What is editing? Programs for editing texts and photos

Everyday use of the computer forces us to use editing tools. It can be special text programs, you can edit photos in applications. One way or another, we encounter this process very often. Therefore, we will try to find out what editing is and consider the main computer programs for this.

We correct

So, editing as a whole can imply a few basic meanings. From Latin, the word translates as “tidied up”, and this already leads us to certain conclusions. But in order not to be lost in speculation, it is better to turn to the already established interpretations.

what is editing

So what is editing? Firstly, this is a professional activity, which involves the preparation of various kinds of publications, broadcasts, texts for release. Secondly, editing is called the stage of the publishing process. It involves the creative work of the editor on manuscript materials. The specialist arranges the author’s text, improves its content, form and prepares the manuscript for the printing phase.

And the last, most generalized interpretation makes it clear that editing is work on the content and form of any document. This can be any printed matter, as well as text for verbal speeches, digital format, etc. Editing involves the use of rules and norms that have already been spelled out and established.


The analysis of what editing is does not end there. It should be understood that due to the diverse tasks and functions of this process, several types of corrections can be distinguished. Editing can be scientific. In this case, the editor works with highly specialized literature or documentation. These include textbooks, scientific and methodological literature, documentation, etc.

There is art editing. It is usually used in the processing of books, fiction. It involves not just correcting grammatical errors, but also working with stylistics and vocabulary. There is a technical editing. In this case, the editor is working on correcting the layouts of the future publication. It can correct the style, font sizes, layout of elements, etc.

program for editing pdf files


What editing is, they did not know right away. The need for people to correct the text appeared after the founding of typography. But the profession became the most popular in the 18th century. Then the development of periodicals increased significantly. Over time, editing began to spread and is used in scientific and literary publications.

A bit later, artistic editing appeared, since it was many times more complicated and delicate. So the process began to acquire a political character. Editing carefully began to influence the text and its censorship.


The concept of what editing is, causes us to associate with the classical profession. Recently, the process of correction appears in the program aspect. So, there are many text editors in which editing is simplified. The same process can be carried out with photographs and other images. Therefore, further we will consider possible software.

photo editing

Work with PDF

Often users are looking for programs to edit PDF files. The question is quite urgent, as many people know that working with this format is not as comfortable as working with Word. Moreover, if you downloaded somewhere a pirated version of Adobe Acrobat, most likely you will not be able to correct the text. In order not to buy this software for 10 thousand rubles, you can search for free versions.

A good analogue of the whole package from Microsoft is LibreOffice. This is a free set of programs, among which there is one that allows you to edit PDF. There is also an analogue of Microsoft Word, which is also easy to work with, since the interface is familiar.

For those who do not want to specifically install any programs, there are a couple of online services. For example, PDFescape is a free tool that is available without registration. Perhaps the only thing that you don’t like is the English interface. There is also a PCescape program on the PC.

Shareware for PDF

The above options are the only ones if you do not need to edit files of this type all day long. But the program for editing PDF files is usually paid. If you need to fix something in the file once, it is possible to use the so-called shareware applications.

Foxit PhantomPDF is one of those programs that provide a period of free use. If you need to do something quickly, then a 30-day period is enough for you. A similar version of Magic PDF Editor also has such a period, so it may be best for you.

Nothing prevents you from installing a trial version of Adobe Acrobat. This option is even better than the previous two, as it is the main representative for working with this format. In addition, editing and formatting PDF can be done in the latest versions of Microsoft Word. The only thing is that this option may not always be correct. The program converts this format, and does not perform editing in the file itself. After it is possible to export the corrected version.

main text editors

Text editors

It would be logical to continue just the description of text editors. They are often used by both specialists and ordinary people. There are hardly any PC users who would not name a couple of basic programs for working with text. In general, they are almost the same. All allow you to create text, edit it, format, etc.


It’s hard to believe that someone may not know about Notepad. This is the easiest editor on Windows. It has the ability to only make corrections. Great for writing notes, short phrases and various important notes. Novice programmers can use Notepad to enter and edit codes and commands. Often passwords, logins or links are added to the editor, which are important not to forget. They leave the file on the desktop so that it is always at hand.

Conveniently, this program does not need to be downloaded, installed. It is preinstalled as a program from the operating system. To get to it, you need to click on "Start", go to "All Programs" and find the folder "Standard".

If you have a Linux OS, then it also has a kind of Notepad called Gedit. It is exactly like the version for Windows. These softwares will not give you wide functionality. They cannot format text, but only type or modify it.

Notepad ++

Another option for Notepad, but somewhat more complicated. Programmers also use it, for example, to write HTML commands. There are a bit more features. Each line is numbered, which is convenient just for writing codes. You can cut and copy text. There is a function of replacement, synchronization of vertical or horizontal scroll. There is a document map, monitoring, scaling, etc.

editing and formatting


Creating and editing text documents introduces us to another "substitute" Microsoft Word. This option is also predefined in the operating system. It does not need to be downloaded and installed additionally. The interface is very similar to the famous office suite, but is somewhat limited. There are even more features relative to previous programs.

In general, the disadvantages of this software are noticeable only if you treat it as a professional tool. If you need simple texts and the ability to quickly edit everything, then WordPad is perfect. There is a set of styles for fonts. A little less than the Word, but the main ones are available. You can adjust the size of the letters, style and color. From formatting, text alignment, change of leading, etc. are available. You can insert pictures into the text and adjust them.


We have already mentioned this option above. For some reason, few know about it, but it is a free analogue of Microsoft Office. It also has a number of programs for editing text, creating tables, presentations, etc.

Windows users are fortunate that the package was adapted for this operating system, since initially it only worked with Linux. Now the program for editing documents resembles the 2003 version of Word. The interface is too simple, although not bad. The only drawback is the “curve” spellcheck. Otherwise, for schoolchildren or students, the option is perfect. It is free, available from the official site and easy to use.

what is text editing

Microsoft Word

All PC users know about this software. When employees are invited to work in the office, they demand that they be familiar with this program and be able to work with it. This is no accident. It is the most functional and convenient to use. The question immediately arises about what editing is in an MS Word document.

In this case, the process goes through while entering text. If you suddenly missed the desired letter or somewhere forgot the double consonant, the program will automatically correct this sin for you. After entering, you can edit using the spellcheck. If there is a grammatical error, then the word or sentence will be underlined in red, if punctuation - in green.

Spell checking is not always correct. Sometimes a foreign name that is not in the database, or your last name, may turn out to be wrong. Also, software does not like all English words.

You can use other tools for editing in the program, such as Cut, Copy, Paste, Replace, etc. Do not forget about Delete and Backspace. You can use the notes in the "Review" tab. This feature is especially useful if you are working on a document in tandem with someone. Students usually use it when writing a diploma.

document editing program

Online help

And although the main text editors are over, there are online services that allow you to edit the text quickly. The main drawback of such applications is the inability to work offline. But working with the text of several people at the same time is a plus. So, one of these services is Google Drive. If you register a cloud service there, you will have access to online analogues of the main programs from Microsoft Office. You can do the same thing with them: type and edit text, work with presentations and tables. So far, this is the most successful free tool for such purposes in the browser.

Work with image

Since we have already figured out what text editing is, we can consider a couple of programs for adjusting photos. In this case, this process involves several other actions. Images can be resized, resized, cropped or pasted. Also in the picture correct color, contrast, brightness, etc. There are a lot of similar programs, we will see the main ones.

Adobe Photoshop

If we are talking about editing photos, then immediately remember the product from Adobe. "Photoshop" is a kind of brand that gave a name to all such graphic editors. Unfortunately, it is paid. But some users know where to get the "pirated" version. The program is multifunctional and more designed for professional users.

Photographers and designers work with her. An ordinary user may not understand it completely. Anyway, in Adobe Photoshop you can do absolutely everything with the image. It is very difficult to describe all the functions, since most of them are not needed for simple image correction.

creating and editing text documents


And here is another photo editing software. It is free, and therefore has gained popularity. Of course, it is not as complicated as Photoshop, but this is also its plus. Here are the main functions that are needed in normal use. You can simply edit the image or do a “deep” photo processing. All in all, GIMP is a great Photoshop replacement for those for whom editing is not a profession. Of course, for web designers or artists, the functionality of this program will be missed. But if you need to create collages or work with an image for an avatar on a social network, then Gimp is the best solution.


Text or photo editing apps have become very popular lately. In the vastness of the network there are so many of them that sometimes you get lost when choosing one of them. Of course, there are already well-established popular options. In the case of working with text, MS Word is considered the most famous. To work with the image are looking for products from Adobe.

Of course, there are free analogues, which are no worse than paid ones. They are somewhat easier to manage and have lightweight functionality. If you are a picky user who just needs to type text, then WordPad will suit you. Users who need to adjust the colors and sizes of the photo may like Picasa or Paint.NET.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4367/

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