherwise, your affairs will not bring success.
  • We saw in their night dreams a beautiful baby in the cradle - fate will be favorable to you, you will achieve material well-being and bring up good children.
  • If an adopted child appeared in a dream, the dream book of Catherine the Great explains it this way: you will achieve certain successes in life, and strangers will help in this.
  • Dreamed of playing children - expect good news, joy and peace will reign in your family.
  • If the children are sad in a dream, this is a warning that you will be in trouble from your enemies.
  • A man had a chance to see a baby - he has to go through many difficulties to achieve his goals, but he will certainly succeed.
  • We saw in a dream a baby in the arms of a nurse - your family life will be calm and prosperous.
  • If you encounter dirty and unwashed children in your night visions, unexpected big problems await you, possibly litigation.
  • If the child whom the dreamer held in his arms is a stranger, someone from acquaintances will try to use his kindness for selfish purposes.
  • According to this dream book, to breastfeed a child in a dream for a woman means that pleasant events await her.
  • The interpretation of the dream in which you saw many children running around the house depends on the personality of the dreamer. If he has no children, such a vision portends his troubles, and if there are children, more attention should be paid to their upbringing.

Interpretation of Pushkin's dream book

In this dream book, a child, even a stranger, is considered a good sign that promises positive changes.

  • If you dreamed of a crying baby, think, maybe someone from the people around you needs your help and support.
  • In a dream, the child got hurt - uninvited guests, possibly relatives, will come to you. This unexpected meeting will be very pleasant for you.
  • If you dreamed that you yourself are a small child, you are on the right track. Your merits will be appreciated. But this is not a reason to stop there. For your life to be prosperous, you need to continue to work because of your abilities.
  • This dream book of a child, a girl whom you saw in your night dreams, explains how an amazing event that awaits you in the near future. Thanks to positive emotions, you will be able to work more fruitfully, and the results of your activities will allow you to change your lifestyle.
  • In the same dream book, a child boy promises you an improvement in your financial situation.
  • If the child was playing in your night vision, it’s time for you to make a decision with which you hesitated a very long time. Any of your choices will be correct.
  • The dreaming child is studying at school - you give too much time to work, but you and there are no time to take up yourself and your family. Give them more attention, please their family holiday.
dream book child girl

Interpretation of the Worldly Dream Book

This interpreter explains that, as growing children require constant care from you, the achievement of your goals depends on how much work you put into them.

  • Scrolling further the dream book. What is the dream of a child who is crying? The dream interpretation interprets it this way: in real life you will be disappointed with the unseemly actions of your loved ones.
  • If, however, a well-groomed and joyful child plays with toys himself or with the same kids, you will in fact meet your old friends and meet new people with whom you will have common interests.
  • If the baby in your dream himself went for a walk, you so highly value your own opinion, even the wrong one, that you fundamentally disagree with someone else's point of view. You have to change your life position.
  • The woman dreamed that the child she was nursing was naughty - she would soon have to give up on the behavior of her loved one.

Interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book

This interpreter believes that the behavior of the child in a dream reflects the attitude of others around you.

  • If you had a dream about playing frolic, a kid, your relationship with partners is serious, business-like.
  • As this dream book explains, to see a cheerful, laughing child means that you have a good relationship with those around you, and you have good impressions from communicating with them.
  • If in a dream the child was crying and displeased, you provoke the same negative attitude towards yourself by your behavior.
  • The baby in your night vision turned out to be sick - your already bad relations with some people can develop into open hostility.
  • If you happen to see a strong and healthy child, you can safely trust others. Know that in a difficult situation they will always help you.
  • In your night vision, next to the child, you saw someone you know - you need to know that his like-minded people treat you the same way he does.
dream book child boy

Wanga's interpretation of the dream book

The Bulgarian seer Vanga also gives an interpretation of the various variants of such dreams.

  • There were a lot of kids in your night dreams - small problems will fall on you, but to solve each of them you will need to make a lot of efforts.
  • If the children in your dream cried, you need to wait for the troubles that will bring both your own children and the children of your relatives.
  • They saw in a dream that you yourself are a child - in fact, your behavior causes condemnation of others. They consider your infantile actions inappropriate and even take offense at you.
  • The dreamer was looking for children - not a good sign. Small troubles will prevent you from getting out of an unpleasant situation.
  • If you dreamed of your own children, pay more attention to your household. It is possible that your words and actions make them offended.
  • The dreaming children were disabled - in reality, with your bad habits, you harm your health, both yours and those around you.
  • And if you were playing with your kids in your night vision, you really can’t find a job that gives you pleasure. For now, you have to give your strength to work that you don't like at all.
dream book why a child dreams

21st Century Interpretation

The 21st century dream book invites us to get acquainted with interpretations of situations that are not found in other interpreters.

  • If a man saw in a dream a wife breast-feeding a baby, his business would be successful.
  • I dreamed that you beat the kids - expect trouble.
  • If the dreamer kisses the children or talks with them - this is for the upcoming joys in life.
  • Play with the kids in your night visions - you will surprise others with a reckless act.
  • In this dream book, alien children are treated as the occurrence of gossip around you, and also warn of a possible quarrel.
  • If a pregnant woman saw in a dream that a man was holding a child on his shoulders, this is the birth of a boy. If the child sits on the shoulders of a woman - to the birth of a girl.
  • I dreamed of a foundling - you will find success, prosperity and profit. If you took it in your hands, it is a symbol of wealth. We decided to adopt him in a dream - take the opportunity to commit a good deed.
  • I had a chance to visit an orphanage in a dream - friends are always ready to come to your aid. If you yourself were a pupil of an orphanage and left it - such a dream makes it clear that your plans are practically impossible.
  • What else can the dream book tell? The child indulges in a dream and it annoys you - the difficulties and problems that have fallen on you exhausted you and therefore try to arrange a rest for yourself.
  • If the sight of a naughty person touches you, they love you and everything in life pleases you.
  • Baby stroller in a dream means that you have loyal and reliable friends.
  • I dreamed that you were lulling a child - you are too trusting, you need to be more attentive to others.
  • According to this dream book, giving birth to a child is wealth.
dream book infant

Interpretation of the Dream Interpretation for the whole family

From a point of view, Dream Interpreter explains the child he saw in a dream to the whole family.

  • If you saw children in their night dreams, in real life you will have to spend a lot more money than planned.
  • The woman had a dream in which she is a mother of many children - she will meet her old friends.
  • I had the opportunity to babysit a child in night dreams - perhaps you will be added to the family, or maybe an unexpected guest will come. Still such a dream may be a harbinger of success in your endeavors, however, it will cost you considerable work.
  • You dreamed that you fed the baby - a laborious work ahead of you, which your superiors will load. But your professionalism will be rewarded.
  • If in a dream the baby complains that something is hurting him, in real life be careful, as there is a likelihood of an unforgivable mistake.
  • In your dream, the child cried - your health condition may worsen. It may also mean that some of your dreams are not destined to come true.
  • The child in your night vision is happy and laughs - you are waiting for new strong and reliable relationships.
  • We saw a strange baby in a dream - a person who has betrayed you will not achieve reconciliation from you.
  • I had a chance to scream at the child - in reality this can lead to mental and physical discomfort. You may have to do work that everyone has abandoned.
  • If the baby is sick in a dream, you may be in trouble.
  • Helping your child take out a splinter - in reality you will finally solve many problems at work.
dream book children of strangers

Interpretation of the dream book from A to Z

Here we will meet new interpretations of familiar situations.

  • If in a dream you carry children in your arms, your family will be in for minor chores.
  • We saw them playing in kindergarten - you can devote a lot of time to your favorite pastime.
  • A child in your night vision has fallen and hurt - your endeavors may encounter unexpected obstacles.
  • If you beat kids in a dream, family troubles await you, the cause of which will be your temperance and irritability.
  • The dreamer happened to punish the kids - at heart he doubts that the methods he has chosen for raising children are correct.
  • If your children are upset and complain about something, such a dream portends trouble through the fault of people whom you considered your friends.
  • I dreamed that you and the children are passionate about some kind of activity - this is about gifts or interesting purchases.
  • If you saw children reading books, or you yourself read to them when they become adults, they will delight you with their successes. It also means that they will give you a lot of attention.
  • You saw how your children behave badly at a party and you are ashamed of them - such a dream warns that your hopes are unrealizable.
  • If the dreamer's children did homework and helped with the home, this is a harbinger of peace and well-being in the family.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Each dream book of a child seen in a dream, offers to perceive as future changes in your life. Therefore, try to remember what the children did in your night dreams.

  • As the Universal Dream Book tells us, if the dreamer was playing with a child, in reality he wants to be calmer, learn how to relax, and make life easier. If the dreams of children cause your annoyance, you are sure that they are the reason that you can not cope with business.
  • And what does the famous interpreter Smurova say? The dream interpretation of the baby you were trying to entertain explains as follows: you will have to make a lot of efforts to get out of a difficult situation in which you fell out of inadvertence.
  • According to the dream book of Mendeleev, if you dreamed of a well-fed, healthy and cheerful baby, you are lucky in life with true love and strong friendship.
  • In the interpreter of Karatov, an illegitimate child seen in a nightly dream warns of gossip and intrigues that enemies will spread around you.
  • The psychological dream book of a boy’s child, seen in a dream, explains how the upcoming labor-intensive work, which in the end will be completely useless.
  • Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima have their own understanding of the vision in which the children play: you will have problems in your life that will distract you from solving the main problems.
  • But the Modern Dream Book believes that if a child dreamed of a creative person, inspiration will visit him.
  • According to the French dream book, a child girl talks about your subconscious desire to take care of children.
  • And the erotic dream book a dream in which children play, explains how the upcoming successful amorous affairs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4356/

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