Black Leg At Seedling - The Most Important Beach

The disease is a black leg is the main scourge of seedlings. It is very rare that seedlings grown at home do not suffer from pests and diseases. Usually we bring all these problems together with the soil or we provoke them using boxes in which vegetables were stored all winter, and then we are too lazy to steam and disinfect everything. Therefore, a black leg appears in seedlings, which we grow in these boxes.

Cold soil and overfilling contribute primarily to the disease. To prevent cooling of the soil during the cultivation of seedlings, you need to put a heater on the windowsills. Also try to keep the size of the cup, if the seedling is small, then in large cups the earth soups. If a black leg seedling disease appeared, then first of all it is necessary to reduce watering almost to the point that the soil is dry. As a rule, then the seedlings stop falling. You can add calcined sand to the stems, since the formation of the black leg occurs precisely at the border of the contact of the soil with the air, and the layer of calcined sand will always be dry. After drying the seedlings, so that the black leg of tomato seedlings passes, it is recommended to water with special preparations or a solution of ordinary potassium permanganate.

As a prophylaxis of this disease , whey, trichopolum (one tablet per liter of water) and foundationazole, copper preparations, decoctions of herbs are most often used. If blue-red colors appeared on the leaves of tomato seedlings , then this indicates that the roots are cold and as a result, phosphorus nutrition for the plant becomes insufficient. With a lack of nitrogen nutrition, the leaves become pale, and with potassium starvation, a dry border appears on the leaves.

Of the pests, the sprout fly, which is also found on indoor flowers, most often annoys plants. It is also the reason that a black leg appears in seedlings. Usually, we ourselves often bring it to the house with humus. Also, breeding flies contributes to overfilling. In severe cases, whole hordes of flies sit on the ceiling of the apartment. And at this time, the larvae, which are their numerous offspring, feed on the roots of the affected plants. Flies from the ceiling can simply be collected with a vacuum cleaner, but with larvae it is much more difficult. They live in the top layer of soil at a depth of five millimeters, this layer after removal from the pots needs to be replaced with fresh soil. But this is easy to do in pots with indoor flowers, and dealing with seedlings will be more difficult.

To get rid of the larvae and passed the black leg near the seedlings, drying of the surface soil layer helps. The smell of soured berries and vegetables attracts adult flies, so you can arrange an appropriate trap for them. If, nevertheless, all the measures applied do not help, then how the extreme measure is applied is watering the soil with special chemicals. The second most common seedling pest is the aphid, which most often appears on peppers. In order to protect against it, it is always necessary to observe at the seedlings its lower leaves. Aphids should be defeated before planting seedlings in a permanent place. If you bring it into the soil when diving seedlings in a greenhouse or in open ground, then the struggle will already be unequal.

All diseases of seedlings and seedlings of tomatoes, eggplant and peppers, especially when a black leg appears in seedlings, is much easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, simple preventive methods, which are very simple to perform, will help protect seedlings from this common disease. Inspect the plants carefully and regularly so as not to miss the incipient disease and provide first aid to the plants on time.


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