Dmitry Dibrov: biography, career and personal life

Telecasts “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” and "Oh, lucky one!" owe popularity to their presenter - Dmitry Dibrov. This is a person who is really able to impress, he does not have talent. For many viewers, it may turn out to be a discovery that the same Dibrov owns the copyright of some other interesting TV shows, as well as the Chimes radio. The path to popularity cannot be called easy and fast. Dmitry Dibrov experienced and experienced a lot, whose biography excites many fans.

Dmitry Dibrov biography


Dmitry Dibrov came to this world on the 14th day of the last autumn month of 1959. Parents who lived then in Rostov-on-Don belonged to the Soviet intelligentsia. His father's name was Alexander Afanasevich, he worked as dean at a local university. As soon as little Dima reached the age of four, the family broke up. Not much time has passed since the separation, his mother Tatyana Valentinovna met with another man. Dima has a new dad Kolya.

The formation of personality, views on life took place mainly under the influence of an older brother. Vladimir then worked as a correspondent, and, as is usually the case, became an example to follow for his younger brother. It is difficult to predict how the further fate of Dmitry would have been if not for the authority of his brother! Very often, remembering the family, Dmitry Dibrov talks about him. The biography of the popular TV presenter would not be so if it were not for the support of his brother.

Having received a certificate of high school graduation, Dmitry becomes a student of the philological faculty of the very university where his father was engaged in teaching. The student years passed almost imperceptibly, in 1981 Dibrov was already a newly-made journalist.

Conquering Moscow!

Where, if not in Moscow, you can successfully make a career - there is a chance to become famous. There the aspiring journalist also went. He was lucky to work in many well-known print media, including the TASS news agency in Russia and the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. Dmitry Dibrov worked a lot. Biography, personal life were carefully hidden even from friends. Many believed that the second was not at all in the life of a TV presenter.

And 1987 was marked by a new level in his career. Dibrov decided to try his hand at television. Initially, these were programs aimed at youth. After practicing creating musical plots for the program “Vzglyad”, after a year, Dmitry becomes the host and one of the authors (together with Andrei Stolyarov) of the comedy television project “Montage”. Viewers were introduced to various stories in the format of news, but with a humorous subtext. "Installation" lasted until the end of December 1993.

Dmitry Dibrov biography personal life

On the TV channel Teleexpo and the Silver Rain radio wave in 1998, the Anthropology program appeared, which aired at night. Its peculiarity was that listeners and viewers were given the opportunity to communicate with the presenter via telephone or sending messages from a pager. There was no censorship. A year later, Dibrov managed to agree on the broadcast of talk shows on NTV. Confidently moving to his dream, Dmitry Dibrov, whose biography has not yet interested many Russian women.

Taste of Glory

The real popularity with the Russian audience and fame came to Dibrov in 1999 thanks to the program “Oh, lucky!”. Impressed by the originality and wonderful acting. The host’s charisma provoked excitement and fascinated the viewer. The change in the leadership of the television channel caused Dmitry to say goodbye to the NTV program and television channel.

The talented presenter did not mess around for long. Konstantin Ernst, general producer of Channel One, extended a helping hand. Dmitry Dibrov joined him along with the entire creative team of Anthropology. Dmitry was entrusted with directing the night air. Therefore, the program headed by him was called "Night Shift." A little later, she began to be called "Apologia." It was as if Dmitry Dibrov was driving women crazy. Biography and his wife are topics on which the TV presenter does not like to talk. Moreover, everyone knows that he loved Dima often and much!

Dibrov Dmitry biography and his wife

The fact that the show began to over-praise those invited to the program and thereby advertise them began to annoy Dibrov. Moreover, this attitude led to a drop in the rating of the project. Patience came to an end in 2003. First, there was a departure from Apologia, and then from the TV channel. In the same year, the Chimes radio station appeared, whose editor-in-chief was Dibrov. Successful selection of the repertoire managed to attract all categories of listeners. Performed hits of the 60s, classic rock and much more. However, the radio lasted only one year - the new owners wanted to reconstruct the project.

Care and Return

After leaving Channel One, a well-known journalist worked until 2006 with the Rossiya television channel. Then in creative activity came a two-year lull. Rarely appeared on the screens Dmitry Dibrov. Biography, personal life stopped worrying fans who stopped seeing this attractive man.

Finally, having returned to Channel One in 2008, with new strengths and plans, she undertakes to run the program “Who wants to become a millionaire?”, Which turned out to be nothing more than a transformed show “Oh, lucky!”.

Dibrov loves music, mastered the game on a little-known instrument in Russia called the banjo. The first disc “Rum and Pepsi-Cola” was released in 2001. It, as it turned out later, turned out to be the only one.

Personal life

The personal life of Dmitry Dibrov, like a creative path, is characterized by a frequent change of scenery. He made 4 attempts to start a family. Apparently, the creative nature needs constant search. From his first wife he has a son, Denis (b. 1985). Then Dmitry Dibrov still builds a relationship, whose biography is full of the presence of bright ladies.

wife Dmitry Dibrova Polina reward biography

The last choice of a life partner fell on Polina Nagradova, who was much younger than her fiancé: during the acquaintance, the beauty barely managed to get a certificate of secondary education. The wedding was played at the end of March 2009, and the next year the young wife gave Dmitry a son. Now this is a large family, the happy father has three sons. Strongly affects the work of the wife of Dmitry Dibrov Polina Nagradova, whose biography is also hidden from prying eyes.


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